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About seven miles out, I roll right so as to offset our approach from the target. Ideally, I want to come in behind them, so if they're crossing our path, I've got a 50:50 chance of being right first time.
I happen to leave the TAC displaying aircraft instead of switching to 'all' or 'ships', and get a shock when Bandits are suddenly spotted less than a mile away! Where did they come from?
The 110s are back, and this time, it looks like they're coming up after us.
Six miles from the target - if it's actually there. Still too high, but a bunch of heavily-armed Huns coming up from underneath. What to do? I decide that trying to evade interception now is pointless. We might as get on with what we came here to do, and take our chances with the fighters.
There's the shipping - I've ended out slightly in front of them! It's a single large freighter, escorted by four motor launches of some description. In the excitement, I order the boys in, without concentrating on the big ship instead of wasting bombs on the small fry.
At this point, unknown to me, the screenshots stopped being taken, apart from a couple which ended up as blank .bmps. Some time later, on the way home, the sim crashed altogether, so my tweaked texture budget file didn’t help. The one singular thing with this much earlier cessation of screenshots was that I took a lot more than usual, because of the action on the way to the target.
It’s as if taking a large number of screenshots results in some kind of limit being reached which first stops any more being taken, and then contributes to a CTD. No more than co-incidence perhaps, but the two phenomena do seem to occur together pretty consistently. Anyway I have cleaned out my screenshot folder (which had got VERY large) and will try using only FRAPS to take screenies, next time. I don’t know what other cause there could be, like a spawn failing eg calling one of the aircraft (like the FW200) which I have set not to spawn, or one whose service dates I have set outside the period (like the Hs123). I don't think it's overheating, but maybe some kind of memory problem is involved - I have 8Gb of RAM but just 1.5 of VRAM.
Either way, it’s a bit frustrating, though in no case has it prevented me from having an otherwise very enjoyable experience, usually missing out only on the landing and debriefing (and the impact if any of the mission outcome on the campaign).
As to what happened after the screenshots dried up…well I made another masthead-height bomb run on the large ship, but near-missed this time. Once again, no-one else hit anything, and they then started strafing attacks. Since the targets were mostly the launches, I decided to let this go on, while I made a couple of firing passes myself at what turned out to be an E-boat. I got some hits without doing any visible damage. I also got a nice close-up view of its rather nasty-looking automatic weapons, much more powerful than my single .303 peashooter. So after two runs I gave up and called the boys to order. The flak wasn’t quite as bad this time…or maybe I’m just getting accustomed to it!
About this time, those 110s finally showed up and we started taking losses. I pushed the nose down and ran for home, as close to the wave-tops as I dared. Repeated calls to reform brought no further answers, so I began to fear the worst. Any thought of turning back to help was abandoned when I realised there was a 110 coming after me! We played cat and mouse all the way back to the coast, with my air gunner letting fly any time the Hun came within range. A combination of this and my extreme low flying seemed to deter any attacks and none developed, before the Hun gave up and turned away. By this time, I was hedge-hopping across the Isle of Wight, the masts of the RDF station at Ventnor off to my right having given me my bearings as I came in.
At this point I would have pulled up and orbited to see if anyone else had made it out, but that’s when the CTD did what the Huns couldn’t manage, and put an end to my sortie! I didn’t sink anything or shoot anyone down, but I did survive a very exciting ride, and I’ll settle for that, if I must!

I happen to leave the TAC displaying aircraft instead of switching to 'all' or 'ships', and get a shock when Bandits are suddenly spotted less than a mile away! Where did they come from?

The 110s are back, and this time, it looks like they're coming up after us.

Six miles from the target - if it's actually there. Still too high, but a bunch of heavily-armed Huns coming up from underneath. What to do? I decide that trying to evade interception now is pointless. We might as get on with what we came here to do, and take our chances with the fighters.

There's the shipping - I've ended out slightly in front of them! It's a single large freighter, escorted by four motor launches of some description. In the excitement, I order the boys in, without concentrating on the big ship instead of wasting bombs on the small fry.

At this point, unknown to me, the screenshots stopped being taken, apart from a couple which ended up as blank .bmps. Some time later, on the way home, the sim crashed altogether, so my tweaked texture budget file didn’t help. The one singular thing with this much earlier cessation of screenshots was that I took a lot more than usual, because of the action on the way to the target.
It’s as if taking a large number of screenshots results in some kind of limit being reached which first stops any more being taken, and then contributes to a CTD. No more than co-incidence perhaps, but the two phenomena do seem to occur together pretty consistently. Anyway I have cleaned out my screenshot folder (which had got VERY large) and will try using only FRAPS to take screenies, next time. I don’t know what other cause there could be, like a spawn failing eg calling one of the aircraft (like the FW200) which I have set not to spawn, or one whose service dates I have set outside the period (like the Hs123). I don't think it's overheating, but maybe some kind of memory problem is involved - I have 8Gb of RAM but just 1.5 of VRAM.
Either way, it’s a bit frustrating, though in no case has it prevented me from having an otherwise very enjoyable experience, usually missing out only on the landing and debriefing (and the impact if any of the mission outcome on the campaign).
As to what happened after the screenshots dried up…well I made another masthead-height bomb run on the large ship, but near-missed this time. Once again, no-one else hit anything, and they then started strafing attacks. Since the targets were mostly the launches, I decided to let this go on, while I made a couple of firing passes myself at what turned out to be an E-boat. I got some hits without doing any visible damage. I also got a nice close-up view of its rather nasty-looking automatic weapons, much more powerful than my single .303 peashooter. So after two runs I gave up and called the boys to order. The flak wasn’t quite as bad this time…or maybe I’m just getting accustomed to it!
About this time, those 110s finally showed up and we started taking losses. I pushed the nose down and ran for home, as close to the wave-tops as I dared. Repeated calls to reform brought no further answers, so I began to fear the worst. Any thought of turning back to help was abandoned when I realised there was a 110 coming after me! We played cat and mouse all the way back to the coast, with my air gunner letting fly any time the Hun came within range. A combination of this and my extreme low flying seemed to deter any attacks and none developed, before the Hun gave up and turned away. By this time, I was hedge-hopping across the Isle of Wight, the masts of the RDF station at Ventnor off to my right having given me my bearings as I came in.
At this point I would have pulled up and orbited to see if anyone else had made it out, but that’s when the CTD did what the Huns couldn’t manage, and put an end to my sortie! I didn’t sink anything or shoot anyone down, but I did survive a very exciting ride, and I’ll settle for that, if I must!