Flight Replica's Me 109 Gustavs.

Excellent! I really like the G-10 and G-14 schemes. I think the darker green/black gives the Bf-109G-14 a "wicked warbird" look... Fictional or not. Those colours just "fit" the plane well.:salute:
I hate to sound like a broken record here, but I really appreciate when a talented painter comes along and adds some exceptional brushwork to a seasoned FS9 airplane such as the FR Bf-109. Nice to see some FS9 add-ons in the library. Thanks Steve!:applause::applause:

I just noticed that I did a silly on the RAF and Luftwaffe JG1 fuselage bands. the file attatched will fix both.

sorry about this was concentrating on the bloomin wing leading edge too much.

Thanks for these gems. I noticed you were not able to locate the tropical filter. Funny as they are on your favourite texture: "Wing Slats.bmp".
When you look at the default Finnish G6 you can't miss them.


Thanks for these gems. I noticed you were not able to locate the tropical filter. Funny as they are on your favourite texture: "Wing Slats.bmp".
When you look at the default Finnish G6 you can't miss them.


I've bin refusing too look at wing slats for the past couple of days lol.
Thanks for the Heads up.

I think this one is about done, will give it a final check in the morning and if all ok will upload it.
I have another G-8R2 too upload, this aircraft was found in Norway at the end of the war.
I have another G-8R2 too upload, this aircraft was found in Norway at the end of the war.

Great looking paint job! Love the weathering and the "noise" on the top surfaces. Makes it come alive and really gives it character. Thanks Steve. :applause: :applause:
Great looking paint job! Love the weathering and the "noise" on the top surfaces. Makes it come alive and really gives it character. Thanks Steve. :applause: :applause:

I do like a used appearance on combat aircraft, been experimenting on these Gustav's since they came out a few years ago.

I have just uploaded the G-8R2 and the and the G-10 Luftwaffe schemes.

I have just uploaded the G-6 tall tails for the Croatian Airforce 1945, and Luftwaffe JG 11. Same aircraft used by JG 11 and then transferred in early 45 too the Croatian's.

I will be uploading a couple of G-10's next, heres an update on the JG 7 scheme.
I have just about finished the G-10 Croatian white 8, 1945, and will be uploading tomorrow along with a Luftwaffe G-10 white 57, 1945.
I have just uploaded two more G-10's, Croatian white 8, and Luftwaffe white 57.
That's 43 uploaded and 2 more too come, I have decided too take a break from 109's after the 45th scheme has been uploaded.
During the war a number of Me-109's made forced landings in Sweden. Some of these aircraft were evaluated and flown by the Swedish Air Force and Saab. The aircraft included a Me-109E of unknown sub type, a F-2 and two G-10's. It is unknown if any of these aircraft were repainted in Swedish markings when tested. This is hypothetical color scheme of a Swedish Bf.109G-10. 0297 it was Hans Preschlers and it came down at Bulltofta .

Just uploaded.