F7F Tigercat SOH Project

And still one more

Wot?! A Navy Tigercat?!

This F7F-4N belonged to VC(N)-1, based at Barber's Point, HI in 1947 when the squadron went aboard the USS Valley Forge to evaluate the F7F-4N for carrier operations. This resulted in the -4N being the only Tigercat variant to be carrier qualified.

The -4N reverted to the radome used on the -2N, which fit into the standard (and more attractive) nose rather than the extended "Pinocchio" nose of the -3N.

Later on I plan a Marine -4N too.

Then maybe I'll turn to the -3N. I expect to paint a blue one and a black one.
F7F Tigercat SOH Project 2d panel

f a n t a s t i c Gaucho!
What do you think Mick?
We see Gaucho is a real artist !
Gaucho would you please end the bmp to me ? (vaderteuton@aol.com)
With this bmp the panel update would be done quiet quickly.
Mick, for the reco cockpit please let me a bit time. I see a solution to do it, but I need time for it.
Just sent you the bmp...

f a n t a s t i c Gaucho!
What do you think Mick?
We see Gaucho is a real artist !
Gaucho would you please end the bmp to me ? (vaderteuton@aol.com)
With this bmp the panel update would be done quiet quickly.
Mick, for the reco cockpit please let me a bit time. I see a solution to do it, but I need time for it.

It should be in your hands by now... let me know if you need the rear panel...
I can do it...

f a n t a s t i c Gaucho!
What do you think Mick?
... for the reco cockpit please let me a bit time. I see a solution to do it, but I need time for it.

Hi Papi,

I agree about the panel image. It looks just right to me. It looks black but you can see everything that's there.

No rush on a recce panel. It was just an idea that popped into my head while I was painting photo Tigercats.
Mapping Question

I have a mapping question for Milton, or anyone else who reads this first and knows the answer.

I can't find the nose gear doors on the texture files. Can someone tell me where they get their color from?
I have a mapping question for Milton, or anyone else who reads this first and knows the answer.

I can't find the nose gear doors on the texture files. Can someone tell me where they get their color from?

The nose gear doors exterior is on the fusefront map.

The insides of those doors is on the eng0 map.

EDIT: Are you using the Paint Kit?
F7F Tigercat SOH Project reco panel

Hallo Mick
here I will show you a first aproach of the reco panel pop up.
when you are on the pilots panel you click on a special switch and the pilots panel will be replaced byo the lower par with the "mirror view"
looking forwards.
Of course this partial bmp must be reworked to match with the main cockpit bmp.
just to see if it will work.
what do you think about?
Also what will say our project chief Milton to that ?

The nose gear doors exterior is on the fusefront map.

The insides of those doors is on the eng0 map.

EDIT: Are you using the Paint Kit?

Thanks Milton,

I probably should have been able to find them myself, but you saved me some hunting around!

Tomorrow I should have something with some unusual color to it.

Hallo Mick
here I will show you a first aproach of the reco panel pop up....

Wow, you work fast! When you said it would take you a while to get to it, I thought weeks, or maybe months - not hours!

A pop-up! I never thought of that. I suppose that's because I don't know much about panels.

Great idea!
Hallo Mick
here I will show you a first aproach of the reco panel pop up.
when you are on the pilots panel you click on a special switch and the pilots panel will be replaced byo the lower par with the "mirror view"
looking forwards.
Of course this partial bmp must be reworked to match with the main cockpit bmp.
just to see if it will work.
what do you think about?
Also what will say our project chief Milton to that ?



You, Gaucho, and Mick are doing a great job providing alternatives and stimulating interest. Keep up the great work. :applause:
F7F Tigercat SOH Project F-1 2d panel

Hallo Mick,

here now the F-1 panel with Gaucho's rework.
I made this screenshot for a main reason:
is the red color of the gauges right so?
or should I try to give them a bit more red?
The screeny is a bit darker than the image is on the sim!
For the reco panel add on, it is just a "see if it could be done"
To make a real panel or panel add on out of it - that's a complete other pair of shoes (german expression), means that to do a final
panel out of it will take a lot of time, because I can perhaps spend six or eight hours in a week end on it.
Also a question is if the reco versions has been F7F-1 conversations or F-3's because the instrument dashboard is quit different.

Hallo Mick,

... is the red color of the gauges right so?
or should I try to give them a bit more red?

The screeny is a bit darker than the image is on the sim!

For the reco panel add on, it is just a "see if it could be done"
To make a real panel or panel add on out of it - that's a complete other pair of shoes (german expression), means that to do a final
panel out of it will take a lot of time, because I can perhaps spend six or eight hours in a week end on it.

Also a question is if the reco versions has been F7F-1 conversations or F-3's because the instrument dashboard is quit different.


Hi Papi,

I think the red looks good. You could make it more red if you like, but I think it looks good now.

I can't read the instruments in the screen shot, but I expect they can be read in the sim...

The F7F In Action booklet tells us that the -1 was only a day fighter, and the -2 was a day fighter, a night fighrer (-2N) and a drone controller (-2D.) It seems that all photo planes were converted from the -3, so the photo popup would only be for the -3 panel.

Since you're doing it as a pop-up, wouldn't you just add the pop-up to your regular -3 panel when it's finished?

I did something like that when I patched your pop-up rear seat from one of your earlier panels into the stock panel for use with my 2-seat repaints. (It's there for all the paints, but I would only ride back there in a 2-seater paint job. )
Here's another one

OK, here's why I needed to find the nose gear doors on the texture files.

This single-seat F7F-3P belonged to VMP-354, based at MCAS Cherry Point, NC in 1949.

While I was working on this paint I stumbled onto a bit of unnecessary but curious information. For decades I've known of the color "International Orange," and I always figured the name came from it being an internationally recognized color for high visibility markings, or some such reason. Not so. As it turns out, the name comes from the fact that the color was taken from the logo of the International Harvester company, hence
"International Orange. " I wonder if I was the only one who didn't know that...

I hope my skins don't make the planes look like they were painted with tractor paint!

Next we'll see what I can do with the long-nosed F7F-3N.
Don't forget Maarten's great warbird skins! Or tankerguy's tanker skins!

Thank you very much Mick! Well, you already know that I like your skins and TG's skins very much! And Gordon Madison's great templates also (couldn't do without them). :applause: :applause::applause:

One more short-nose

This F7F-4N belonged to Headquarters Squadron, 1st Marine Air Wing, based at MCAS El Toro, CA in 1950. HEDRON 1MAW had a variety of F7F variants; AZ11 was their only -4N.

Now I'll move on to the long-nosed -3N.
A long-nosed 'Cat

Here's a long-nosed F7F-3N. This one belonged to VMF(N)-534 in 1946, when the squadron went aboard the USS Shangri-La and unsuccessfully attempted to carrier qualify the F7F-3N. It was found that arrested landings produced structural damage. Consequently, arrested landings were prohibited for all Tigercat variants except the beefed-up F7F-4N, which became the only Tigercat variant qualified for carrier operations.

More to follow...
F7F Tigercat SOH Project flight recording

Hallo Friends,

I tried to make a flight recording with the F7F-1 at Biggin Hill.
perhaps some one can replay it with the files in the zip.
