File Library Teams

"Pat: It is not difficult at all, just takes a little time. It is in fact just downloading from the old library and then uploading to the new library here. Thank you for volunteering.

There is an instruction PDF file here that guides step by step:"

Ok, will get on it it this week. 👍
Thanks Pat. Let me know what section you choose to work on please.
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I'm been most doing things out side of SOH (working in Unity). Also didn't see the message.
@Pat Pattle Do you want all 356 entries of the CFS 3 Skins Add-Ons or just one of the sub sections?
Hi Allen, I've downloaded all of the skins and images from this folder: "CFS 3 Skins Add-Ons" So I'll start uploading them soon.

However, as it's time limited, is it better that we just download everything from the old Library and worry about the uploads at a later date?
Hi Clive

IMHO that would be OK only as a last resort, but it makes me nervous because I can see a number of important potential problems with it.

1.) How can the files be uploaded in the sequence they are in the Warbirds library?
2.) There could be no immediate cross check between the Warbirds library and the Resources library to verify all the files had been transferred.
3.) Once the deadline comes, all of the Warbirds library will close down. Potentially the person who downloaded a section's files but has not transferred them would then be the sole holder of those files. If for any reason, computer virus or crash, health issues etc. that person wasn't able or motivated to upload the files they would be lost forever.
4.) There's no way the administrators can ensure that a section is done or will be done.
5.) Crediting the file author will be spotty or impossible. The file author is often only identified in the information box to the right side of the file download display. That information does not download with the file and would be lost if not entered when uploading the transferred file.

The organized and secure way to do it is a section at a time, a file at a time until the section is complete. Then a comparison can be made to insure all files were transferred, the section verified as complete, and checked off.


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Hi Allen. Have uploaded Pg 5 to new site. If these OK will upload rest. Am upto Pg 2 with download.

Could try for Drivable Vehicles next.
Hi Allen. Have uploaded Pg 5 to new site. If these OK will upload rest. Am upto Pg 2 with download.

Could try for Drivable Vehicles next.
Hi flashgordon

You still need to change the author's name from your own to the original author's name (or to NMG if the author is no longer recognized by the database)

See the last page of Allen's instruction PDF for how to do this.

And it would be great of you took Driveable Vehicles next.

Thanks for helping!!
Pat Pattle could also save all of CFS 3 Skins Add-Ons webpages but I think it would be best to just take a sub category CFS 3 Skins Add-Ons so others can do the other sub categories.
Hi Allen
Made a boob with

New SdKfz 251 Versions with​

as managed to get it pointing to the New German SdKfz 231 with Cannot see how I can to change this within Resources Editor Permissions. Sorry. More haste less speed plus old age.
Hi Allen
Made a boob with

New SdKfz 251 Versions with​

as managed to get it pointing to the New German SdKfz 231 with Cannot see how I can to change this within Resources Editor Permissions. Sorry. More haste less speed plus old age.
Do you mean you saved it before you had changed the author name? If so you can still edit the file in the same drop down window by selecting 'Edit resource' and then selecting 'Reassign resource'. Or was it something else?
No. Managed to open the wrong saved .zip file re-naming it in process from SdKfz 231 to SdKfz 251. With slow brain process saved file before I realised what I had done. When the 251 is downloaded definitely has the 231 .zip attached.
