• Warbirds Library V4 (Resources for now) How to

    We just posted part one of the how to on uploading new files to the Library. Part 1 covers adding new files. Part 2 will cover making changes to your the uploads you own.

    Questions or comments please post them in the regular forums. Which forum is that... Well it is the one you spend the most time in.

    Thanks the Staff

    Library How to

[cfs2autocoast] Test team bug reports

Oh boy, on another PC (Win8 in US English/Regional settings Dutch) it compiles fine, like with you. My home laptop (Win7 Dutch/Regional settings EN-US) it throws a syntax error on each LWMPoly1Ex line.
Vector generalization

Hi all.

I found a very good method for simplifying polygons. http://www.mapshaper.org/notice.html

This is an online simplifier that works extremely well... I can reduce vertices to 15% without appreciable loss of recognizable shapes. There is a 'stand-alone' html/javascript version at the GitHub site, so you don't need to be online to use the routines. It's very quick. I'm using it with the SRTM watermasks to make LWMs. What I need now is a reliable way to convert shapefiles to BLN without using GlobalMapper or SBuilderX.

Hi all.

I found a very good method for simplifying polygons. http://www.mapshaper.org/notice.html

This is an online simplifier that works extremely well... I can reduce vertices to 15% without appreciable loss of recognizable shapes. There is a 'stand-alone' html/javascript version at the GitHub site, so you don't need to be online to use the routines. It's very quick. I'm using it with the SRTM watermasks to make LWMs. What I need now is a reliable way to convert shapefiles to BLN without using GlobalMapper or SBuilderX.

Hi Dick,
that is very promising, but I have a couple of concerns about using that method and in particular using BLN files as intermediary format.
Wouldn't it be nearly impossible to create flattens at the correct altitude for lakes and rivers since BLN's don't include altitude info? And difficult to get the correct shoreline types (alt=0: ocean, alt>0:perennial or something)?.
Hi Sander.

I agree. But to get information into SBuilder9, we have limited choices. It might be possible to create a SHP2SBX9 program that would contain the information. (I have found SAGA can properly convert SHP files to BLN).

Another possiblity is to use SBuilderX SBX files for CFS2autocoast, as that allows SHP files.

Hi Dick,
Just tried to run SBuilderX without having FSX and after a bit of moaning it started and the import/export functions are enabled. Haven't loaded any shp files yet but it appears the SbuilderX-SBX route is the most feasible.
A bit of testing reveals that it will be rather simple to implement the processing of SbuilderX SBX. It's pretty much the same, for the polygons anyway.
Then when I've completed the LWMpolyClipping routine, those STRM SHP files should be pretty straightforward to convert/ same as the FS9-bgl-Sbuilder9 procedure. Well, as long as we can get the Altitude data linked to the polygons somehow anyway.
Hi Sander.

The original SWBD tiles ( SRTM waterbody ) do have the elevation as a z value, which do get appended correctly to SBuilderX. They don't tile above N60...

More errors


This may already be covered but . . . using the latest release:

LOD5 956150 did compile but with two errors: (1) Illegal pointcall on X and Y (twice) as before (2) ASMfileVTP attempting to add a 1 point line.

Other LODs nearby - 956160, 957150, 957160 - all compiled without errors.

(FYI - I found an FS9 LWM where some small islands south-east of Singapore appear to have been incompletely drawn originally i.e. the coastlines are incomplete and bleed out into the general background. I haven't checked it out in FS9 yet.)

Picked up a copy of FS9, installed & SBuilder up & running.

Unsurprisingly, I picked LOD5 988330 (New Ireland area) as my first project.

Got a compile error with the -6 vtp compile,

"Assembling: c:\program files\ground2k\sbuilderfs9\projects\988330_vtp_6.azm
c:\program files\ground2k\sbuilderfs9\projects\988330_vtp_6.bgs(24598) : error A2071: initializer magnitude too large for specified size
VTPPointXYUV(5): Macro Called From
c:\program files\ground2k\sbuilderfs9\projects\988330_vtp_6.bgs(24598): Include File

complete compile log is in the attached text file. Other lines seemed to compile OK.

