F7F Tigercat SOH Project

Hi there,

Just started working on two repaints. One featuring F7F-3P BuNo 80457 "7 LV" of Marine Photo Squadron VMP-354 at MCAS Cherry Point, NC (1949), the other F7F-3N BuNo 60510 "LT 1" of Marine Night Fighter Squadron VMF(N)-531 at MCAS Eagle Mountain Lake, TX (1948). I'm not in a rush so it could take a wee while. ;)

Hi there,

A real beauty, Mick! Thank you so much!

Just started working on two repaints. One featuring F7F-3P BuNo 80457 "7 LV" of Marine Photo Squadron VMP-354 at MCAS Cherry Point, NC (1949), the other F7F-3N BuNo 60510 "LT 1" of Marine Night Fighter Squadron VMF(N)-531 at MCAS Eagle Mountain Lake, TX (1948). I'm not in a rush so it could take a wee while. ;)



Thanks Maarten, but the compliment should go to Gordon Madison, who made the stock textures. All I did was add the number on the fin.

I will make a note of the two skins you plan to do and out my efforts into others. Thanks for the heads up! For the moment I'm going to work on a few other skins for the small-tailed cats. There aren't a lot of choices, but I've found a few. As with the one I just released, they will just be a matter of adding a few markings to the stock textures.
Thanks Maarten, but the compliment should go to Gordon Madison, who made the stock textures. All I did was add the number on the fin.

I will make a note of the two skins you plan to do and out my efforts into others. Thanks for the heads up! For the moment I'm going to work on a few other skins for the small-tailed cats. There aren't a lot of choices, but I've found a few. As with the one I just released, they will just be a matter of adding a few markings to the stock textures.

Mick, did you notice the three I made already? I tried to upload them here but for some reason without success. They can be found at Flightsim.com. All three contemporary Tigercats. Liveries based on the great templates by Gordon Madison.

For the rest no other Tigercat livery plans here.

Mick, did you notice the three I made already? I tried to upload them here but for some reason without success. They can be found at Flightsim.com. All three contemporary Tigercats. Liveries based on the great templates by Gordon Madison.

For the rest no other Tigercat livery plans here.


Yes, Maarten, I saw them and they are excellent! Great work!
'Nother One

Here's another quick and easy repaint. Once again, all I did was add a number to the original textures.

This F7F-1 is believed to be from one of the squadrons stationed at MCAS Cherry Point around 1946. References differ as to whether this plane was a -1 or an early -3 with the small tail. Since -1 liveries are so few, and it works with the -1 model, I'm calling it a -1.


Another skin for the 'Cat. This early, small-tailed, single-seat F7F-3P was flown by the commanding officer of VMD-254, based at Kiangwan Field, China in 1945-46. Because this plane had the early, small vertical tail and no rear cockpit, this skin works on the F7F-1 model rather than the F7F-3 model. It is based on Gordon Madison's original textures. Once again, I just added the unit codes, and on this one, remove the prop warning stripe.

I have one or two more small-tailed early -3s to paint, then I'll see what I can do with the big-tailed cats.

And one more

This early, small-tailed, single-seat F7F-3 belonged to VMF-911, based MCAS Cherry Point, NC in 1945 or 46. Because of the early, small tail it works with the -1 model, not the -3 model. Textures based on Gordon Madison's originals.

As with one of the images in one of my earlier posts, I have no idea why that white vertical line is in the picture. It isn't in the textures.

I guess that's about it for my skins for the small-tailed 'Cats. Next I'll see what I can do for the big-tailed 'Cats. I have a few ideas. Maybe I'll find some time over the weekend.
Thanks Mick! Just grabbed them all.... I'm a big fan of the Tigercat and really enjoy flying her. Nice to have a variety of superb brushwork to dress her up in.:cat:

Hi there,

About to start adding the finishing touches (handpainted rivets, panel lines) on the USMC F7F-3P Tigercat BuNo 80457 "7 LV" of Marine Photo Squadron VMP-354 at MCAS Cherry Point, NC (1949). Livery based on Gordon Madison's beeautiful templates. Will be ready in a few days.
I'm aware that the F7F-3P had the inner wing guns removed, but that is an alteration I haven't got the knowledge for.

Because of an eye infection I have to drop my plans for the livery feat. the USMC F7F-3N Tigercat BuNo 60510 "LT 1" of Marine Night Fighter Squadron VMF(N)-531 at MCAS Eagle Mountain Lake, TX (1948). The eye needs some rest.

As with one of the images in one of my earlier posts, I have no idea why that white vertical line is in the picture. It isn't in the textures.

Mick, I have the same issue on two of my previous textures and the one featured here. Must have to do something with mapping. But then, what is perfect in life? ;)

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Hi there,
Mick, I have the same issue on two of my previous textures and the one featured here. Must have to do something with mapping. But then, what is perfect in life? ;)

Ah ha! I see what it is! It's the pitot mast colored white instead of blue! I didn't notice it in the sim when I took my screen shots, and I couldn't tell what it was in my screenies, but yours shows it more clearly.

The little horizontal pitot tube should be silver, but the mast it's mounted on that hangs down from the wing should be blue.

It must not be textured, since I used the original textures, as I'm sure you did too, just adding the unit codes. Or maybe it takes its color from a spot on the texture files that has a white code letter or number on it. Odd that nobody noticed it until now! Mystery solved!
It must not be textured, since I used the original textures, as I'm sure you did too, just adding the unit codes. Or maybe it takes its color from a spot on the texture files that has a white code letter or number on it. Odd that nobody noticed it until now! Mystery solved!

Right on. :)
Maarten - Question

Hi Maarten,

I have a question about one of the skins you plan to paint.

