Douglas A20 Havoc

A well done paint doesn't have to be historically accurate for me to enjoy flying it. Huub your weathering is superb and that's what gets my vote. Steve looking forward to the metal RAAF paint....
Thanks Steve, just downloaded...:wiggle:
Are the green and brown colors I've seen a realistic RAAF camo pattern...?

I know Steve will answer as well but thought I would throw in here. Depends on what green and brown camo pattern you are referring to. If the question concerns the livery that will be provided in the full beta and has been presented previously as the machine called "Hilda Shane", then yes. The scheme is actually two different types of green, although the main color has a brown cast to it. It is based on color values specified in documents concerning that livery available on the web. :)
Maybe a dumb question, but will these great paints work on the "soon to be released" FSX version?

Yes, mapping is the same for both versions. Some painters will make available 2048's or 4096's in dds or dxt5 formats once the FSX native version is released.

BTW, uploading the FS9 beta now.
Thanks Steve, just downloaded...:wiggle:
Are the green and brown colors I've seen a realistic RAAF camo pattern...?

The Green and Brown colours where the standard RAF cammo pattern, the actual shades of colour did vary depending on where the paint came from. The RAAF Boston's where delivered in the RAF paint scheme in the main and then locally modified.


And I'm amazed all over again that what we've been working on so far wasn't even at beta stage yet! :mixed-smiley-010:

Well, thanks Mick.

The package still lacks a good 2D panel setup since I do not have a panel & gauge programmer but I'm sure others will offer a nice replacement. I am hoping to get a fuel gauge put together but we shall see if I have the where-with-all to do that for a 8-tank gauge.

The Load Out sheet done by Spokes2112 is an awesome programming feat although its only 98% complete, but it works for the most part and is definitely worth keeping in the package even though I personally cannot support it. If he returns, maybe he will finish it up. It goes way beyond just the load out functions by providing many animation and control functions. I was going to remove all that programming but you all seemed to want it to stay so that's where we are with that.

I will be focused on the FSX native version now so we can get the beta out for it.
Maybe a dumb question, but will these great paints work on the "soon to be released" FSX version?

I am happy to convert any of my FS9 paint schemes for FSX. Tell me which you want and which format and I'll get it done.
I do not have FSX so will need a beta tester too check out the textures prior too release.

Thanks for that Beta. It's looking great so far. I wonder how many beta's are issued with a wardrobe like that? Milton and friends, great job!
Yes, mapping is the same for both versions. Some painters will make available 2048's or 4096's in dds or dxt5 formats once the FSX native version is released.

Thank you for the feedback, Milton.

In to going though the uploaded paints and get what I want

I am happy to convert any of my FS9 paint schemes for FSX. Tell me which you want and which format and I'll get it done.
I do not have FSX so will need a beta tester too check out the textures prior too release.


Thank you for the offer Steve,

I will go though the paints and let you know.

If I can help beta testing paints then I will be happy to.
Douglas A20 Havoc 2D panel

Hallo friends,

the 2D panel is near to be released as beta.
It needs still some detail work.
And I need time to work on it, my normal job takes me a lot of time and doesn't leave the time I want to work on the panel.
I have a fuel gauge on it which looks like the original, but I must see if it indicates the right fuel contents
Please let me a bit of time to finish it.
2d havoc panel


You have put a lot of work into this and I have used your previous version extensively in the pre-beta release of Milton's great Havoc. I always admire the manner in which you manage to give your panels a feeling of 3d. Personally I do not get too excited at not having a fuel indication system that indicates the states of all 8 tanks. For me that is a first step down the slippery slope of trying to achieve the unachievable and goes against my ethos for FS9, which is to jump in and fly and enjoy. The real world is full enough with check-lists and long complicated procedures for the simplest of actions. Side-slipping in to a difficult short-field landing in a strong cross wind does it for me.
Thanks again for your work and most of all to Milton for such great models that are a joy to FLY!


You have put a lot of work into this and I have used your previous version extensively in the pre-beta release of Milton's great Havoc. I always admire the manner in which you manage to give your panels a feeling of 3d. Personally I do not get too excited at not having a fuel indication system that indicates the states of all 8 tanks. For me that is a first step down the slippery slope of trying to achieve the unachievable and goes against my ethos for FS9, which is to jump in and fly and enjoy. The real world is full enough with check-lists and long complicated procedures for the simplest of actions. Side-slipping in to a difficult short-field landing in a strong cross wind does it for me.
Thanks again for your work and most of all to Milton for such great models that are a joy to FLY!



I am working on the fuel gauges now and have them programmed. Wellis is redoing the backgrounds for me so we can properly represent all the named 8 tanks.

I do not have a gauge programmer but I did get these gauges working correctly for each tank showing capacities and gallons remaining.

I have also added a fuel flow gauge so its easy to calculate remaining time with available fuel.

Michael, I'll make the gauges available as soon as they are ready.

My next challenge is to get the fuel tank selectors working, then the transfer switches. Those will be a challenge for me.
For those of you who have been enjoying Huub and SteveB's textures and maybe others using the original pre-beta release, there have been lots of changes, especially affecting the texture sets.

If you do a texture comparison, you will see quite a few differences in sizes and names.

What I would suggest is to isolate Huub's/Steve's main textures viewing in the Window Details view mode.
You can likely do this by sorting on date to pull up engines, fuselage,, fuserear, wings, htails, etc to the top or bottom.
Then replace all the other textures from the new release textures.
This will save you a lot of MB's of textures and they will load faster.

I also changed the exterior cockpit to eliminate a rendering issue viewing the active vc panels through the exterior cockpit glass.

Look for panel2d.bmp and panel2d_L.bmp in the new texture sets and add them to your existing texture sets. They may be more.

EDIT: In FSX, this should not be a problem as the common texture folder contains all the latest texture changes and the liveries should have only the main body parts,

Hope this helps.
Milton Shupe
Douglas A20 Havoc 2D panel

good evening Milton, good evening Mal,

from my side I see the things as that:
Milton and his crew have done a formidable work with this plane with a lot of details.
There has been done a lot of work for the flight dynamics and the systems.
So if I will do a 2D panel for such an aircraft I must (and want) to try to be at their level (why do I think now to the film "Mission Impossible?).
Also I have to honor all the docs Milton provided me.
So I try to find the best way to make a panel with all "at hand" with as less as possible pop ups and fast to understand.
I also prefer to fly with the "pants" than with the checklists than a vulgar airBUS, LOL
So I look forward to get the fuel gauges and perhaps the switches.
I will also see from my side if I find some solution.
I love to work on a panel and to make it as living as possible and to give an impression of a real one with some imperfections as a "drawn" which is perhaps nicer but a bit artificial.


Scotch and Soda, from 3rd Bombardment Group (3rd Attack Group) "The Grim Reapers" 13th Bombardment Squadron (13th BS). Hollandia Dutch New Guinea Summer 1944.


The real thing. The names under the cockpit are:




I will try to upload tomorrow.

Scotch and Soda, from 3rd Bombardment Group (3rd Attack Group) "The Grim Reapers" 13th Bombardment Squadron (13th BS). Hollandia Dutch New Guinea Summer 1944.

The real thing. The names under the cockpit are:

I will try to upload tomorrow.


Ahhhh, well done Sir! Thank you so much. :applause: