F7F Tigercat SOH Project

Well, I started to install the F7F package and found two things that have me scratching my head.

One is a gauge. When I load the plane a box pops that tells me that A26_engine_start.gau can not be loaded by FS9. I checked and found that the same thing happens when I load the A-26, which I haven't flown since I got my present confuter. I'm sure that this didn't happen with the A-26 on my previous confuter, on which I flew the A-26 many times. Does anyone know what's up with that? (The engines of both planes start without that gauge.)

The other is about the F7F exterior lights. There is a white nav light on the tail, but no red or green nav lights at the wing tips. The real F7F had those lights. Is anyone else doing the requisite fiddling to place those lights? If not, I'll try to do it and post the cfg file entries, but I'm having a very hectic time these days and I don't know when I'll get to it. So if someone else is already doing it I'll happily scratch it off my To Do list.

Hi Mick,

Not sure what your issue is with the gauge. I verified that the gauge and panel entry was in each of the variants. Loads here fine.
Please verify the gauge is present in each of the panel folders.

The wing lights are modeled because of the folding wings. They are not very bright, but get brighter as you move away from the aircraft as is typical of modeled lights. One can use the cfg Lights section if you turn off lights before folding the wings. Otherwise you have lights hanging out in space.
Well, I started to install the F7F package and found two things that have me scratching my head.

One is a gauge. When I load the plane a box pops that tells me that A26_engine_start.gau can not be loaded by FS9. I checked and found that the same thing happens when I load the A-26, which I haven't flown since I got my present confuter. I'm sure that this didn't happen with the A-26 on my previous confuter, on which I flew the A-26 many times. Does anyone know what's up with that? (The engines of both planes start without that gauge.)

The other is about the F7F exterior lights. There is a white nav light on the tail, but no red or green nav lights at the wing tips. The real F7F had those lights. Is anyone else doing the requisite fiddling to place those lights? If not, I'll try to do it and post the cgf file entries, but I'm having a very hectic time these days and I don't know when I'll get to it. So if someone else is already doing it I'll happily scratch it off my To Do list.

I have exactly the same two problems. Do you have Windows 8.1? You will have to // the gauge and do the old fashion startup..
Hi Mick,

Not sure what your issue is with the gauge. I verified that the gauge and panel entry was in each of the variants. Loads here fine.
Please verify the gauge is present in each of the panel folders.

The wing lights are modeled because of the folding wings. They are not very bright, but get brighter as you move away from the aircraft as is typical of modeled lights. One can use the cfg Lights section if you turn off lights before folding the wings. Otherwise you have lights hanging out in space.

Ah ha! That makes perfect sense about the lights; I should've thought of that myself. As long as they're present in the model I won't bother adding them in the cfg file. I was looking at the plane around dusk from pretty close up, so I guess they'll be visible in true darkness from a more reasonable distance.

I have the gauge, but I get a box telling me that FS can't load it. If I remove the gauge the box doesn't pop, but then I still don't have the gauge. I can start the engines without it, but I suppose I lose whatever else that gauge does, whatever that might be.

It must be Windows rather than FS that objects to the gauge, because it loaded in the A-26 in my old XP confuter while my Win7Pro rig won't load it. I don't suppose FS9 is any different, so it must have something to do with Win7Pro. But the wording in the error box reads like Windows is trying to put the blame on FS9.

Thanks Milton!
Hi there,

Two repaints for the Tigercat have left the paintshop. They feature the F7F-3P's N6178C "Bad Kitty" (different livery) of Historic Flight Foundation, and NX700F "Here Kitty, Kitty!" of Lewis Racing LLC. They are intended to be uploaded at FlightSim.com, AvSim.com and SOH. Hwoever, at the moment uploading at the latter two appears to be impossible from my place. Haven't a clue why. So for the moment the two repaints have been uploaded at FlightSim.com only, where they will be available probably on the 13th of October. In the meantime I'll continue trying to get them uploaded on the other two sites as well.

