BearStudios: MiG-15Bis for MSFS Released 3/1

Just one thing about the model. I noticed it on the ZsoltB's screen, my MiG is still in the hangar. The pilot is too small a little. His arms should, in principle, end at the height of the hull. The MiG-15bis is a fairly small aircraft. It could be nice to have a little bigger body in SP1.

Maybe it's the angle and just the impression.





Keith, just a heads-up that I'm using the MiG-15 without repaints on SU12 beta, and the cockpit override isn't working. The folder's definitely in Community, and I have the stock USAF TC-616 livery selected. (Since that seems the natural one for the English cockpit...)

Someone else reported a similar issue with the SU12 beta on I'm not sure why that would affect things, and I have other plane mods that are working okay.

Yep, saw that. I don't have beta 12 but once I installed a few repaints the cockpit stopped working for me too, even after I deleted them.
I think it's to do with how Asobo decide what overlays what building the virtual simobjects. I made a new layout.json and everything worked fine again.
That's been posted to .to now, if you could try it I'd be grateful.
If it doesn't help you could copy my texture files over the repaints (works best for those that have ALL the texture files rather than just the changed ones, otherwise you would need to regenerate the layout.json)

Sorry for all the hassle :(
I tried the updated mod, but it still didn't work. I'm copying your files over all of the textures in the repaints and in the root textures folder of the plane. I can't really see a scenario where I would not want your stickers in the cockpit -- unless some of the repainters realize that there wouldn't be Cyrillic labeling in a Chinese, N. Korean, Polish, Czech, German, Hungarian, etc., etc., MiG, and give us cockpits with the labels in the correct language for their skin. That would be a lot of work, I won't hold my breath for it.

Seems like I read somewhere that Bill is also working on the Mig-15UTI two seater...has anyone been able to confirm that?

Just one thing about the model. I noticed it on the ZsoltB's screen, my MiG is still in the hangar. The pilot is too small a little. His arms should, in principle, end at the height of the hull. The MiG-15bis is a fairly small aircraft. It could be nice to have a little bigger body in SP1.

Maybe it's the angle and just the impression.






Yes, I noticed that from the beginning
I just don't understand why the many "testers" who get the model before release don't notice it?
My friend has a real Mig-15Bis
I've sat in it a lot, it's quite cramped

I wrote to him, the canopy of 15's and 17's are really small, head (even with soft helmet) is near like 2/3 of canopy.


Btw. SP1 is ready.

1, Windshield and glass texture remove fingerprint, reduce dirty effect
2, Aircraft livery texture reduce metallic effect, remove alpha channel.
3, VC texture reduce shinning and metallic effect
4, Aircraft model navigation and landing gear indicator lights change glass covers
5, Aircraft model for MS Marketplace remove bomb payload and gun tube under their weapon policy. other stores release remains weapons payload and guns
6, Aircraft model vortex effect vertical exhaust to wrong direction corrected
7, Document, checklist and intergated kneeboard panel changed
8, Current Ver1.3.1 on Just Flight and Simmarket replaced by this Ver1.3.1-SP1

1, Store all of your modifitions for Ver1.3.1 to a backup folder/location
2, uninstall Ver1.3.1, then install Ver1.3.1-SP1 Version
3, Copy your modifitions to the folder contains SP1 files
I tried the updated mod, but it still didn't work. I'm copying your files over all of the textures in the repaints and in the root textures folder of the plane. I can't really see a scenario where I would not want your stickers in the cockpit -

Thanks...I'll update the docs to suggest this option.

The SP is up at JustFlight but it'll be tomorrow until I can try it - I'm certain I'll need to remove/change a couple of my files.
The pilot is too small a little.

Absofacto. And not even 'a little'. I got the impression with this particular screenshot by August :


Quite easy to say this cold war jetfighter is flown by a child.... Imagine him/her standing up right he/she could probabely walk underneath the wing without having to bend over.

This photo of a real Mig 15 shows a different story :


The big guy in the long coat will have to crawl down onto his knees to get underneath the wing and probabely even then not without severly hurting his back...

Btw, this is a photo of the Polish Mig-15bis that defected to the West in 1953 by landing at Ronne Airport on Bornholm, Denmark. The guy in the black flightsuit is pilot Francizek Jarecki who asked for political asylum.

It's clear that 'the West' highly appreciated the event. As can be seen here "they were literally crawling all over it".. Also shows how small the Mig-15bis actually is. Proves again that pilot figures can still be the 'neglected child' within FS aircraft development, often literally, as in this example. :teapot:
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I uploaded my texture here on SOH in FS2020 - military repaints - Korean era section.
It appears Richard, the latest update from Bear killed your repaint. It just comes up as a blank skin now. i received the update today thorugh Sim Market. Looks like they have eliminated a layer of metalic reflection - d
Could someone confirm if this kind of livery (plain silver with only red stars) is included in the package?Or is it available somewhere?Thanks in advance, best regards.
No it is not. And with the latest update, perhaps none of the liverys that have been created will work with the new non-metalic skins.