Eyes Front - a new Macchi MC.205 Veltro for FS9 and FSX

A note for the AerMacchi Camouflages
The Verde Oliva Scuro - Grigio Azzurro Chiaro livery was applied only on C.202(Folgore)/C.205(Veltro)/C.206(Orione) prototypes.

Hello Manuele. That is interesting in regards to the C.202 prototype. I did not know that it carried that scheme. I had previously understood that it was originally unpainted but later appeared with a mottled camouflage (I don't know the colors).

View attachment 18583
I hope to finish with the 205's Paintkit (with two "German" liveries) during this week, after these I'll try to make one or two "classic" camouflage (with "smoke rings") liveries.......

You're really quick! I'm already looking forward to them!

Here's about as far as I'm going to get... I mentioned before that I was trying to adapt textures from a CFS2 Veltro... The upper surfaces came out halfway presentable, though I still have to tweak the exhausts a bit.
The underside has the biggest issues- There seems to be some sort of mismatch regarding what part of the texture the MDL is telling the wing panels to use (starboard wing especially), and the MDL seems to be looking at the same little square of color for three different surfaces- the tailwheel fairing, the full length of the underside of the fuselage, and the bottom and insides of the radiator housing. Seems like the MDL needs tweaked a bit... -Mike Z.
...The underside has the biggest issues- ....the MDL seems to be looking at the same little square of color for three different surfaces- the tailwheel fairing, the full length of the underside of the fuselage, and the bottom and insides of the radiator housing. Seems like the MDL needs tweaked a bit... -Mike Z.

Hi Mikezola/Friends,
Yes, the underside of the fuselage is impossible to texture, actually I'm "fighting" with this problem....
I think that ONLY the ANRs "German" camouflage is possible to realize without "horrible" result.......
In the real ac the "smoke rings" camo covered also the underside of the nose and the rear of fuselage (after the radiator), it is really impossible to realize a good looking livery, if we want we must find a "compromise"......
I think Mr.Quai and D'Attomo MUST to "revisit" their texturing system (in ALL their models)!!!!!
In the past I tried also to repaint their I.M.A.M. Ro.41 (Italian biplane trainer), but I stopped the work.....

Yep, same here, that's why I haven't posted anything beyond what I already had. I could produce some nice liveries, but they wouldn't be correct per the original "official" schemes. Ah well. . .on to something else I guess.
Ed, Mike, what you have both accomplished is better than what we started with. I would like to try out your Regia Aeronautica liveries.
It's a real pity! The model looked so much better once you all started on the textures. Does somebody have had any contact with Mr.Quai and D'Attomo in the past?
It could be worth to contact them and ask them whether they could change the texture lay out.

I'm still looking forward to Manuele's repaints. Hopefully he won't run into further troubles while working on the German schemes.

sorry to say I told you so,:banghead: but ,below is post #14 in this thread, If I see their names on a bird I run the other way

don't know if this will apply, but I tried repainting their T-37 and finally gave up because of the way it was mapped, panel lines appeared in the wrong spots, different sections were in different relative scales to one another. you would texture what you thought was the fuselage and it would appear angled under the wing on the model. finnaly proved impossible to do an accurate paint job. You could come close but not quite get it 100% right
Norab, I know what you mean- there's some authors that I've tended to stay clear of over the years- But once in a while you see one that gets you thinking "Hmmmm... maybe this one's got some potential- what can I do with it?" For instance, take Ito's aircraft- you have to tinker with the flight dynamics, then usually you've got a pretty sweet ride...
Hurricane, let me tweak it a little more and I'll slide you a copy. I wouldn't want to post it anywhere (one, it probably will never be good enough- two, I'd have to get permission from Alessandro Casadio, as it did start out as an IS4G skin), but I'd be glad to let you play with it...
-Mike Z.

P.S. maybe Aeroplane Heaven could be bribed into finishing their Veltro- unfortunately they quit building for FS9, didn't they?
It's a real pity! The model looked so much better once you all started on the textures. Does somebody have had any contact with Mr.Quai and D'Attomo in the past?
It could be worth to contact them and ask them whether they could change the texture lay out.

I'm still looking forward to Manuele's repaints. Hopefully he won't run into further troubles while working on the German schemes.


Hi Huub / Friends,
In the past (February 2009) I contacted Mr.Quai & Mr.D'Attomo offering them my collaboration suggesting some "enhancements" and tricks in order to obtain better results in their works. Their answer : "Cercheremo di trarne profitto e migliorare... anche le textures" (We will try to apply Your suggestions in order to enhance our work.....the textures too) and "Collaborazioni...abbiamo tante cose da fare e, per ora, niente impegni... magari in futuro" (Collaborations ? We are veeery busy and have so many things to do, at this moment we cannot accept your offer, it will be in the future). Now it seems the guys DON'T applied my suggestions.....However, I'm still working.....

Hi Huub / Friends,
In the past (February 2009) I contacted Mr.Quai & Mr.D'Attomo offering them my collaboration suggesting some "enhancements" and tricks in order to obtain better results in their works. Their answer : "Cercheremo di trarne profitto e migliorare... anche le textures" (We will try to apply Your suggestions in order to enhance our work.....the textures too) and "Collaborazioni...abbiamo tante cose da fare e, per ora, niente impegni... magari in futuro" (Collaborations ? We are veeery busy and have so many things to do, at this moment we cannot accept your offer, it will be in the future). Now it seems the guys DON'T applied my suggestions.....However, I'm still working.....


I'm sure I speak for all when I say how much we appreciate your efforts Manuele. And I'm certainly looking forward to the revised textures for this bird that you are able to offer us, allowing for the limitations of the texture mapping. :salute:
My thanks to all who are involved in this effort, Ed, Huub, Manuele, and Mike. I have learned a lot by watching this project evolve. I am still in the airbrush and 00 sable mode of model building so texture painting in FS is a new field of study for me.
Every aircraft in Flight Simulator is a work of art and a reflection of the artist(s) who produce them.
Many thanks also to Capt. D'Attomo and his associates Giovanni Quai and Mr. Massimo Taccoli for the MC. 205 model.
... But once in a while you see one that gets you thinking "Hmmmm... maybe this one's got some potential- what can I do with it?" ...

Yes, born to tinker.
Thank you Mike, I appreciate your offer.
Perhaps Manuele or Luca Festari have the 205 in their future projects list.
"Hope springs eternal".
Tinkering- I just can't help myself sometimes- I get that way with my cars and guitars too...

Hope does spring eternal... I just stumbled on a paint scheme for an ANR Veltro that might work better... maybe that will be next... Hmmmm... potential... here I go again...
Here it is, just in case someone with far more skills than I might want to take a crack at it... The biggest hurdle I see might be the white stripe going around the underside...
As said before, I keep my fingers crossed and hope Manuele will succeed to make an acceptable German scheme repaint.

And although I know he has already too much plans, which do not fit in the time Manuele has available, but perhaps he can convert one of the nice serie 5 aircrafts from CFS3 or create a new one....

I know; wishful thinking, but what is a man without dreams ;)

Here it is, just in case someone with far more skills than I might want to take a crack at it... The biggest hurdle I see might be the white stripe going around the underside...
Yea, it would have to stop at the sides. The entire underside is a patchwork of different sections all colored off of one color square. Makes decent liveries pretty much futile.:salute:
Hi Friends,
I'm almost finishing.......
The txts require just some retouches to be finished, I made an attempt to realize the first ANR livery, but the under surfaces (fuselage and other parts) have the known defects and there is NO way to texture them correctly. Take a look to the results......


