Well it serves to prove my point that the DM principles works and that's all.
Yes I chose a slow target as its easiest to hit and time is precious.
But really I just dont understand your 180 degree turn on this - you ask about damage scaling in another thread - I respond with a poll - you tell me I am not asking the correct poll - this is about DM?? and now you say all you want is more visible bits falling off?
You have wasted my time. I thought you were being serious lol.
I don't remember mentioning "damage scaling". That appears to be a term you applied in order to interpret what you think I meant.
GIVEN the current level of bullet damage, under "Normal" in the workshop, and "Normal" grouping, I would expect to see wings come off etc to the same general degree as engine fires starting.
I wasn't expressing an opinion that planes should die more easily, just asking for the
way they die to show a more realistic variety.
You have tied the two issues together, I saw them as entirely seperate.
Eg, aircraft die just fine, but the WAY they die leaves a bit to be desired.
So, I put 100 rounds into that plane, the pilot dies, plane goes down in a long glide and crashes miles away. Fine.
Put 100 rounds into another plane, it gets away. Fine.
Put 100 rounds into another plane, engine sets alight, long glide, crashes. Fine.
Put 100 rounds into another plane, pilot dies, planes cavorts into the ground out of control. Fine.
Put 100 rounds into another plane, engine sets alight, plane cavorts into the ground out of control. Fine.
Put 100 rounds into another plane, plane spins, hits ground. Fine.
Pilot injured, crashes, force-lands, fine.
But so far not a single plane losing a wing. Or wings. Or tail. Odd. Not fine. You say it happens, so do others, of course I believe it. But clearly not enough.
A player is also unable to damage his own plane, even with the best possible attempt to do it deliberately. You say it used to be possible in P1, but you got rid of it because people complained?! Did you not think to tell them to go **** themselves and play Crimson bloody Skies? Because I would have! "Here you go chaps, lots of paddle-bashing Rambo arcade fliers out there, here's a bit on nth-degree reality for a change!"
Yep, I'd buy that for £53. Oh, I did! Er...but you nerfed it for the ones who complained it was TOO realistic? Argh...another group of devs fell for it! The console-whoring paddle-bashers got their poison in yet again! "Mwaa...it's too real! Give us another arcade rendition, the twenty we already got ain't enough! Feed US!!! More!"
My belief is absolutely BEGGARED that you actually had wing-shedding Nupes and Dr1s in P1 and
took them out because people complained! Put 'em back in and I'll give you
another £53!
Fact of the matter is the sim's so good in many other regards that it can survive that kind of mangling. But I was just tootling along on the assumption that stuff was already in and fully functioning. Didn't occur to me to think otherwise. Yes, you might imagine my shock when I took the Camel for a terminal dive a couple of hours ago and found otherwise. And there I've been, defending the sim to the hilt when people on other forums were taking the piss.
Anyway, I worked myself up into a bit of a rant there, as I am wont to do.
Please chaps, make it the best it can be...as a
full real item, not as a
game balanced interpretation. So long as you provide optional scalability NOBODY is a loser, but so long as you put the full-real
out of reach of even optional choice...where does that leave it?