Freeware B-24D

I've made myself a pseudo-1% B-24J using the old CFS2 AvHistory flight model that has been tweaked as needed. The only downside is the need for a long take off run when fully loaded but then again, one could expect that... otherwise it flies well. Well seeing that it's a flying truck.
How about getting Clive to do the aerials?
I'll glady take a look if it's not treading on anyones toes, got any decent images/info?

(I'll be making some for the Deffy at some point too ;))
Best I could find Clive of the aerials plus one of the Leigh Light version.

The first photograph shows Liberators of 120 Squadron Coastal Command being equipped and serviced in between sorties. The Liberator is distinctive as it has the TV aerial like protusions from the wings which were part of the radar equipment used for detecting U-Boats. This photograph was probably taken in late 1941 at RAF Nutts Corner.
A poorly translated Czech site on the Liberator in RAF service:

If you try to compile a chronological overview of RAF squadron, equipped Liberator, we get the list (a total of 45 in the RAF included British, Canadian and Australian armed Liberator squadron, but if we count the Liberator units have been equipped until April 1945, the number drops to 37 , of which only one was part of Bomber Command, to serve the maritime survey, 14 squadron, of which 8 were part of Coastal Command):
120. 120. squadrona (námořní průzkum, Coastal Command) Squadron (naval survey, Coastal Command)
Liberator I (od VI/1941) Liberator I (from VI/1941)
(první protiponorková patrola 20. 9. 1941) (First Anti-submarine patrol 20. 9. 1941)
Liberator II (XI/1941) Liberator II (XI/1941)
Liberator III (VI/1942) Liberator III (VI/1942)
Liberator V (XII/1943) Liberator V (XII/1943)
Liberator VI (XII/1944) Liberator VI (XII/1944)
108. 108. squadrona (bombardování, spec. operace., severní Afrika) Squadron (bombing, spec. operation., North Africa)
Liberator II Liberator II
XI/1941 až VI/1942 (předány 159. sqn) XI/1941 to VI/1942 (transmitted 159th sqn)
XI/1942 až 25. XI/1942 to 25 12. 12th 1942 (108. sqn. rozpuštěna) 1942 (108th sqn. Disbanded)
160. 160. squadrona Squadron
bombardovací sqn, Palestina, sev. Afrika, Indie (VII/1942 až I/1943) bomber sqn, Palestine, North Africa, India (VII/1942 to I/1943)
námořní průzkum, Dálný východ (od II/1943) marine research, Far East (from II/1943)
Liberator II (V/1942 až I/1943) Liberator II (V/1942 to I/1943)
Liberator III (III/1943) Liberator III (III/1943)
Liberator V (VI/1943) Liberator V (VI/1943)
Liberator VI (I/1944) Liberator VI (I/1944)
224. 224. squadrona (námořní průzkum, Coastal Command) Squadron (naval survey, Coastal Command)
Liberator III (VII/1942) Liberator III (VII/1942)
Liberator II (XI/1942) Liberator II (XI/1942)
Liberator V (I/1943) Liberator V (I/1943)
Liberator VI (XII/1944) Liberator VI (XII/1944)
Liberator VIII (II/1945) Liberator VIII (II/1945)
159. 159. squadrona (bombardovací sqn., Palestina, Indie) Squadron (Bomber Sqn., Palestine, India)
Liberator II (VII/1942) Liberator II (VII/1942)
Liberator V (VII/1943) Liberator V (VII/1943)
Liberator III (VIII/1943) Liberator III (VIII/1943)
Liberator VI (III/1944) Liberator VI (III/1944)
59. 59. squadrona (námořní průzkum, Coastal Command) Squadron (naval survey, Coastal Command)
Liberator III (VIII/1942 až XII/1942) Liberator III (VIII/1942 to XII/1942)
Liberator V (III/1943) Liberator V (III/1943)
Liberator VIII (III/1945) Liberator VIII (III/1945)
86. 86. squadrona (námořní průzkum, Coastal Command) Squadron (naval survey, Coastal Command)
Liberator IIIA (X/1942 — první patrola 16. 2. 1943) Liberator IIIA (X/1942 - First Patrol 16. 2. 1943)
Liberator V (III/1943) Liberator V (III/1943)
Liberator VIII (I/1945) Liberator VIII (I/1945)
511. 511. squadrona (transportní) Squadron (Transport)
Liberator I (X/1942 — III/1944) Liberator I (X/1942 - III/1944)
Liberator II (X/1942 — VI/1944) Liberator II (X/1942 - VI/1944)
