Fleet Aircraft Fleet 50K

How did I miss this thread??? Very interesting aircraft here, Milton. Will be looking forward to it, along with the tutorial.

Thank You
First thought was "That's a funny looking beast... who'd really be interested?" The more I read the thread, though, the more interested I am. It's got an ungainly, utilitarian sort of beauty - much like the Avias did. Methinks this one will get some mileage from me in the Canadian bush...
The Canadian textures look great. :applause:

This will make a great mate to the Avia 51 up in the Canadian and Alaskan wilderness.

Keep up the good work guys. :icon29:

Thank you Gentlemen for your comments and interest. The Fleet 50K has a certain simplistic beauty about her. There is a lot here to enjoy without a lot to be encumbered by. Basic sweetness :wiggle:

Lots of less noticeable progress over the weekend; more coming. :)
A really interesting looking airplane you found there Milton and Team Fleet, and it looks like it's coming on a treat:jump:.

If the front (bow?) fell open as you flew, it would act as a very serious air brake, or shovel, if you were low enough.

Looking forward to more pictures!


edit. I've just come across this image which shows a little ?window below the pilot.

View attachment 94060

...and another one which doesn't !!

Shall I get me coat?

Thank you Gentlemen for your comments and interest. The Fleet 50K has a certain simplistic beauty about her. There is a lot here to enjoy without a lot to be encumbered by. Basic sweetness :wiggle:

Lots of less noticeable progress over the weekend; more coming. :)

That is not an airplane, Milton... it's a utility van with wings. :applause::applause: And it looks very nice in the screenshots. The wheeled version would make an excellent bush plane, with the "Airmen Beans" logo on the side like the trusty ol' Beech D-18 Amphibian. Yeah, I still fly that one too!

Indiana Jones would have given his all to have a plane like that to haul away his "booty" back to the museum, just that with a full load, the "natives" might have been able to outrun it. LOL!

Very nicely done, my friend! :guinness:

A really interesting looking airplane you found there Milton and Team Fleet, and it looks like it's coming on a treat:jump:.

If the front (bow?) fell open as you flew, it would act as a very serious air brake, or shovel, if you were low enough.

Looking forward to more pictures!


edit. I've just come across this image which shows a little ?window below the pilot.

View attachment 94060

...and another one which doesn't !!

Shall I get me coat?


That's an interesting photo I have not seen. And obviously a custom job with that window. Not sure why it would be there as the pilot sat high and against the normal window easily seeing the floats for edging up to the docks.

As to the lower nose door, it wasn't actually a door at all but a removable section not hinged for the loading of objects up to 20 feet long and 8" thick.
"Hinging" it was a convenience for me to "stow" it while open. :)
That is not an airplane, Milton... it's a utility van with wings. :applause::applause: And it looks very nice in the screenshots. The wheeled version would make an excellent bush plane, with the "Airmen Beans" logo on the side like the trusty ol' Beech D-18 Amphibian. Yeah, I still fly that one too!

Indiana Jones would have given his all to have a plane like that to haul away his "booty" back to the museum, just that with a full load, the "natives" might have been able to outrun it. LOL!

Very nicely done, my friend! :guinness:


Great way , and probably the best way, to describe this one BB686. I can assure you that this will make and awesome bush flyer; Magoo is seeing to that as we speak. An alternative engine powered version will also be available. :)
Yet another interesting and rare aircraft! T

It really is Tom. We are proving it with the standard engine options, both the Jacobs and the Wright for a little more HP. We have also jacked one up with the PW 985's for some special fun. Magoo and gman5250 are doing due diligence right now with the FM's and textures, and special custom sounds as well. Will be very interesting. :jump:
Thanks; she's out of my hands for now in the hands of the paint shop and flight model and sound experts. :)
Hi Milton, and other buffs,

Looking forward to having a tinker with one - another hidden classic brought to life :wiggle:
This one is lagging behind a bit with RL and priority projects pressing but we intend to get her to you in due time before too much longer.
The wiki article says it was "underpowered." Are you going to give your version a tune-up or leave it with stock engines?
The wiki article says it was "under-powered." Are you going to give your version a tune-up or leave it with stock engines?

Magoo has done a beautiful job replicating the characteristics of the stock Jacob L-6MB engines.

Since the Fleet 50K also could use Wright 760E's, we have a version of the Tundra, Ski, and Floats with the stronger HP Wrights.

Not to short-come the ingenuity of necessity in the Canadian outback, we also have a version with PW985's for that little extra kick to climb out of those short runways when overloaded :)

You will appreciate Magoo's superb handling and performance in each of the 9 aircraft.
Must have been a nightmare but last night I envisioned one surviving long enough for someone to hang a pair of PT-6A-65's on her...

A Collaboration Project

I expect to release a base project for the Fleet 50K tonight. This will be as I originally planned back in September. The base package will have 3 models (tundra, skis, floats), a basic VC with cargo, excellent flight models, effects, and base texture templates.

The purpose is to give designers, artists, mod'ers something to collaborate on to create an end result as an SOH product. This means collectively, you can make it what you want and release a final package as your creation (with appropriate credits of course).

The gmax source will also available if someone wishes to take the model detail further.

I would appreciate any comments regarding this idea to give SOH members a chance to collaborate on a project such as this. If this goes well, I will make other such projects available.