FSX Screenshots Here!!

Nice! Is this the former payware MilViz T-38A, now freeware at Blackburn Simulations here? It says P3D V4 V5... Does the installer have also an FSX option?
I tried previously, i believe the plane loads in, but the cockpit and exterior model is invisible, doesnt load in. You can try the steps of converting it to fsx by using something like model converter x. But thats above my skill level.

There was another thread that i cant find that has step by step

It can be found on the internet, but... proceed at your own risk. It has one of the best flight models of any pay-ware that exists.
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Freshened up the paint on an old favorite this morning and snapped a quick pic after I got out of Boeing Field (without ATC permission of course)

Still have a some stuff to do to it as it's a new install and some of my old tricks for it have yet to be added to it. But the painting part is done. Going to have to find a new hideout field for Merc Air HQ. Preferably an ex military airbase somewhere with no prying eyes. Apparently the old one south of London was torn down for non=payment of rent. The surrounding area had gotten too populated anyway.

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For anyone who may be interested I just uploaded my VA-22 A-7 repaint here in the FSX repaints Military Viet Nam category. It is awaiting approval (02/08/25 14:46 EST). The FSX Razbam model as well as the repaint is fully compatible with P3Dv4.5.

Screenshot 2025-02-26 183354.png
Chose to do the small logo variant, digging it! This was originally the Fort Worth 301st FW lone star gunfighters livery. I did rivet work up top, and readded the dirt and smudges that were there prior
Had to fix the stars! Unfortunately the texture is loading in as black. I saved over the .dds like I normally do for the T38 I posted in this thread. But apparently there is something different about the Aerosoft liveries that I am not compiling correctly? I did see "sepcular.dds" files that goes with each texture. Not sure if any of the painters around here had this issue? She is going to look fantastic, just need help