F7F Tigercat SOH Project

Mr. Shupe:

I have followed this thread since you started it and I must say that it has always fascinated me throughout my life to watch a MASTER at his craft and you, Sir, are a MASTER..

I have all your other aircraft which I fly regularly and I'm certainly looking forward to flying this one..

Keep up the great work and thank you for all your contributions...


Looking forward to seeing the piarts taking shape. Should be in Hong Kong for a couple of days so should be able to take a first swipe at it.

Cheers: T
Looking forward to seeing the piarts taking shape. Should be in Hong Kong for a couple of days so should be able to take a first swipe at it.

Cheers: T

Hi Tom, I put together a quick package, a temporary Interior model, borrowed Dave Copley's P-38 panel and sounds for your early tests. Email is on the way.

Took advantage of that for a few shots. :)

I should mention that the canopy is not yet started (that's next) and what you see here was a temporary glass for Tom's testing the new FM.

You're a fast one when it comes to modeling. Looking nice Milton

LOL Well, I am sure it appears that way but it is really 3 hours each night and 14-16 hours per day during the weekend. Also, this is the easy part, sort of like framing a house and closing it in. The rest is more time consuming. :) Thanks.
Really excellent work Milton. Great to see the progress as you move ahead. Thanks for your perseverance.:salute:
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Gives me goose flesh :jump:
just thinking about it.

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LOL I have been wanting to do this since last year. Happy that we have a team here willing to take it on. Thanks

Really excellent work Milton. Great to see the progress as you move ahead. Thanks for your perseverance.:salute:

That is one attribute all modelers need for sure falcon ... having fun now and looking forward to giving something here we all can enjoy.

Hopefully we can get a model with drop tanks for the RTW team!


I hope so ... the F7F-1, -3P? and -3N hopefully too as a minimum. We should be able to add hardpoints and tanks similar to the efforts on the A-26 and the xa-38 Grizzly.
It already flies pretty nice, though a long way to go to get the performance and handling as close as I can. I usually start out with HP/thrust and drag to get the speed right. If you get the HP right, then the fuel flows come in pretty well. Usually one can get the speeds pretty close, though with a plane with a multistage supercharger one has to best fit the speed/altitude curve which has jags at the supercharger shift points. Right now a snitch fast for a dash one bird.

A twin will have a lot of interesting parameters such as VMCA, stall/spin and engine out handling that take a lot of tweaking and flight test to get right. For instance right now it doesn't drop the nose in a stall, but will eventually go into a tail slide........ The F7F had some bad stall spin quirks, but that wasn't one of them!

Working in FS9 at the moment, but eventually will get a textured bird for FSX.

Cheers: T
Milton,.....aahhhh-h-h,....the F7F Tigercat is progressing in a shupe-shape fashion!....(Excuse the poor pun but I needed to get that in.....)
Thanks for the comments. :)

Saturday and Sunday (so far) has been spent working the upper exhaust ports out of the nacelles over the wing, "pinching" the top and bottom rear of the fuselage, reshaping the fuselage to get ready for the canopy, and starting the canopy. The canopy will likely require the rest of today.
Truly amazing, Milton...thanks for the WIP shots. mid

Thanks Middle ... looking forward to sharing this effort with the other talented folks here, and getting her in the hands of all of you beta testers. ;)

Great work, I really look forward to that!


Thanks Mark ... we are too ... :jump:

Settling the canopy down with the new animations requiring some fuselage shape tweaks; threw on some basic gray to ease the testing efforts, meanwhile Tom is having fun with the FM.

I, along with the rest of the team here, stand in awe at your incredible talent.

I'm amazed at what you've accomplished in less than 3 weeks .

:applause: :applause: :applause:

Thanks for sharing with us.

Well thank you Pete. I know it looks like a lot done here, about 120-130 hours worth, but its only starting. The more time consuming detailed work is ahead. This is simply the canvass on which others will display their artistry. I do appreciate your kind remarks, and please be patient as we muster through due diligence. :) I am happy to share progress, and the cheering section has been great at keeping the adrenaline flowing.