F7F Tigercat SOH Project

Really coming along Milton. :jump:

Thanks Moses and everyone. Well, got a few more things done Sunday evening and now time to park it another night. I did rework the props, added main gear door hinges, adjusted wing fit and the blurred props and the horizontal tails ... hmmmm and the ladder animation and added the pilots seat back wall.

Til next time ...
I never liked the older rudder on the TigerCat, but seeing this progress has made me think "Anew". I'm loving the older rudder version, and will probably fly it more than the slimmer tail! :ernae: Fantastic work, gents. :ernae:
Thanks too, Milton.

That there is a single addon for FS is a gift; that you have continued to work "after retirement" from FS is a special treat; that you've chosen a late 40's Navy bird of such lovely lines is fantastic.

Many thanks in advance. I miss the days a few years ago when I had so much time to beta test and QC other FS addons - sorry I couldn't offer any help on this go around - I didn't want to offer and then let the team down. Poor a gift as it is, my gratitude is sincere.

Many thanks,

Is it almost done??

How bout Now?


Whats the holdup?

Is it done now?

How bout now?

Thanks Milton!!!:salute:
Two weeks, be sure. :icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol:

Unfortunatly the interior takes quite a long time to do to present standards. At least this gives me some time to tune the flight dynamics. Been playing Hookey for a few days flying the cub around Denali with my daughter. Also the fact it is 75F and sunny may have somethign to do with everything.

Cheers; T
Unfortunatly the interior takes quite a long time to do to present standards. At least this gives me some time to tune the flight dynamics. Been playing Hookey for a few days flying the cub around Denali with my daughter. Also the fact it is 75F and sunny may have somethign to do with everything.

Cheers; T

Tom, the FD is shaping up beautifully. She is a real joy to take through all phases of flight. :applause:

I just love watching these projects come together.Great work guys.

Thanks, I am just about done with the exterior modeling with only the nose gun ports to add and a few tweaks here and there. I will then do some test mapping to discover any mesh issues before sending the model to the next stage of development.
oh my......

that thing just keeps evolving... she's a real beauty Milton, i really can't wait to get my paint brushes on her (Although my girl will probably firmly embed them in my neck), she just keeps getting better and better...

*Kid in back of car voice* "Uncle Milton, are we there yet?"
I must repeat, and add,
my, oh my...
is she still at Bremerton?
we're making a quick flight
around the corner to go see her.

and to the kid in the back seat...:jump:
we'll be there in about 15 minutes.
I'm sure they'll let use look
through the fence at her.
maybe, if we're real good,
they'll let us get closer.

I've got to tell you Milton,
my old favorite ALPHA F7F-3 Tigercat
is starting to feel very insecure.

Do a lot of the flight test out of KPWT, where lo many years ago I recieved my commercial and instrument ratings. A great place for high speed LOW altitude runs.

The Carrier suitability trials on the now rather small Enterprise has gone faily well, however it is apparent that practically the aircraft is too large for easy operations on a ship this size, or even perhaps an Essex (if we had one... nudge nudge).

Cheers: T
It's looking great Milton. Your modeling ability and all the updates is like watching a factory assembly line.

Like everyone else, looking forward to the next update!
Wrapping up many small exterior modeling details today with recognition lights, landing light effects, cowl flap activation rods, wheel and tire adjustments, a new pilot almost done (thank you Craig), and smoke effects borrowed from the D18S. I feel confident I can finish the exterior model this weekend and get the test mapping done.