@phantomx1 really!,
Can you post a pic or two as you go through this process? Or describe it in short words as well if possible.
When I look at instructions for repainting an aircraft, my brain just stops and doesn't seem to be able to grasp what the stages are to get the paint on the model.... send to editor, save as , alpha channel
lemonadedrinker, I am extreme novice and this probably isn't anywhere near the correct way to do it, but it will work.
OK (Working with the Fleet 50, nacelle texture as my example)
1. Make a copy of the Fleet 50's texture file and place to another place on your computer where you can find it.
2. open ms paint. Then use "open" to find your texture file. Select the precise texture plate then click "ok". It then shows up in ms paint.
Suppose you want to simply apply one color of paint on only one of the parts showing on the nacelle texture plate.
3. From the "shapes" section, select "rectangle", then expand that rectangle where it will completely surround the nacelle part you want to paint. You now see a rectangle surounding what you want to paint.
4. Next I select from "Image" the little paint bucket labeled "Fill with color". I then click on a color from the palette, the move the pointer within the "rectangle and it applies a paint cover in the rectangle which paints the necelle. You just painted that nacelle part! But it will not show up on your plane in FSX!
5. Next I saved this ms paint as "save as" and then selected "BMP picture". Now your work is saved and you can open it up again for any future use, and it will show the changes you made to it. (Don't forget to name your saved file).
6. Next you will need to have a tool to convert that texture so you can use it to convert the texture so it will show up in FS. This texture converter I am using is a freeware download called DXTbmp. Open this program tool up and then you hit "file" and navigate to your target texture and import the texture you just saved from ms paint. Your modified texture work then shows up on the DXTbmp screen. Once it shows up, I then simply just save it as a DXT 3 extended bitmap file, then exit the DXTbmp tool program back to desktop.
7. I then go to FSX and find the Fleet 50k texture file and go in and re-name that particular original texture plate, such as, from "nacelles_t" to "nacelles_torig". Now I can go find MY painted texture plate I painted and throw it into the Fleet50's texture folder and re-name it to the "nacelles_t" and then close to desk top and crank up the FSX and go fly the Fleet 50k. The new paint shows on the plane.
Hope this helps some!