BearStudios: MiG-15Bis for MSFS Released 3/1

Yes, I confirm the paint kit requires a lot of attention, especially the ROUGHMET textures which requires painstaking work!
This spoils the fun of making liveries a bit.
I just finished the texture of the TC-616.

@ Priller : My repaints are now available on the Restauravia website.

Here :

That of the Mig 15 will be soon.
(I'm also considering "repatriating" my MSFS repaints here on SOH).
I have set about de-metalizing some of the paint schemes. I won't do them all, but I'll probably do a few more that I intend to fly often.



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Excellent work with your latest uploads, ZsoltB. Your replacement ROUGHMET textures for the interior and detail parts are going straight into my main texture folder. I see that you altered the HUD texture as well, I will try it and see what you did there.

Before and after shots of my de-metalizing of the markings on another stock scheme. This process is more work than I anticipated because not only the ROUGHMET textures but also the main textures have to be edited as well; they are partly transparent so the alpha channel has to be fiddled with, and the markings contrast increased. There's probably still a little too much sheen on the red parts of this plane.

But this particular scheme was a must-do because it represents the first MiG-15 I ever saw flying, when it was with the Combat Jets Air Museum in Houston in the late 1980s. Just a few years before, it was inconceivable to enthusiasts that we would ever see a MiG-15 in the air, even the few static examples were a special thing. A few years later the entire CJAM collection was donated to EAA, which was always unfortunate in my view because EAA had no interest or ability to keep them airworthy and they were almost immediately retired to static display, although I think they sold off a couple. This MiG is still with EAA.



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To go with all these lovely skins, I've uploaded my English cockpit mod to

ASI in Knots, with red, yellow and white speed markers, impact-labels (original cryllic still in place) for the important switches and bulbs as aide-memoires, and fixes for the kneepad typos and aberrant vapour trails.

That is excellent, I absolutely love the vintage Dymo label tape effect. Perfect for this old plane.

With such a rapid response by the modding community, this buggy little plane could easily become a sleeper favorite.

The cockpit mod is having trouble co-existing with some repaints and I think it's because the repaints are including the whole of the original texture folder rather than just those files that have been changed.
This makes the download much bigger than it needs to be, besides overriding my changes :(
Maybe we could discuss...

If you are having problems using the cockpit mod it SHOULD be possible to make the cockpit override the liveries by naming the folder to e.g. zzzz-kjb-cockpit-mig15 but MSFS seems very capricious in this regard...another option is to go into the repaint livery texture folder and delete
My solution was just to copy your textures into each repaint I install, overwriting the repaint's textures. Not as disc space efficient, but a simple Ctrl-C, Ctrl-V operation.

Keith, just a heads-up that I'm using the MiG-15 without repaints on SU12 beta, and the cockpit override isn't working. The folder's definitely in Community, and I have the stock USAF TC-616 livery selected. (Since that seems the natural one for the English cockpit...)

Someone else reported a similar issue with the SU12 beta on I'm not sure why that would affect things, and I have other plane mods that are working okay.