Charter Member
Mmmm..any missing files should be in your stock cfs3 install. If not I can send them to you.
Did you change the shortcut or are you using the mb.exe directly?
Hi, I am using the mb.exe directly
Mmmm..any missing files should be in your stock cfs3 install. If not I can send them to you.
Did you change the shortcut or are you using the mb.exe directly?
There is a 'uifonts' folder in CFS3, try copying that across.
OK !
But Mission Builder is ok with "PTO Solomon Island" !!!
Hi Clive, Too heavy files !!CheersAndréI've had similar problems myself with the mission builder in multiple installs. Once all of the files are copied across it should be ok. Cheers,Clivep.s - could you send me the new theatre files, I could take a look too?
Sorry but I can't because I have windows xp !! Smile !!
Can't wait to see what comes out of all this.
Hi Daniel,
Me too !!! I stumble over English of MB and I look for the way of creating "front line" !