Freeware B-24D

Yeah, there's that great-looking mesh.

Like any other 4 engine bird, quite a project, but well worth the work.

Too bad you can't straighten the thing out...make a 'real airplane' out of it, by getting rid of the Pratts, and hanging Wrights on her. Hehe. Blasted thing might stay upstairs then.
Hei Mates

Don't forget to thank Pietro "Zipo" Zazzetta of Italian Wings too as that Liberator is a "four hands" works.

Cheers :ernae: to Luca & Pietro the best italian modellers.
Ted , Bravo/4 and sixghost ought to be thanked for their efforts. Its great to see that they are producing these models with the same efficiency as Boeing, Lockheed and Bell did in the Second World War. I wish them all the best luck and patience.

Have a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year Everyone!
BRAVO to all involved it this effort..We have been needing a freeware b-24 for years..To these men I have to say a GREAT BIG, THANK YOU..
May God Bless you for your wonderful efforts...:ernae:
and even before X-mas!

No way its going to be done before xmas :isadizzy:

Hi Sdsbolt,

Of course not.
I'am sorry: my remark could be explained in different ways.
All I wanted to say is that I'am impressed by so many people who join hands. Because I wanted to fly a freeware B-24 fly for a long time this all feels like getting a big present.

I realise that everybody is doing this in their free-time. And I don't expect the B-24 before X-mas.

Thanks for all your efforts!

I'll send Ted what I have on the 24s, little later today. It might help.
If any of it is useable, then he can share it with who can use it.
No way its going to be done before xmas

But it sure will feel like it!

Thanks for bringing us such an a/c, long awaited we can wait a little longer. The pleasure is in the anticipation.