Ah ha! That makes perfect sense about the lights; I should've thought of that myself. As long as they're present in the model I won't bother adding them in the cfg file. I was looking at the plane around dusk from pretty close up, so I guess they'll be visible in true darkness from a more reasonable distance.

I have the gauge, but I get a box telling me that FS can't load it. If I remove the gauge the box doesn't pop, but then I still don't have the gauge. I can start the engines without it, but I suppose I lose whatever else that gauge does, whatever that might be.

It must be Windows rather than FS that objects to the gauge, because it loaded in the A-26 in my old XP confuter while my Win7Pro rig won't load it. I don't suppose FS9 is any different, so it must have something to do with Win7Pro. But the wording in the error box reads like Windows is trying to put the blame on FS9.

Thanks Milton!

Adding the lights is an okay solution; actually they were in the beta version but commented out.

//light.1=3, 2.30, 25.2, 3.30, fx_navgre , //Off due to folding wings
//light.2=3, 2.30, -25.2, 3.30, fx_navred , //Off due to folding wings

The slow start gauge controls cranking speed of the engine. It starts very slowly, so you can count the blades go by - 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, etc until about 12 blades, then you get ignition, some sputtering from blurred prop to slow prop, and back until the engine clears out then she settles down.

I'll try a video for you.
Hi there,

Two repaints for the Tigercat have left the paintshop. They feature the F7F-3P's N6178C "Bad Kitty" (different livery) of Historic Flight Foundation, and NX700F "Here Kitty, Kitty!" of Lewis Racing LLC. They are intended to be uploaded at FlightSim.com, AvSim.com and SOH. Hwoever, at the moment uploading at the latter two appears to be impossible from my place. Haven't a clue why. So for the moment the two repaints have been uploaded at FlightSim.com only, where they will be available probably on the 13th of October. In the meantime I'll continue trying to get them uploaded on the other two sites as well.


Excellent Maarten! I'll appreciate a copy of each ... thank you Sir :applause:
Hi there,

Two repaints for the Tigercat have left the paintshop. They feature the F7F-3P's N6178C "Bad Kitty" (different livery) of Historic Flight Foundation, and NX700F "Here Kitty, Kitty!" of Lewis Racing LLC. They are intended to be uploaded at FlightSim.com, AvSim.com and SOH. Hwoever, at the moment uploading at the latter two appears to be impossible from my place. Haven't a clue why. So for the moment the two repaints have been uploaded at FlightSim.com only, where they will be available probably on the 13th of October. In the meantime I'll continue trying to get them uploaded on the other two sites as well.


Thank you Maarten!!!
Because the F7F has folding wings, the wingtip navigation lights need to be a part of the aircraft's 3D model, otherwise the lights will not move when the wings are folded.
Thank you so much, Milton, Gman5250 et all. What a great planes. :applause::applause::applause:
Interesting details: SiS-Q's N6178C tanker E43 is nowadays active as N6178C "Bad Kitty"; TBM's N6129C tanker 62 is nowadays active as NX700F "Here Kitty, Kitty!"

I have a couple other repaints to finish so I can represent all of the Tigercat tanker colors and here is a preview of the next one up. This is Sis-Q's E23

I took the tanker-cat(he he)up for an hour...and enjoyed every second of it!
Thank you again Milton,Tankerguy,and all you other wonderful contributors!:applause:

Thanks p3aewguy Here is another texture showing off Tanker E41 with Cal-Nat Airways from Grass Valley, Ca

and trying to come up with a realistic looking retardant spray/stain on the tank and rear fuselage

Thanks p3aewguy Here is another texture showing off Tanker E41 with Cal-Nat Airways from Grass Valley, Ca

and trying to come up with a realistic looking retardant spray/stain on the tank and rear fuselage


Are you going to change those pilot's textures? Or are you guys dressing them out para-military now? :)

EDIT: Duh! Love the new paint schemes :)
I took the tanker-cat(he he)up for an hour...and enjoyed every second of it!
Thank you again Milton,Tankerguy,and all you other wonderful contributors!:applause:


Thank you Joel ; 'tis our pleasure to bring together talents of like-minded people for the enjoyment of the community. The hard work pays off when you post things like this. :)