C123 repaints continued.

Both now uploaded. The 315th SOW paint is already showing, The USCG paint will show up later on.

I take it your getting bored with the provider now, not seen any screenies of later releases by anyone so I'll call it a day and move onto me MiGs.

Just got the 123 installed and sorted out. Thanks for the repaints! I hope you'll put the VIP one and the SAC one out also! I've been flying this all afternoon (after tweaking the air file a little to suit myself). Here are a few screenies! Your effort is greatly appreciated. I even D/L'ed the paint kit you posted so I may try some my self.

I have been redoing all the panel lines and details on the provider, I will be finnishing of a few schemes befor moving on. And if you want an updated paintkit drop me an email addy to the address in the readme's and i'll send a link.
Another nice USCG paint for the hanger. Flies great and real fluid. Thank You Steve
This one has got a bit dirtier as the evening progressed and now has insignia applied.
I like that camo paint, but alast i fly around the caribbean and need well you know DAAFAR camo scheme:d
Here's another piccie of the white whale, I should get this one finnished in the next few days.
The latest USAF and VNAF have just been uploaded, and heres a piccie of the VNAF scheme.
Thanks again Steve.A lot of C-123s now.:applause:Waiting for the White Whale!!
Nearly done. Spent last night finishing off the new SEA cammo scheme. just a couple of minor tweeks left to do should get this one uploaded tonight.
Still at it, I see...

I've been busy too.

I've done an Air Force Reserve bird at two stages of its career, first in silver paint, then the same plane some years later in overall Aircraft Gray (aka "ADC Gray.") I think that overall Aircraft Gray livery makes any plane look good.

I've also re-done my Air America textures that I first released right after the C-123 was released. Those were OK, but they weren't reflective and the looked like silver paint, not bare metal. In those days I didn't know how to enable reflective textures in a model that didn't come that way. The new version is reflective. Alas, by using the alpha channel for reflectivity, I could no longer use it to make the wing tanks disappear, and it seems that AA never used the wing tanks. The polished metal look is worth it, though.

I've also done that SAC bird in reflective natural metal, a natural metal TAC assault transport, and an air assault tanker in a nice white and silver paint livery with orange and black trim.

I thought I was gong to start packing them up for release today, but at the last minute I thought of a way to enhance the bare metal schemes, so I'm starting them over, partly. It's that delightful task of changing the base colors without changing the markings on top pf them. Thank goodness for layers...

Might be able to release this evening, but another day or two is probably more realistic.

Here are the ones that are finished (I think. I hope...)