Eastern Front 1943

What's the difference between AH's La-9,(have it), and the La-9/11 by Bear Studios ? How many aircraft do you get in the package ? The price is a little high ,( Third Wire SF2 combat sims cost about the same and you get a whole sim for that price).If i remember correctly the payware JAAF fighter collection and SU's P-51package was about the same price and both had a good amount of content. For someone like me,though,i'll just have to get it for my favorite combat flight sim. Price was around $20.00 at Flight1.com. This aircraft must have slipped by me when i was away for a few years. Was away just after the ETO expansion came out till we had to change our e-mail addresses for the new policy(having to relearn all the stuff i once knew due to serious brain problems) . Glad to be back ,but things have changed somewhat,(fewer members/contributors) . Glad to see there are a few hard core fans/modders still here,sad to see some of the GREAT ONES gone but i see progress happening now and CFS3 still holds my attention . Very thankful to all those who dedicate all the research and work that has made CFS3 what it is today. Never would have imagined CFS3 would still be going this strong after all these years. Only Il-2 '46 and CFS3 have true staying power due to the efforts of a few diehard individuals who do all this for us FOR FREE. Excited about the Eastern Front !!! Just think, we would have every theater in WWII covered , WOW !! Thanks Guys !!! Glad to see all the talk/work about this new project. ,Scott .......sorry i write as much as i talk :dizzy:
AH's La-9 in the ETO. Wonder if there are any skins available for it. Also i remember there was a skin or stand alone for the La-5 found here(shark mouth) .


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Haven't heard anything in a while about the work on the Eastern Front project and the wonderful wip aircraft (the ones shown here). Really into Russian aircraft the more the better. Thanks , Scott
All this is beautiful is good but he somebody can give an answer to my problem

"Can you help me about FrontLine, I have just this and I don't know how to make."

<Point Lat="N61*01'12.1519" Lon="E8*06'23.1800"/>
<Point Lat="N44*24'26.0000" Lon="E8*56'2.0000"/>
<Point Lat="N48*43'09.0000" Lon="E44*30'06.0000"/>
<Point Lat="N52*14'14.4580" Lon="E12*24'19.2748"/>
<Point Lat="N43*35'57.8289" Lon="E39*43'32.1783"/>

Map problem resolved?

Dear Dewoitine,

Do you solve the map problem?

I have the same problem with my tutorial.

Do you note that all bitmaps (lower, medium and high) have an alpha channel?

Best Regards,
Hi odin
No, not at all !
Here the map of Eastern Front


Best Regards


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<Point Lat="N61*01'12.1519" Lon="E8*06'23.1800"/>
<Point Lat="N44*24'26.0000" Lon="E8*56'2.0000"/>
<Point Lat="N48*43'09.0000" Lon="E44*30'06.0000"/>
<Point Lat="N52*14'14.4580" Lon="E12*24'19.2748"/>
<Point Lat="N43*35'57.8289" Lon="E39*43'32.1783"/>


Hi dewoitine, my suggestion is if you can open Mission Builder for your theatre, making a frontline is easy. There is a button to select, then you make clicks across the map (as many or as little as you want), to make a simple or more complex frontline.

Save the file as an xml mission, and you can copy the frontline coordinates over to your campaign.xml file

Is this what you were asking? :wavey:
Hi, I am so sorry but I don't understand !
fortress europa's file has a frontline
<Point Lat="N64*13'42.3309" Lon="E7*48'53.9998"/>
<Point Lat="N54*51'12.0000" Lon="E7*48'53.9998"/>
<Point Lat="N54*43'47.6877" Lon="E7*48'55.3351"/>
<Point Lat="N54*36'19.0586" Lon="E7*37'41.2385"/>
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<Point Lat="N54*6'23.9999" Lon="E6*41'30.0000"/>
<Point Lat="N54*6'23.9999" Lon="E6*18'59.9998"/>
<Point Lat="N54*6'23.9999" Lon="E5*56'29.9999"/>
<Point Lat="N54*21'17.9999" Lon="E5*56'29.9999"/>
<Point Lat="N54*21'17.9999" Lon="E5*34'0.0000"/>
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<Point Lat="N44*23'5.9999" Lon="W2*40'11.9998"/>
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<Point Lat="N44*38'6.1399" Lon="W5*40'3.1057"/>
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<Point Lat="N44*8'5.9998" Lon="W6*24'54.0000"/>
<Point Lat="N44*8'5.9998" Lon="W6*47'23.9999"/>
<Point Lat="N44*8'5.9998" Lon="W21*10'28.5682"/>
and I want a front line for Eastern Front 1943 and I can't because I can't do !!!
Andre, you need to install the cfs3 mission builder into your Eastern Front install. In the mission builder you can make a front line. When you save the mission you will be able to copy the front line co ordinates onto your campaign file.

great work by the way, I am very impressed with the new theatres
Yes, Pat Pattle, with a misson builder installed a frontline would be easy to set up..
And I am still very interested in the Eastern Front and working and building missions in this Theater..
I will have plenty of time this fall and winter at my hobbit hole as I recover from my injuries to do plenty
of CFS3 work..
Andre, you need to install the cfs3 mission builder into your Eastern Front install. In the mission builder you can make a front line. When you save the mission you will be able to copy the front line co ordinates onto your campaign file.

great work by the way, I am very impressed with the new theatres

Hi Clive, I can't because I have just "Solomon's mission builder" ! I don't understand how you can make a front line. How I may put the Soviet's map ? So sorry !!!
Mmmm..any missing files should be in your stock cfs3 install. If not I can send them to you.
Did you change the shortcut or are you using the mb.exe directly?