F7F Tigercat SOH Project

Yes. And that one is a gem that resides in my hanger always. :)

The one I'm referring to was mentioned way before the Puss Moth. I remember the plane was high polished aluminum and maroon red. Very flashy aircraft. Tail dragger. Milton took pictures of it at a local airport near him.

update: I tried several searches for anything related. I'm guessing when the upgrade happened here at SOH, Miltons info was not brought with it like a lot of other things around the place.

You may be referring to the 170's we have at our flyins. But, this was before the AT-11 and subsequently the XA-38 grizzly and Puss Moth. Also in progress are the xp-47j and Dash 7 ... awaiting my return.

But these are team projects, and this is an SOH project. :)
fliger747, What hole ? where is said hole and why do'nt I have one ?

Which version of Victorious are you using ?, Where did you get it ?

The Buccaneer is fairly hefty and I bang it down ok on the WWII Victorious


I don't have a good WWII FSX carrier on my laptop, have to wait till I get home. Tried HMS Victorious but deck seems to have a hole in it......
You may be referring to the 170's we have at our flyins. This is an SOH project. :)

The blue scheme is just gorgeous!!

I honestly thought it was the Cessna 170. 1958 if I remember correctly. I was all over Google images looking at them. The shape of the fuselage and wheel pants stuck in my head but I couldn't find the right shots to refresh my memory.

That one has had a space in my head, and my hanger ever since you shared those pictures here.

Any idea when that one might come to light?

I apologize for taking this topic way off in left field folks.
You may be referring to the 170's we have at our flyins. But, this was before the AT-11 and subsequently the XA-38 grizzly and Puss Moth. Also in progress are the xp-47j and Dash 7 ... awaiting my return.

But these are team projects, and this is an SOH project. :)

I need to clarify the above statement.

I meant that to say that "this" (the F7F) is an SOH project.

I have no plans to do a 170. Sorry.
Sorry I'm late to the party but man, i would love to beta the FSX version.

Oh, and thanks for letting us watch you carve this plane out!
Me too. I'd rather have it than the cat.

I'd rather have the cat! There are already plenty of Cessnas available. It is so cool that we'll finally have a nice Tigerkitty! The Alphasim one is a bit aged these days, not to mention it doesn't really work with FSX.

I can't wait! :jump::jump::jump:
Originally Posted by Milton Shupe
Well thanks gentlemen for these OT contributions. Frankly they are downers for me.
I'm always happy with anything Milton GIVES us. be damned if i'm going to complain about any of them.
Thanks for putting it that way; couldn't agree more. Anything free, especially of THIS calibre is not something to be complained about. Milton's giving us an Arabian, not the Clydesdale, and yet some are lookin' a gorgeous Arabian in the mouth anyway...

Milton, you have many people here backin' you, and cheering you on. Not just because we're getting something for free, but also because you're a friend who has always lent me a hand when I needed it, and you're above all friendly to everyone you meet. :ernae:
Thanks for putting it that way; couldn't agree more. Anything free, especially of THIS calibre is not something to be complained about. Milton's giving us an Arabian, not the Clydesdale, and yet some are lookin' a gorgeous Arabian in the mouth anyway...

Milton, you have many people here backin' you, and cheering you on. Not just because we're getting something for free, but also because you're a friend who has always lent me a hand when I needed it, and you're above all friendly to everyone you meet. :ernae:
Well I can honestly say that I've been using FSX exclusively for over a year now...However, I've missed some of the planes that I used to enjoy in FS9 and do not favor porting FS9 aircraft over. I have recently reinstalled FS9 as well as new Golden wings and Silver wings installs. Mr. Shupe's work is a big reason for me moving back into FS9. Seeing the Tigercat come to life is a real joy! I do envy your talent and look forward to enjoying this beautiful rendition of a favorite aircraft. Keep up the great work Milton!

Kindest Regards,

don't let them bug you, you are doing a great job with this bird and we are blessed that you are willing to share your talents so freely:salute:
don't let them bug you, you are doing a great job with this bird and we are blessed that you are willing to share your talents so freely:salute:

Gentlemen, thank you. With all due respect to Oleboy and Reddog, I am certain that their intentions are pure. We all have our desires for "the next project". No harm done here I assure you.

Meanwhile I was able to get a few hours in yesterday to make a little progress on the folding wings and tail hook ... although still very much in progress.
Mr. Shupe:

Don't let
a couple of comments like that take the wind out of your sails!!!

You have way too many fans here that admire your work and patiently await anything you and your team produce and I for one am looking forward with great anticipation to the finish product of this F7F!!!!