Liberator VII (VII/1944 — XII/1944) Liberator VII (VII/1944 - XII/1944)
178. 178. squadrona (bombardovací, sev. Afrika) Squadron (Bomber, North Africa)
Liberator II (I/1943) Liberator II (I/1943)
Liberator III (IX/1943) Liberator III (IX/1943)
Liberator VI (I/1944) Liberator VI (I/1944)
148. 148. squadrona (spec. operace, severní Afrika, Itálie) Squadron (special operations, North Africa, Italy)
Liberator II (III/1943 — II/1944) Liberator II (III/1943 - II/1944)
Liberator VI (VI/1945) Liberator VI (VI/1945)
53. 53. squadrona (námořní průzkum, Coastal Command) Squadron (naval survey, Coastal Command)
Liberator VA (V/1943) Liberator VA (V/1943)
Liberator VI (VI/1944) Liberator VI (VI/1944)
Liberator VIII (I/1945) Liberator VIII (I/1945)
311. 311. squadrona (námořní průzkum, Coastal Command) Squadron (naval survey, Coastal Command)
Liberator IIIA (VII/1943) Liberator IIIA (VII/1943)
Liberator V (VII/1943) Liberator V (VII/1943)
Liberator VI (III/1945) Liberator VI (III/1945)
200. 200. squadrona (námořní průzkum, Afrika, Indie) Squadron (naval exploration, Africa, India)
Liberator V (VII/1943) Liberator V (VII/1943)
Liberator VI (XI/1944) Liberator VI (XI/1944)
354. 354. squadrona (námořní průzkum, Dálný východ) Squadron (naval survey, Far East)
Liberator V (VIII/1943) Liberator V (VIII/1943)
Liberator IIIA (XII/1943) Liberator IIIA (XII/1943)
Liberator VI (II/1944) Liberator VI (II/1944)
355. 355. squadrona (bombardovací, Dálný východ) Squadron (Bomber, Far East)
Liberator III (XI/1943) Liberator III (XI/1943)
Liberator VI (II/1944) Liberator VI (II/1944)
Liberator VIII (VIII/1945) Liberator VIII (VIII/1945)
547. 547. squadrona (námořní průzkum, Coastal Command) Squadron (naval survey, Coastal Command)
Liberator V (XI/1943) Liberator V (XI/1943)
Liberator VI (VII/1944) Liberator VI (VII/1944)
Liberator VIII (III/1945) Liberator VIII (III/1945)
357. 357. squadrona (spec. operace, Dálný východ) Squadron (special operations, Far East)
Liberator III (II/1944) Liberator III (II/1944)
Liberator VI (IX/1944) Liberator VI (IX/1944)
206. 206. squadrona (námořní průzkum, Coastal Command) Squadron (naval survey, Coastal Command)
Liberator VI (IV/1944) Liberator VI (IV/1944)
223. 223. (RCM) squadrona (100 Group, Bomber Command) (RCM) Squadron (100 Group, Bomber Command)
Liberator IV (VIII/1944) Liberator IV (VIII/1944)
215. 215. squadrona (bombardovací, Dálný východ) Squadron (Bomber, Far East)
Liberator VI (VIII/1944 — IV/1945) Liberator VI (VIII/1944 - IV/1945)
Liberator VIII VIII/1944 — IV/1945) Liberator VIII VIII/1944 - IV/1945)
614. 614. squadrona (spec. operace, Středomoří) Squadron (special operations, Mediterranean)
Liberator VIII (VIII/1944) Liberator VIII (VIII/1944)
99. 99. squadrona (bombardovací, Indie, Barma) Squadron (bombers, India, Burma)
Liberator VI (IX/1944) Liberator VI (IX/1944)
231. 231. squadrona Squadron
Liberator I, II, III (IX/1944) Liberator I, II, III (IX/1944)
Liberator IX (II/1945) Liberator IX (II/1945)
246. 246. squadrona (transportní) Squadron (Transport)
(vytvořena z části 511. squadrony) (made up of the 511th Squadron)
Liberator VII (X/1944) Liberator VII (X/1944)
Liberator III (II/1945) Liberator III (II/1945)
Liberator VI (II/1945) Liberator VI (II/1945)
203. 203. squadrona (námořní průzkum, Indie, Ceylon) Squadron (naval survey, India, Ceylon)
Liberator VI (X/1944) Liberator VI (X/1944)
37. 37. squadrona (bombardovací, Itálie) Squadron (Bomber, Italy)
Liberator VI (X/1944) Liberator VI (X/1944)
301. 301. squadrona (speciální op., Itálie) Squadron (special op., Italy)
Liberator VI (XI/1944 — III/1945) Liberator VI (XI/1944 - III/1945)
358. 358. squadrona (speciální operace, Dálný východ) Squadron (Special Operations, Far East)
Liberator VI (XI/1944) Liberator VI (XI/1944)
220. 220. squadrona (námořní průzkum, jižní Atlantik) Squadron (naval survey, South Atlantic)
Liberator V, VI (XII/1944) Liberator V, VI (XII/1944)
52. 52. squadrona (transportní, Indie) Squadron (transport, India)
