This is where I am now. I have redone the textures of the Dutch liveries.
So far adding lights is still a problem and I still have to do all the writing. The 5th is liberation day, but I won't be able to make that. As Ferry already mention a few posts ago the day I aim at is the 10th, which was the day the Germans invaded the Low countries and France.
//Types: 1=beacon, 2=strobe, 3=navigation, 4=cockpit, 5=landing
light.0 = 4, 3.19, 0, 1.77, fx_vclight_G1
light.1 = 4, -1.0, 0.00, 1.5, fx_vclight_G1 ,
light.2 = 3, 0, -28.2, 2.7, fx_shockwave_navred
light.3 = 3, 0, 28.2, 2.7, fx_shockwave_navgre
light.4 = 3, -25.5, 0, 0.65, fx_shockwave_navwhi
light.5 = 5, 2.64, -15.12, 1.52, fx_shockwave_landing_light_tail_old
light.6 = 5, 2.64, 15.12, 1.52, fx_shockwave_landing_light_tail_old
light.7 = 6, 4.14, -9.37, -2.06, fx_JDT_Air_EXH_SM
light.8 = 6, 4.14, 9.36, -2.12, fx_JDT_Air_EXH_SM
Help is always appreciated Cees! One thing which needs to be done properly is the lights. Some where during the many version, one landing light has disappeared and the other one is locate at a wrong position. The lights on both tail fins are gone as well.
Luckily I do have the model with which makes both landing lights shine on the runway.
I also would like to reduce torque a bit as is is very difficult to take off. Both engines turn the same direction, so the flightmodel is probably quite realistic, however flying this thing should be fun as well!
If you could address these issues I will try to create an explanation of the instruments and write an readme which gives credits to all involved.
Thanks guys, your help is much appreciated. It almost feels like the old CFS2 day where verybady contributed what he could.
Cees, I found the config file in my mailbox. Will try it later this evening or somewhere tomorrow.