Flight Replica's Me 109 Gustavs.

I am afraid you need to go to

"Pidgin" Pigeon, perhaps?



the dictionary my friend.... Pidgin... is the term used by English seamen in olden days to describe
the smattering of English... and other languages used by natives in many ports which
was Lingua franca amongst stevedores to communicate with international crews...
words like "finito" for finished... "kaput" for the same... and "mo'betta"... the elocution O.K. etc. became part
of a lexicon that.... curiously got carried away throughout the world... even my native
Uruguay.... stevedores and whores there... all could speak pidgin... much needed for their
livelihoods... I lived in Hawaii for many years... went to Medical school there... and most of the local folks... speak what they call
Hawaiian pidgin English... (not really... but the local dialect and English inflections that probably came their way by the same means
American whalers probably... the port of Lahaina was THE STOP before going out there to chase whales )
Nothing to do with pigeons at all..... reminds me of someone who called me a racist when
I used the word niggardly... in a group... because he thought it was a race-toned remark...
I invited him to the dictionary too... niggardly means STINGY and CHEAP... and has
nothing to do with race... :wiggle::mixedsmi::wavey:

So, no birds here at all....
and one of the most common words (if you can call it that) 'OK!' actually is Greek in origin... OK being Όλα καλά literally 'All Good' :icon_lol:

back to '109s.... if anyone wants the JV44 i did and the fictional squadron NJV88 scheme give me a shout and i'll upload somewhere :salute: The NJV88 scheme (Stalin pointed this out last night) when the tank is fitted looks like a 'False Canopy' from the underside... lucky break there :icon_lol:

Thanks Matt. That would be nice. Something to lighten the grim grey colours of the Luftwaffe in its dying days. BTW are you attending the Flt Sim extravaganza at Cosford on Sat 19 Oct?

Thanks Matt. That would be nice. Something to lighten the grim grey colours of the Luftwaffe in its dying days. BTW are you attending the Flt Sim extravaganza at Cosford on Sat 19 Oct?


i'm considering heading there for it, usually some bargains to be had at the shows... got to see when i'm in Greece next, Sept i think.... so should be back by then... :wiggle:

many thanks for these, haven't downloaded them yet as I still have to dig out my '109' disc and reinstall them, but will get that done this week, slowly getting a small FS mojo going again.

Oh, and thanks Matt for joining the party. Looking forward to the jets too.

Here are some current works in progress, mainly G-10's but the odd G-6 thrown in as well.

The Graf just needs the odd edge tweaking and the leading edges on the wing cammo sorting, working on the G-4 Fin 213 scheme at the mo.