Need to play a bit more with Sbuilder - I can see the possibilities are huge.
Is there a way of selecting lines & picking them up to correct "offset" with the SRTM mesh? It would save a lot of time compared to selecting line by line & repositioning.

Next observation is about shorelines. If we use all the FS9 lines as is, they really need tweaking to improve transparency, like Jean Bomber & myself have done with the vshoresu. This allows the water colour from the underlying waterclass to show through, just leaving whitecaps, surf & coast. All of these will need tweaking in the same manner, using bmp2000, & it can be tedious work :icon35:
BuV: The warning from 956150 was easy to fix: there was a 1 point line in the SBX; amazing that problem didn't occur before.

UncleTgt:I was not able to reproduce your error; 988330 completes in all older and newer builds of cfs2autocoast (1017 lines). There must be something wrong with your SBX. Please try again to build it step by step. If you still get the error, please zip and e-mail the SBX to me.
Rhumba and me are working on ways to use SRTM watermasking instead of FS9, that should be a better fit. Reorganizing the FS9 files is not practical.
For the texture, it'll be an artistic mix-and-match operation of better fitting textures for each region, sure there's some work to do there. Not only depending on the used Water textures, but also matching the Landclass terrain textures for each region/sub-region.
BuV: The warning from 956150 was easy to fix: there was a 1 point line in the SBX; amazing that problem didn't occur before.

And just like buses . . . here comes another one.

I got this error again in 976260 - only in this case the errors were doubled (just to make up for the previous lack :icon_lol: )

Still getting same error with 988330 - my build shows 1016 lines, not 1017 lines.
No RR or UT lines.
FS9 is fresh, unmodified install from disks, patched to 9.1 with MS download patch.
Still getting same error with 988330 - my build shows 1016 lines, not 1017 lines.
No RR or UT lines.
FS9 is fresh, unmodified install from disks, patched to 9.1 with MS download patch.

Ok, I can reproduce the problem with your SBX file. Will be fixed in tomorrows release :)
Current version is now Community Preview 3 (CP3), build 3.0.4978.21535

Current version is now Community Preview 4 (CP4) Build3.0.4985.18153


I took a flight over Wonsan in Korea today and spotted this:

View attachment 92522View attachment 92521View attachment 92520View attachment 92519View attachment 92518

It runs along the junction of two LOD5 cells - 982170 & 982180 - shown below in the original FS9 LWMs

View attachment 92523

At first I wondered if it was cause by the 'ragged' edge of the original FS9 LWM for 982170 to the north - shown below in LWM Viewer (hopefully you can see the 'thick' line) - and which I hadn't spotted or edited in SBuilder.

View attachment 92524

I deleted the ragged edge, recreated the SBX file completely and recompiled - but the problem persists. I now see that the issue seems to be with just one part of the cell - Area 656 x 143 in LWM Viewer.

View attachment 92525



I took a flight over Wonsan in Korea today and spotted this:

It runs along the junction of two LOD5 cells - 982170 & 982180 - shown below in the original FS9 LWMs

At first I wondered if it was cause by the 'ragged' edge of the original FS9 LWM for 982170 to the north - shown below in LWM Viewer (hopefully you can see the 'thick' line) - and which I hadn't spotted or edited in SBuilder.

I deleted the ragged edge, recreated the SBX file completely and recompiled - but the problem persists. I now see that the issue seems to be with just one part of the cell - Area 656 x 143 in LWM Viewer.



It appears to be the general "missing texture" behavior. Please check in the _vtp_8_textures.txt file if you are missing the BMP for the shorelines. In some cases I've found that sometimes fs9 changes textures from one LOD5 to the next.