Flight Replica's Me 109 Gustavs.

I have just uploaded the next two schemes, G-2 Bulgarian and a G-6 Luftwaffe JG 26.


(Sorry, old habits die hard!) I fixed the picture on the RSI, but the Hungarian repaint is actually uploaded instead of that repaint. You should be able to fix it yourself. If you can't, upload it again and I'll fix it.
May the fleas of a thousand camels infest my unworthy armpits. I will re upload the RSI pack if you can remove the dodgy one. Sorry folks, I got distracted when uploading.

May the fleas of a thousand camels infest my unworthy armpits. I will re upload the RSI pack if you can remove the dodgy one. Sorry folks, I got distracted when uploading.



Just upload as normal and I'll swap it out.
Hungarian G-6, 1944. Russian Liberation Army, G-6 Tall tail. Have just been uploaded.
A G-6 Slovakian scheme, and a G-10 Luftwaffe JG77 scheme, have just been uploaded.
Great!!! Keep em' coming...LOL. I have more Bf-109's now than any other plane in my virtual hangars. Really like the Night Fighter G-6 and the G-10 schemes. Superb, as always! :salute:

Due to me now starting too see leading edge slats in my sleep, I am having a couple of days off for bad behaviour.
34 skins uploaded so far and still about a dozen to complete. I have two or three G-14's that need a fair bit of work too complete them and will restart work on them once I have finished on the G-6 and G-10 models.

Here's a couple of WIP shots of the previously mentioned schemes that still need some work, a G-10 late war brown and green, and, a G-14 night fighter.
I have a G-2 Trop scheme, USAAF EB-102, 1943. Or will have once I can find that there bloomin filter textures :isadizzy: