C123 repaints continued.

It's getting there, I scrounged up a copy of the Saudi arabic titles off Andy Knott :ernae:. Just got too get the aircraft numbers done, and it will be about finished.
Steve,thank you for your beautiful skins.

Do you have the Squadron Signal n° 124:"C-123 Provider in action"?
P 37 you may find the VC-123K (serial 56-4375) used by General Westmoreland.The upper fuselage is painted white the same way that the screenshot you have posted on october 7th,16h15.

Please,where is it possible to find the B version of the C-123 (the one without jet pods)?I'm only able to find the K version (with jet pods).Your screenshots often are C-123B.

Jean aka bingo31
Steve,thank you for your beautiful skins.

Do you have the Squadron Signal n° 124:"C-123 Provider in action"?
P 37 you may find the VC-123K (serial 56-4375) used by General Westmoreland.The upper fuselage is painted white the same way that the screenshot you have posted on october 7th,16h15.

Please,where is it possible to find the B version of the C-123 (the one without jet pods)?I'm only able to find the K version (with jet pods).Your screenshots often are C-123B.

Jean aka bingo31

I have the White Whale about done, but am struggeling to identify the insignia on the tail above the aircraft serials. I am also part way through a blackspot cammo paint ( page 47), I have a Laos which i will be uploading in the next 24 hours. after these three I will be moving on to another model.

Thanks again Steve.

You may find a profile of a Royal Saudi Air Force C-123B on the central page of the C-123 Provider in action:NMF with white upper fuselage,green lines,red fuel tanks....

Some photos of the White Whale:http://www.vc-123.org


Thanks so much for your repaints. This fine model spent too long in the back of my hanger. Since you brought out your paintbrush you've given it a new life.
I was away when the model got released in 2006 only found it about a month ago :redface: :redf:.
It has been a good oportunity too play with my South East Asia cammo's and Bare metals. Stalin has been turning in his closet, with me painting up so many USAF schemes. So I will be doing some North Vietnames MiG's for my next project.

Thanks again Steve.

You may find a profile of a Royal Saudi Air Force C-123B on the central page of the C-123 Provider in action:NMF with white upper fuselage,green lines,red fuel tanks....

Some photos of the White Whale:http://www.vc-123.org


Nice link, but no piccies of the tail , I have sent a couple of emails off to try and find out which insignia is on the tail. But if anyone reading this has any info it will be greatly appreciated.

Oh yes I forgot about the SAC paint, bin havin probs with the sash but almost got it done as well.
It's changed a bit since earlier, just a cuople of minor tweaks left to do and i'll upload it sometime tommorow.
Here is another distraction. I know the naples should be on the rudder but there is a mirror texture problem on the rudder so i placed it on the tail. It's now 0500 hrs and i'm off too bed.
Update on the Coast Guard scheme, just got the wings and a couple of edges too sort on it now.
The couple of minor tweaks turned into a bit of an overhaul. And I have also completed the USCG scheme. Both will be uploaded in the next few hours.