FS9 Xtreme Evolution: beta testers wanted!

FS9 Evolution sounds good to me

Fs9 Evolution sounds ideal to me as it makes it clear that there is still life in Fs2004/Fs9 and that this program aims to keep it evolved and up to par and , well this is normal lol better than FSX and that Dark Side mumbo jumbo lol just my two pennies

Fs9 Evolution sounds ideal to me as it makes it clear that there is still life in Fs2004/Fs9 and that this program aims to keep it evolved and up to par and , well this is normal lol better than FSX and that Dark Side mumbo jumbo lol just my two pennies


Yes, I am a firm believer in FS2004, hopefully it will be with us for many years!

How do you feel about "FS9 Evolution"? FS2004 is too darn long for my taste. FS9 Evolution I like because that is pretty close to what I thought it would be when I started out.
Want shorter :ques:
FS9 Evo :jump:
Hi guys,

I am uploading the first files now. I have a slow internet connection so I will leave it to go overnight.

Meanwhile I would already like to ask you for some input: I need a copyright statement suitable for a beta test.

Does anyone here have experience with a beta test and willing to share the know-how?

I'm afraid I don't really know what to put in it, I want to retain all rights including how and to whom to distribute it until release :ipepsi2:.

Best and thank you!
Beta test open!

Hi guys,

PMs with beta link send to all volunteers! Hopefully, it will work for everyone.

I'm off to bed now.

I have reserved most of Sunday to work with everyone on intial problems, as soon as I'm feeling human again after getting up I'll be checking into the forum.

Cheers and thanks,
I just replaced the "into_FS9_root_folder_terrain_cfg.zip" file in the Dropbox directory "into_FS9_root_folder". It was identical to the terrain.cfg for less autogen by mistake.

If you downloaded it before now, please get the update. Thank you!

Some pics from a raw test ... so far so good
PM send!





I kept original Terrain cfg in because all the others give me a CTD. But everything good so far.
I have the exact same problem ... weird isn'it ? ;)
Error message about FS9.exe when at 52 % loading .....