You wrote that you plan to paint a F7F-3P of VMP-354, code 1-LT. I have photos of -3P's from that squadron that show markings from time periods when the marking standards were rather different. One shows a plane as it appeared in the early post-war years, without the red stripe in the national insignia, and the other shows a plane wearing late 1940's or early 1950's markings, with the red stripe in the national insignia. The other markings are quite different, as markings standards changed considerably during the intervening years.

Which time period will your paint depict?
Hi Maarten,

I have a question about one of the skins you plan to paint.

You wrote that you plan to paint a F7F-3P of VMP-354, code 1-LT. I have photos of -3P's from that squadron that show markings from time periods when the marking standards were rather different. One shows a plane as it appeared in the early post-war years, without the red stripe in the national insignia, and the other shows a plane wearing late 1940's or early 1950's markings, with the red stripe in the national insignia. The other markings are quite different, as markings standards changed considerably during the intervening years.

Which time period will your paint depict?

Hi Mick,

The photo I used for the F7F-3P BuNo 80457 of VMP-354, code 7-LV (not 1-LT) was taken on June 27, 1949 (see book "Grumman F7F Tigercat" on page 128 (top), Naval Fighters Number 75, authors Corwyn "Corky" Meyer and Steve Ginter). This one is featured on today's screenshot.

The repaint which I dropped (I didn't start that one yet) was F7F-3N Tigercat BuNo 60510 "LT 1" of Marine Night Fighter Squadron VMF(N)-531 (photo on page 133 of the same book).

The photo I used for the F7F-3P BuNo 80457 of VMP-354, code 7-LV (not 1-LT) was taken on June 27, 1949 (see book "Grumman F7F Tigercat" on page 128 (top), Naval Fighters Number 75, authors Corwyn "Corky" Meyer and Steve Ginter). This one is featured on today's screenshot.

The repaint which I dropped (I didn't start that one yet) was F7F-3N Tigercat BuNo 60510 "LT 1" of Marine Night Fighter Squadron VMF(N)-531 (photo on page 133 of the same book).


Thanks Maarten,

I don't have the Ginter book, but I have the In Action booklet that has what are probably the same photos of those two planes. I wasn't thinking of painting LT-1, but I will probably paint LT-17 from the same squadron but marked to a much later (and more colorful) standard.

I really like your paint job on VMD-354's LV-7 and I look forward to adding it to my Tigerclowder of Tigercats when you put it up in the library. And I'm happy to scratch it off my list of possible repaints. I have a list of more possible skins than I want to paint, and I'm trying to make it shorter.
Big-tailed Cat

Here's one for the big-tailed F7F-3. This F7F-3 of an unidentified Marine fighter squadron wearing non-standard markings was photographed at NAS Livermore, CA in 1946. Like my other skins, it's based on Gordon Madison's original textures.

As we move up the timeline with the later versions, we start to see more variety in the markings and little bits of color.
Gun sight reticule for papi's 2d panel


I find your 2D fighter panel for the Tigercat really gives a good feel for this a/c. With regard to the pop-up gun-sight mounting with fixed aiming reticule, I wonder if it would be possible for you to produce the same pop-up gun-sight but without the etched circular aiming reticule?

I found a reticule that is switchable for 3 modes that would complement the gun-sight very well. Do not know who produced this gauge from way back, but it is called '1Tiger_New_Hud_3.cab'.

If this gauge - which consists of the reticule and a separate switch for the 3 modes, is installed in your gun-sight pop-up it looks very effective.

Just a thought, but it does work very well with your cockpit.

Tks for the panel

Yet another one!

This F7F-3 was based at NAS Anacostia, MD for the use of deskbound officers on headquarters assignments to maintain currency and retain their flight pay. Based on the original textures.

F-1 2d panel

Hallo Friends,

I'm breaking my teath on my 2D panel > Itried to make the canopy frames and the dashboard in flat black.
Using PaintshopPro the outcome is very near to flat black, but when trying in the flightsim it gets so dark that all details get loosed.
My flightsim is configured to work with 1400x900x32 the highest color setting I can configure.
I asked Gaucho if he will help me, because I do not know any longer what happens.

Hallo Friends,

I'm breaking my teath on my 2D panel > Itried to make the canopy frames and the dashboard in flat black.
Using PaintshopPro the outcome is very near to flat black, but when trying in the flightsim it gets so dark that all details get loosed.
My flightsim is configured to work with 1400x900x32 the highest color setting I can configure.
I asked Gaucho if he will help me, because I do not know any longer what happens.


Hi Papi,

When I was working on the stock panel I noticed that the frames and consoles looked a bit darker in the sim than they did on the textures. The difference wasn't as pronounced as you describe, but it was visible. I was able to find a shade of very dark gray for the textures that looks almost black in the sim. The eye sees it as "black," but it's not a true black that would make the details, like the separation line between the fixed and sliding parts, invisible. A bit of trial and error should bring you to a shade that you like.

If you wish, feel free to copy the shade I used from one of the textures in my panel backdate kit.

I got to the shade I liked by loading one of the textures into my favorite photo enhancement program (Sierra Snapshot Express) and making it darker click by click, adjusting the contrast as I went along to retain the details. I'm sure it's possible to do the same thing in PSP but I don't know how. (I use PSP7 for many tasks, but I haven't learned that one, since it's so easy in Snapshot Express.)

Once I got the "off-black" color the way I wanted it, I then copied the
red armament master switch and the little black placard near the bottom of the panel from an unmodified copy of the texture and pasted it into the modified one. That kept the switch from becoming too dark, and the placard from becoming so dark that its background turned true black and became transparent in the sim. (I learned that last part by experience!)

Remember, there's no Navy project officer looking over your shoulder to make sure you get everything exactly according to specifications. It's your panel and your copy of the model, so you just have to get a look that you like. Surely the result will find many happy users.