Liberator VI (XII/1944) Liberator VI (XII/1944)
292. 292. squadrona (námořní záchranná služba, Ceylon) Squadron (Maritime Rescue Service, Ceylon)
Liberator VI (XII/1944) Liberator VI (XII/1944)
321. 321. squadrona (námořní průzkum, Dálný východ) Squadron (naval survey, Far East)
Liberator VI (XII/1944) Liberator VI (XII/1944)
70. 70. squadrona (bombardovací, Itálie) Squadron (Bomber, Italy)
Liberator VI (I/1945) Liberator VI (I/1945)
356. 356. squadrona (bombardovací, Dálný východ) Squadron (Bomber, Far East)
Liberator VI (I/1945) Liberator VI (I/1945)
40. 40. squadrona (bombardovací, Itálie) Squadron (Bomber, Italy)
Liberator VI (II/1945) Liberator VI (II/1945)
104. 104. squadrona (bombardovací, Itálie) Squadron (Bomber, Italy)
Liberator VI (II/1945) Liberator VI (II/1945)
232. 232. squadrona (transportní) Squadron (Transport)
Liberator VII (II/1945) Liberator VII (II/1945)
Liberator III (VII/1945) Liberator III (VII/1945)
Jak můžeme vidět, Liberatory byly nasazeny u bombardovacích squadron v oblasti Středozemního moře a na Dálném východě, kde byly používány kvůli svému mimořádnému doletu, byť přitom náklad pum obvykle nepřekročil 5000 liber — Lancastery Bomber Command mohly nést z britských základen nad Berlín kolem 9 až 10 tisíc liber pum (tyto squadrony vyzbrojené Liberatory ovšem nespadaly pod Bomber Command, ale pod příslušná zámořská velitelství, a také ovšem neměly pranic společného s bombardováním Říše), případně k zásobování hnutí odporu v okupovaných zemích a pod. As we can see the Liberator bomber squadron deployed to the Mediterranean and the Far East, where they were used because of its extraordinary range, even though the load of bombs normally exceed £ 5000 - Lancaster Bomber Command to carry the British base at Berlin about 9 to 10 one thousand pounds of bombs (the Liberator squadron armed but did not fall under Bomber Command, but the relevant overseas headquarters, and he has also had nothing to do with the bombing of the Empire), or to supply the resistance movement in occupied countries, and so on. (tzv. Special Duties, např. 148., 301., 358. a 614. squadrona) nebo jako transpotní (kupř. 511. a 246. squadrona). (so-called Special Duties, such as 148th, 301, 358 and 614th Squadron), or as transpotní (eg a 511th Squadron and 246).
Z výše uvedeného je ale snad každému jasné, že tvrzení o jakési vině velících důstojníků Bomber Command (velice „zajímavým“ a bohužel velmi sporným článkem na obdobné téma je kupř. dílko Jana Beneše „In dorso“ na stránkách ) na nedostatku Liberatorů pro námořní průzkum je holým nesmyslem… Nemluvě o skutečnosti, že účinnost leteckého krytí konvojů nezávisela jen na počtu nasazených strojů, ale také kupř. From the above it is clear to everyone but hopefully that claims some sort of guilt Bomber Command commanding officer (a very "interesting" and, unfortunately, very controversial article on a similar theme is Kupra. Benes Jan piece "In dorso" on page to lack Liberator maritime survey is nonsense ... not to mention the fact that the efficiency of the air cover for convoys dependent only on the number of deployed machines, but also Kupra. i na konstrukci účinných hlubinných pum či zavedení 10-ti centimetrového radaru ASV Mk.III (ten ale byl zaveden teprve v březnu 1943, šlo o variantu radaru H2S používaného Bomber Command — neuspokojivý vývoj vlastního radaru ASVS pro potřeby pobřežního velitelství byl 30. 9. 1942 zastaven). to design effective deep bombs and the introduction of 10-centimetrového radar ASV IIA (but that was only introduced in March 1943, was a variant of H2S radar used by Bomber Command - the unsatisfactory development of its own radar ASVS for the needs of coastal headquarters was 30 9. stopped in 1942). Předchozí typ radaru ASV Mk.II totiž pracoval na nižším kmitočtu, díky čemuž neměl dostatečnou rozlišovací schopnost. Predecessor ASV Mk.II radar is working on a lower frequency, which makes no satisfactory resolution.
Happy landings


