In My Missions package "MAW Urals EF# 2 Mission Package HH 200-300 finals" Here on SOH CFS3 Missions.
You will find a basic IL-2 done by "Stumpjumper" "Major Magee", also worked on this Beta model.
It is a AI aircraft I used for missions in this package.
A very basic, model, makes a nice target.
I am very interested in this new area of Russia you are developing.
I am presently doing Part Three of my Eastern Front package(III) in MAW.
If possible I would like, when available to change all of this to the new Russia area being developed.
This new Part three Eastern Front package has drive-able armor used and Aircraft in the package, The battle of Kurst, is represented ( built)
for this package.
Among aircraft Missions for the Soviet and German are several that took place during this battle.
Very good, but I have a problem with some airbases like :
Kaunas, Powenden, Sterki, Khersones (Crimée) who are out of the map.
The game train a sort of square :
west : Dopienen, Minsk, Wilno, Smolensk,
south : Chernigov,
north : Krasnogvardeisk, Siverskaya,
est : Ivanovo, Polotnyaniy-zavod.
It's allways the mapdata file
But I persevere...