Flight Replica's Me 109 Gustavs.

Huub, I'm interested in adding your repaints to my hanger. Seems there are not as many paints for the F models.
When people are interested I will try to upload them.


Oh yes, please! Can't have too many one-oh-nines!:jump:

Look delicious Huub! Love to fly them. Please upload them they look so good on the Flt Rep model F-4.

I have EB102 in both the red scheme applied in Tunisia where it was captured and in the olive green and grey scheme in which it was evaluated and written off in a landing accident in the USA. Both will be uploaded after i've finished playing with the G-10.

Thank you very much Steve.
Love your work.

A long time ago I did a few repaints for the Flight Replica Bf109 F versions, which I never uploaded. One depicts Adolf Galland

Adolf Galland's Bf109 F2

Mölders Bf109 F2

Priller's Bf109 F2

von Werra's Bf109 F4 (This is the aircraft he got killed in).

When people are interested I will try to upload them.


(Sorry to steal you thread Steve, but it is all yours again now :icon_lol:)

You don't get out of this until you get the bloomin paperwork done and uploaded mate. Too post such nice screenies and not upload will be considered as cruelty to poor old stalin's, and others :icon_lol:
You don't get out of this until you get the bloomin paperwork done and uploaded mate. Too post such nice screenies and not upload will be considered as cruelty to poor old stalin's, and others :icon_lol:

You know I hate the paperwork :isadizzy:

You know what... I just drug out that trusty ol' Bf-109F the other day, dusted it off, (it's a bit on the glossy side). It was like finding a plane that had been lost for years.... but it fired right up.:icon_lol:. It would be a shame not to have some of your paints on her Huub, and as far as paperwork, that's old hat... you can just fill out all that stuff online now. <-- (I just had to throw that in for fun)

The marvels of modern technology...

For those who missed them, years ago I did these two. They are still available in the library here.

These aircraft are from 7./JG53 stationed at Sicily in 1943. Each individual aircraft featured a "Ace of Spades" cartoon which occupied the space between the cockpit and the aircraft number. The most well known was perhaps "Seemann" flown by Georg Amon.

(just a shameless plug of course :icon_lol:)

I have just uploaded 4 more schemes G-6 and G-10 models, 1 Romanian 1945 scheme and 3 Luftwaffe schemes.



Thanks so much to both of you for addressing the lack of repaints for the outstanding Bf-109 models from Flight Replica. Very aware that Ye Olde FS2004 is gradually dimming in re-painters and modellers minds and your efforts are greatly appreciated, researched and flown. Thanks you both very much.

Huub, the Von Werra paint would be a very nice to have, thanks for digging out the great stars of the Luftwaffe.

Glad you like them Mal. I'm starting too tire on the 109 paints, I first started on some of these schemes over 5 years ago and have been playing with them on and off since. After the next batch of uploads I will be having a 109 holiday for a while. I have plans on the G-14 and K's but they will be in the future.

I have four Luftwaffe G-10 schemes now completed. I will be uploading them in the next couple of hours. That just leaves the Fin G-2 MT213 and Yugoslavian G-10 white 44, which I will be finalising tomorrow.