Thank you Slip stream, I've allready improve your modified flight model, but Sorry I've found it too easy and not enough realistic.

Thanks greycap.raf, Good idea to look for CFS2 models, could you send me your stuff to my Email adress (see my recent uploads). Sure the B24 is a Truck and should have Truck brakes !

Hi flashgordon, don't you think the actual landing light effect have to be enlarged to match with this great lens ?

Thank you all for your answers, comments and works
Hope you will have fun with my next uploads
FFD Alain95
Libs with aerials

Now you know that the Libs in the pictures having the 20mm gun backs are the short nosed versions and not the d series that were used in greater numbers by CC. Also it was found that the 20mm gun backs damaged the fuselage and were quickly removed.
wip shot installed on FP liberator, the final position can be tweaked later on and textures added.

These same arrays seem to have been fitted to the Wellington as well, so I'll make version for that too.
Good one, Clive! Are you thinking of doing a gun pack too? Admittedly not correct for either version, but interesting to have all the same.
Interstingly CC also used rockets on the Lib. But I'm not sure how widespread the use was. They are listed in the First link in Clive's post ' Liberator Standards'.

In the second link it meantions the ASW Liberators at St Eval. What is doesn't mention is that in late '43'early'44 the ETO's largest ASW unit was based there, a Wing of Liberators of four squadrons: 53, 224, 547 and 206.
ASV on Wellington

Hey, I made and released these about 3 months ago. Check out the conversation at ETO and I know for sure that they will be in the new release.

Rockets were used for a while, but they were discontinued I believe due to the lack of effectiveness. They were mounted on the fuselage under the cockpit area and a little forward if memory serves me correctly.
You're probably right Ted, I have number of CC Liberator accounts and I don't recall any of them using rockets.

If anyone's interested, one of the four CC VC pilots was a Lib truck driver F.O. Lloyd A Trigg R.N.Z.A.F. who on August 11, 1943 made a suicidal attack on U-468, a 500-tonner commanded by Oberleutnant zur See Clemens Schamong. This is apparently the only V.C. ever awarded solely on the evidence of the enemy as all 8 of the Liberator crew were killed.
Hey, I made and released these about 3 months ago. Check out the conversation at ETO and I know for sure that they will be in the new release.

Very likely Ted! There are so may goodies around at the moment I can't keep track of them all!:isadizzy: