Here is your post
So I'm assuming if it's made more likely for the AI it'll be more likely to happen to the player. And maybe that's why the planes have been made out of concrete, as it were?
But...IF the AI's maximun range to open fire is made more realistic, and IF one then gets an AI on one's tail and takes a good burst...shouldn't one expect to die right there and then?
And in that case, if one gets a good close-range burst into an AI, shouldn't one expect to see it fold up more often than not?
Hello - seen this thread a bit late. I think nearly everyone knows my views on this as it is now known i have made mods to the Dm in my install.
And I do prefer the rationale above . I've always said that I envisaged RL to be a case of flying to get behind the enemy -( and keep him from getting behind you ), as a priority, 'cos if either got close enough your number was liable to be up if he pumped a reasonable quantity of bullets in you.
Something would get hit that wouldn't do your blood circulation much good, or the structure of your plane much good. Either way, you were liable to "buy it"
By changing some values in the files, wings can come off easier, fuel tanks leak and explode easier etc.- as I've mentioned in another thread.
I'm not sure whether this changing of the values can be made scaleable or not, but if it can then it is a hell of a lot of work for someone or some number of chaps. It takes long enough to do it for your own install.
An alternative to a lot of work by Winder et al is that each individual could alter his sim to his liking ( by following a not too hard set of instructions ),
and to use the best of both worlds could do this;
1. Make a backup copy of the vanilla aircraft folder.
2. Make the changes, to their own values, and then make a backup copy of that aircraft folder.
3. Then swap them as they wish to play the sim.
As most chaps play this sim as single play, it could be down to a matter of personal choice as to which level they play it at.
Do you think this would be a reasonable option, or too convoluted for most player, Winder?
It would certainly save you a lot of work. And I'm all for that.