Hi Ian,
"Maybe now's an ideal time to learn some new skill"
LOL, I am 65 now, and next year I will than be retired and back in my home in brittany.
So why not? But know a simple question: how long did it take to make sceneries as you do them now?
My eyes and hands not getting better, and adding learning time, good old FS2004 might be seen in some museum
when I will be ready to make my first real scenery
On the other hand there are still soooo many german cockpits to translate in panels.
And I m still on learning to make individual gauges LOL
So for all it might be better to let some of the designs, aircraft and sceneries to the experts who know to do this job
With all respects
Not sure what age has to do with anything, im only 7 years younger than you, and you do seem very talented going by what ive seen of your work, including your latest He111 repaint and panel work, You know your way around design programs and SDK 's and you have an eye for detail and design, so im thinking you'll probably be fine, Ive always consider'd scenery making to be the easiest of the Sim design arts, im hopeless at repainting and have no clue about Panels and Gauge's
Bear in mind also that i started making my own scenery as know one was making the airfields i wanted to fly from, so that is something you may also want to consider also.
As for the time it take's, give me a good map, and i'll have a usable airfield in an hour or so, if custom objects are needed, i can fire up FSDS and make my own, but im getting lazy in my old age, so i'll rely on library's if i can, Traffic takes more time, with WW2 airfields, i try to get by with statics, but post war, i'll make an effort and introduce some movement ( Im knocking up retro parking and traffic for Homestead AFB, Florida, to fly my retro jets and David's new RB47's from, but i always mess it up and get something wrong, traffic can be a bit tricky for me). Most scenery programs are freeware, but i will strongly recommend a payware program like EZ-Scenery for 9, or Instant scenery for X for placing object's, both a fairly inexpensive and make life sooooo much easier.
I dont want to sound to harsh, but im not really responsible for you dream's, ultimately, you decide weather your dream goes down the toilet or not. There will be more WW2 stuff in the future, but im just having some fun at the moment