de Havilland DH-80 Puss Moth

The Meistro!

I love the rib work also in the flight control surfaces. Check the rudder ribbing on the last photo up.

Mr. Schupe. Milton if I may. Though I've only talked with you a couple times.

I've read a lot of Bill & Lynn Lyons. Leading me to download and experience all of their models made available. Modeling abilities made real, planes of times since past. Mr. Lyons put depth and realism in his models to a degree of past reality. Bill Lyons is a legend to this community.

Excuse my rambling. My heartfelt thoughts come to be known.

Milton, one in the same. Getting to know someone the way they envision times past. Realism, in words never spoken, tell the story in the model, and a lot about the man bringing it to life for us all to experience a dance in the skies.

Thanks Milton
this just in from the flightglobal archive of pdfs. An excellent page on the Jim Mollison Atlantic Crossing DH80. - 0853.html

In addition to the two petrol
tanks in the wings, each of 20
gallons capacity, a large tank of
75 gallons was installed in the
forward part of the cabin, and
another tank, of 47 gallons, behind
the cabin. The total tankage
was 162 gallons, which was
estimated to be sufficient for
about 33 hours' flying.​

Hard for me to tell if the 20 Gal wing tanks were standard size or specific to the crossing, but at least there's a factual number to work with.

probably too little too late, but here is a pdf link to some cockpit pix from a restored dh80 in 1975 - 2904.html

note the before and after shots on the 1931 instrumentation

I would guess from the size and shape that 20 gals was probably standard. The Similar weight and powered Supercub has 18 gal std in each wing. Of course, the question always arises as to US gals or Imperial.....

Cheers: t.
Oleboy, I think we can all agree with your comments re: Bill and Lynn Lyons. Always in the forefront of modeling and package design; gave a lot in many ways to the community. He was certainly a standard bearer in many minds and one I looked up to. Thank you.

Great stuff Brady ... I'll record that for future reference. :)

Tom, whichever gals. is okay by me in that, with regard to the FM, we care more about the miles per gallon. The minor weight difference we can account for once determined. :) With that said, I would presume that the metric would be the same for all Moths of that period.
Fliger_747 is now working on the FM, Scott is working the gauges, Damian is about 80% done with the exterior textures, and I have wrapped up the general interior modeling. Now on to do the interior texture mapping.

Here are a few screenies from FS9 and FSX SP2 ACCEL ... gauges are temporary as are all textures.
Nice of you to tackle an FSX version too Milton, although the FS9 variants really appeal to me. Great work Sir, You are going to make alot of UK simmers very happy, as well as the rest of us who appreciate the rare classics.

Cheers! Mike :ernae:
Thanks Mike. Actually, there will not be an FSX version; just trying to be as "FSX-friendly" as I can here. :)
Modeling and the flight model are pretty well wrapped up. Scott Thomas is finalizing the panel, gauges and textures for the VC are in progress. Damian is finallizing the textures for 3 liveries and the paint kit. Hoping for mid-October for an entry (VH-UQO Jimmy Melrose) in the London to Melbourne 75th anniversary race.

That PussMoth is looking superb! There will be a place reserved in my Golden Wings for it...along side all of Bill and Lynn Lyons aircraft...and it is clear that the quality of your aircraft is on par with the master pieces that they produced....have no doubt about your mastery, my good sir.

Having been down this road before, my money would be on any period British aircraft fuel capacity to be in Imperial gallons.
We ended up with good numbers on fuel consumption for the Gypsy Major @ 9 gallons per hour and range of 430-440 miles (depending on what nuimbers you believe) so the standard tankage was easy to figure. There were also two other tank configurations for greater range (570 and 700 miles respectively for the Moth "Three" prototype with the Gypsy III engine).
Things are coming together ... looks real good for an October release. :jump: One for Australia, one for the UK, and one for Canada ... all still a WIP.