F7F Tigercat SOH Project

Don't forget an external tank for us racers!

Looking great as always!!
my thoughts exactly!!!

Not a problem Willey ... will definitely take care of the RTW racers. ;)

...and just the reply I wanted to hear

I used the ALPHA F7F-3N for two legs of this year's RTWR.
I look forward to using the SOH F7F next year

it is truly amazing to watch the incredible progress.
I am in awe of your talents
many thanks for sharing your progress

and to top it off,
I see Washington scenery.
my back yard!
LOL Thanks everyone.

Well this shot fairly represents my weekend accomplishments: exhaust ports over the wings, oil coolers, canopy, entry ladder, and landing light. Lots of fuselage reshaping and vertice pushing for the canopy but the end result continues to improve. And so it continues to evolve, one day at a time. :)

Tom has made headway on the flight model as well between flights around SE Asia.
Milton The Master

As always sir, your skills with the electronic dremel tool are truly amazing. It's always a kick to come by and see your progress every day.

Regards, Rob:ernae:
Interesting photo from MCAS EL TORO in 1948

Came across this photo while doing research for another project. It's a photo of the MCAS El Toro flightline during their open house in 1948. In the foreground is an R5D, with F7F's lined up on the flightline and TO-1's parked on the taxiway.
I sent Milton the first Alpha-Alpha flight model. A long ways to go! With 5600 (WEP) hp available some pretty good verticle aerobatic possibilities exist. With some gray "paint" it shows up in FSX an I am doing some of the flight test in the backwater areas of the Solomon Islands.

Cheers: T
I sent Milton the first Alpha-Alpha flight model. A long ways to go! With 5600 (WEP) hp available some pretty good verticle aerobatic possibilities exist. With some gray "paint" it shows up in FSX an I am doing some of the flight test in the backwater areas of the Solomon Islands.

Cheers: T

Tom, in my limited time, I did fly the pattern and generally it flies beautifully and the approach and landing was smooth as silk. I am loving it so far my friend. :applause:
We've got some of the top people working on this... Imagine A-26, and what a slam-success that was. Now, picture a new, improved, and refreshed attitude on another SOH project, and one of the coolest twin engine aircraft ever produced... Yes... :d :d :d :d That's what I'm thinkin'... :bump:

Honestly, I can not wait to be floating down my downwind leg at my home airport, looking down from 1,000 virtual feet AGL across and over that gorgeously modeled wing and engine nacelle, and just hearing those engines purring me safely back to my final and touchdown. It's gonna be a hit, guys. :ernae:
We've got some of the top people working on this... Imagine A-26, and what a slam-success that was. Now, picture a new, improved, and refreshed attitude on another SOH project, and one of the coolest twin engine aircraft ever produced... Yes... :d :d :d :d That's what I'm thinkin'... :bump:

My thoughts exactly. I hope the textures are as good as the model is looking! :jump:
We've got some of the top people working on this... Imagine A-26, and what a slam-success that was. Now, picture a new, improved, and refreshed attitude on another SOH project, and one of the coolest twin engine aircraft ever produced... Yes... :d :d :d :d That's what I'm thinkin'... :bump:

Honestly, I can not wait to be floating down my downwind leg at my home airport, looking down from 1,000 virtual feet AGL across and over that gorgeously modeled wing and engine nacelle, and just hearing those engines purring me safely back to my final and touchdown. It's gonna be a hit, guys. :ernae:
Well, thanks y'all :)

Spent all last night trying to get these wing inlets cut in and smoothed out, a very tedious process for your basic modeler. Close enough for now and will look better on the textured version with lower specular rates.

This test flight took me from Almagordo, NM over Las Cruces to El Paso, TX. Ran out of fuel 2 miles from airport and crashed ... now, gotta start all over. ;)
I believe I'm going to need an aircraft insurance policy on this one.... Preferably one with not too high a premium, and that will cover engine damage on those old and expensive radials... She's gonna get flown, and she's gonna get flown hard with those vertical aerobatic maneuvers that require a lotta MP, as someone mentioned earlier... :d :d

I just can't wait. Either version; old rudder, newer rudder, doesn't matter. It's gonna be such a hit and a huge success. Keep the steam on, Milton. You're working on something that many will enjoy greatly, and you're doing it for fun. If only I knew your joy of being able to construct something so masterfully, and knowing that hundreds if not thousands are going to enjoy the fruits of my labor... I respectfully envy you, good sir. :ernae: