de Havilland DH-80 Puss Moth

Official Puss Moth DH-80A Release

Thanks to everyone who showed interest and inspired us through this project.

You can now download the the full package official release from my website:

Puss Moth DH-80A

This includes 4 paint schemes including the Melrose version and all corrections for issues found during the beta testing.

I will upload this same version to SOH when I get the approvals, as well as Flightsim. It will also be on Classic British Files.
Thank you Milton :applause: :applause:

I'm downloading now and wanted to be the first to thank you for this beautiful classic.

Big thanks to you Milton and also to Fliger_747, Scott and Damian! :applause:

I have just tested her. Flies great, looks great.... you always produce keepers. And Moth is another one! (.... it is good that we have weekend still in front of us, let´s go for some more flying :jump:)

Thank you!

Heeeeeeeeelp. Cannot DL it, cannot find it. Just as well for TODAY. Still flying the AC500/black. Was able to take off from Allison Field, but keep coming in too hot. I'll get it. Cannot wait to try the Puss Moth. It just looks to damm good!
What is a good cruising altitude for this type of plane? I cant find anything more than the service ceiling on the net.
Beautiful...absolutely beautiful! Thanks so, so, much Milton and friends! :medals::medals:

For those of you who recieved the pre-release full package, there were two issues corrected for the official release:

The pre-release version had 2 issues corrected for the official release.

[Default View]

Aircraft.cfg Radio section:

Com.1=1, 0

Other than some minor documentation changes, that was it. So if you prefer, you can update your pre-release package and be up to snuff.
