My friend has a real Mig-15Bis
I've sat in it a lot, it's quite cramped
I wrote to him, the canopy of 15's and 17's are really small, head (even with soft helmet) is near like 2/3 of canopy.
SP1 is ready.
1, Windshield and glass texture remove fingerprint, reduce dirty effect
2, Aircraft livery texture reduce metallic effect, remove alpha channel.
3, VC texture reduce shinning and metallic effect
4, Aircraft model navigation and landing gear indicator lights change glass covers
5, Aircraft model for MS Marketplace remove bomb payload and gun tube under their weapon policy. other stores release remains weapons payload and guns
6, Aircraft model vortex effect vertical exhaust to wrong direction corrected
7, Document, checklist and intergated kneeboard panel changed
8, Current Ver1.3.1 on Just Flight and Simmarket replaced by this Ver1.3.1-SP1
1, Store all of your modifitions for Ver1.3.1 to a backup folder/location
2, uninstall Ver1.3.1, then install Ver1.3.1-SP1 Version
3, Copy your modifitions to the folder contains SP1 files