Charter Member
Have TD due to medication. Hands and body shake very badly.
Many thanks for your answer Allen;1160 entries left!
@Klein All Categories are claimed. Maybe you can collaborate with someone if you and them are not in the same time zone to speed thing up.
IMHO that would be OK only as a last resort, but it makes me nervous because I can see a number of important potential problems with it.
1.) How can the files be uploaded in the sequence they are in the Warbirds library?
2.) There could be no immediate cross check between the Warbirds library and the Resources library to verify all the files had been transferred.
3.) Once the deadline comes, all of the Warbirds library will close down. Potentially the person who downloaded a section's files but has not transferred them would then be the sole holder of those files. If for any reason, computer virus or crash, health issues etc. that person wasn't able or motivated to upload the files they would be lost forever.
4.) There's no way the administrators can ensure that a section is done or will be done.
5.) Crediting the file author will be spotty or impossible. The file author is often only identified in the information box to the right side of the file download display. That information does not download with the file and would be lost if not entered when uploading the transferred file.