FS9 Xtreme Evolution: beta testers wanted!


Charter Member 2015
FS9 new textures: looking for beta testers!

Hi all,

my new global texture set (see also this thread) is about where I want it. If all goes well, I should package the FS9 Xtreme Evolution GT this weekend.

I would be grateful to have some guys here do some beta testing in a "semi-closed" beta, meaning I might also ask for some volunteers over at the Virtual Luftwaffe http://www.vgaf.net/ which I also haunt). Beta testers will need to be registered here or there.

There is one bug which annoys me in particular, or rather the only real bug I have found myself. The new autogen for one set of textures (025b2sux, woods and fields) shows up properly in some areas but seems to fall back to default autogen in others. I have managed to get rid of it a couple of ties but it seems to reaapear when I do some work on the autogen files. I'd be most curious to see if this happens on other setups too The autogen file is ok as seen in the areas it works, it is just the darndest thing! I have an alternative texture as fall-back, it works with default autogen but is of course not as nice!

I don't want too many people (20-30) so I'll handle this on a first come first served basis. Be warned though that you will likely not recognize your FS9 after installing! So anybody intimidated by backing up various folders in their entirety :bump: had better think twice about it. But don't worry, this makeover will only overwrite texture and autogen and config files so you should be able to restore your stuff (if you made a backup that is). Any other changes eg. bloom setup, terrain configs, and stuff from other guys to get the most out of it will be separate. I will post an exhaustive (I don't look forward to writing it) commentary here as soon as I upload.

Anybody still willing to join should send me a PM asap and I will send them the dl link.

I will probably package the files in a way that allows people to selectively install.

I was thinking of uploading the files to either a google drive or dropbox but I am not too conversant in either of these so I'd appreciate a few tips!

To whet your appetites I have included my latest city screenshots (there are a couple of sets of autogen textures for that, this is only one). One is UK (pretty obvious, I should say), the other is Italy near Napoli. Check Food 4 Less Ad and Food City Ad. Both screenshots are sharpened a bit to counter the muddy effect of screenshooting and reproduce quite well the FS9 depiction.

The tall buildings in the background of the first screenshot are from an addon scenery (like the airport), not autogen. The other only shows stuff I made. Both are in areas with UT Europe installed. I have changed both UT and default road and rail textures (UT uses default) to better blend in with my changed textures. Tress likewise. Sky textures are by REX, clouds are by me.

Your new city looks very tempting, could you post couple screens of rural areas and settlements without all bloom and other effects as i prefer to use pure sim without all the enb and other stuff?

Hi, there are some comparison w to w/o screenshots lower down on the first page on this thread, also some rural textures http://www.sim-outhouse.com/sohforums/showthread.php?73472-Feedback-on-new-textures-for-FS9-please!.

I'll post some more rural textures here but for some reas my FS is now getting bloom from some other settings than the enbseries.ini file so it is frozen. Fortunately for me in a setup which I like!

Hi all and thank you to those who already joined the beta test!

I am planning to distribute the dl link on Wednesday or Thursday - my wife will travel home to visit her mum and I will have time to spare on my hands so I can do the test right!

A set of files which I greatly recommend is included in this airport:


There is an excellent lclookup patch by Jobia, the only one I am aware of in fact (install into Scenery\Base\Scenery) and a set of improved terrain masks (install to Scenery\World\Texture). The latter are the files that control the shape of town and forest edges and the way textures generally meet.

I also use the included Germany LC, is much better than UT.

Have a good Sunday!

Would love to be included as a beta tester

Hello as a faithfuol fs9 flyer would love to be included in the beta testers if this is still possible. As for fertling about within FS9 I do it all the time so nothing new there for me .

Looking forward to a possibility of helping out if given a chance

Hi Akktu,

glad to have you! Please send me a PM so that I can mail you the link once I have uploaded the files to dropbox. I am collecting the files right now but this is taking longer than I thought - I have multiple examples of files in my folders (renamed to keep track of develpment) and I have to get rid of all of them:isadizzy:

Meanwhile I have decided on a water set so here are some screenshots of oceanscapes:

Italy just off Olbia
View attachment 91600

Heading towards l'isola di Tavolara
View attachment 91601

Looking back towards Olbia
View attachment 91602

Tropical water
View attachment 91603

St. Kitts & Nevis
View attachment 91604

Should I call this just FS9 Xtreme Evolution or FS9 Xtreme Global Evolution? I want people to now that it is a global makeover.

In fact it is a total makeover with roads, airports, buildings, clouds etc. included. The only thing that I won't be releasing is skies because REX skies are quite good enough by default (although I did tweak dawn and dusk to suit my taste).

So should I call this FS9 Total Evolution? Sounds like Arnold Schwarzenegger should appear in it ...

Some years back I just simply (and rather elegantly I felt) called this FS Evolution (my website from those times http://www.fs-evolution.com/index.html holy cow but I've been taking a long time for this:isadizzy:) but people seem to go in for superlatives these days, so maybe FS Evolution Global Xtreme or FS Xtreme Global Evolution or FS Xtreme Evolution without FS9 would be best. You also get a nice pun on FSX with the last two which I kind of like because I never regretted sticking with FS9!

Well that was where I ended up after thinking about this:pop4:.

FS Revolution Global Xtreme etc. would be arrogant, putting down other developers, although everyone sems to be claiming to revolutuionize FS these days ...

Now I know that the name does not make the product really but it seems to have some significance so I'd appreciate your thoughts on this:wavey:

I like "FS2004 Evolution". It suggests a 'moving-on' from the default without being too over-the-top.


How do you feel about "FS9 Evolution"? FS2004 is too darn long for my taste. FS9 Evolution I like because that is pretty close to what I thought it would be when I started out.

Thank you!