Flight Replica's Me 109 Gustavs.

Time for a :guinness:, now.... and maybe a friendly ordinance beer run to London in one of those G10's.....

Cheers -- BB686:USA-flag:

I just have a couple to complete then its party time, well if party time can mean catch up on the household chores and some sleep.
This latest 109 binge has been powered by lots of coca cola, and sponsored by my overdraught :icon_lol:.

I just have a couple to complete then its party time, well if party time can mean catch up on the household chores and some sleep.
This latest 109 binge has been powered by lots of coca cola, and sponsored by my overdraught :icon_lol:.


Hi Steve
I think its a good idea after the party & sleep to start with the wop/a2a fw190's

Hi Steve
I think its a good idea after the party & sleep to start with the wop/a2a fw190's


Close but no. I will be completing the layered masters for Kazonori's excellent FW189. Which I will upload for other people too use.

Although he never flew it(only 109 E/E-7/F/F-4-->FW-190) a Novotny what if G-10 could be a ringer

Something like that*


* somebody made that for me time ago.After a computer crash I lost the sources and the nice author.my late friend (died 2 years ago in his 94's )was flying with Novotny in Russia

View attachment 91130

Roland I have been thinking about your request ? And remember well the story you told me of your old friends service in the Luftwaffe. That is why I did the F4 for you both. So I offer this fictional Novotny G-10 skin. And will lift a glass in memory of your friend. This is not going for public release as I consider it a present too Roland, but thought I'd share a few screenshots.

I went for a 1944 cammo scheme as it was a G-10.
reminds me i have a few Kommando Nowotny and JV44 schemes to work on.... :icon_lol: work keeps diving in the way at the minute, sod and his bloody laws... (anyone got a rifle chambered for .338 Lapua that i can use to get Messrs. Sod and Murphy? failing that 7.62 Short will do...)

on my JV44 list are Ho229 (Skyunlimited) and Me262's (again, Skyunlimited/Flight Replicas), not to mention the A2A FW190A- series as a 'Training bird' :icon_lol:
That scheme looks really good on the Bf-109, Matt. I have a couple of Fw-190D's painted with the red stripes on the bottom like that... "Red 5" and "Red 12". Both skins are for the A2A Focke Wulf 190 Dora... but a fitting tribute to the Bf-109, and you're right... she looks quite menacing. Nice work fellas...:ernae:

Well now BB686 you can have a couple of G-10's trying on the colours, totally fictional and just a bit a fun.
Here's my version so far. All stripes courtesy of Matt apart from the wing leading edges and the leading edge wing slats which he knows I like painting.

Not really sure what the red stripes on the bottom of the plane were about... but I believe it had something to do with pilot training squadrons. I think the Bf-109 wears them quite well, actually, and betwixt Steve and Matt, I'm sure they will look as if they naturally belongs there. :salute:

Not really sure what the red stripes on the bottom of the plane were about... but I believe it had something to do with pilot training squadrons. I think the Bf-109 wears them quite well, actually, and betwixt Steve and Matt, I'm sure they will look as if they naturally belongs there. :salute:


At least one use was as airfield Air CAP for the Me-262 bases for landing and take off, the most vulnerable times. The red bottoms and white stripes were to "help" the AA gunners distinguish between the "friendlies" and the ones they should be firing at!!

From an article re JV44:

"Five Fw 190D-9s and D-11s were attached to JV44, the Platzschutzstaffel (Airfield protection squadron), headed by Leutnant Heinz Sachsenberg, to provide air cover for takeoffs and landings. Flights were to be undertaken in a two-aircraft Rotte up to altitudes of 500 metres, covering both the Me 262s taking off or landing and monitoring the surrounding skies for Allied fighters."
Blackbird, i think they were a propaganda tool in JV44's case.... their pilots were anything but trainees... look at some of the names that flew in the Squadron... Galland, Steinhoff, Bär, Döring... etc....Galland was the Commanding Officer with Bär being his 2I/C....

they also carried some nice mottos on the fuselage side...
pics taken in FSX.... but this is JV44 Grey-Green Scheme and meeting it's Fictional Sister Squadron NJV (Nachtjagdverband) 88...


Die Schweine haben meine Dora gestohlen...

Or in German.

Perhaps... if you mean "The pigs have stolen my Dora"... Die Schweine haben (or hat) meine Dora gestohlen...
probably ... haben better... because you don't say even in English... The pigs had stolen my Dora...does not make sense .... unless of course,
it is connected to some dependent clause... like "by the time I found out... (then it would need an adverb like
"already".... [like "the pigs had already stolen...etc.)

At any rate... the way you have it, NO native German speaker would say it... remember Germans might say a lot of wrong things...
but always grammatically correct... lol ... Unlike some of us English speakers... They never say "she don't" or "you was".... or "Theirs"... for there is,
or such other barbarisms like "it's" instead of "its" (the grammatical definition of such things)...

Even folks with a grade school education always use the right syntax... German just does not make any sense to them otherwise... No such thing as "pidgin" German
like most local people speak in Hawaii.... mo'betta you pay attention brah... shuckaaa...
Even folks with a grade school education always use the right syntax... German just does not make any sense to them otherwise... No such thing as "pidgin" German
like most local people speak in Hawaii.... mo'betta you pay attention brah... shuckaaa...

i swear one day i'll get the hang of communicating with you buddy :icon_lol::icon_lol:
that one went right over my head Matt...

i swear one day i'll get the hang of communicating with you buddy :icon_lol::icon_lol:

I am experiencing being totally non-plus'd.... can't figure out what you mean... Is that a positive or negative statement? :isadizzy::isadizzy::isadizzy::isadizzy::isadizzy:
Sorry didn't learn my German in High school, learnt it on the streets in Germany over 40 years ago and hardly used it since. I wasn't 100 percent happy with my motto something seemed wrong with it. So thought I would post and see if anyone would pick me up on it. Thank you gaucho_59 Die Schweine haben meine Dora gestohlen !!! should do it.


PS "No such thing as "pidgin" German" begs the question so what do German pidgin's speak ? ;).
Mottos and slogans aside... I like the paint scheme on the Bf-109 you guys are working on. The dark grey and white version looks quite unusual and fits the 109 just as well as the red and white. :salute:
