Getting Buffed.

Folks, did I ever say that "ground school" was going to be easy? :p

This is why I didn't start this thread at ten years ago. 😉
It just works better here at SOH. We've got the right mix of people who have been flogging FS9 for years. :ernaehrung004:

This is close to the Tinmouse 737, but it ain't.
The description lists "Model by Erick Cantu with FDE by Mike Baumann airline texture by Henry William (Odd H. Spjøtvold) (2003)".
The .air file is "7372".
It looks like Mick found it. You might want to scan the download he listed if it isn't from before you install it, just to be safe.
EDIT, Oops, Mick. I didn't realize it was your drive. :loyal:
Back in the day, I did a LOT of "shopping" to find the right plane. Very good, but a not-as-complicated FD to wrangle with.
This thing is a navigation trainer. You don't need to memorize 87 check lists, just get it to cruising altitude.

Like I said, worst case I'll post the zip files here. I would recommend sticking with the basic panel folder. You can play around with other panels later, but for this thread the "stock" panel (with some mods) is all you'll need.

With ACS-GPS, you'll want the main program folder located inside FS9's main folder, ALL of the gauges go inside FS9's main GAUGES folder.
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And yes, it did originally come from FlightSim. I can only suspect that the inability to find it there now is a result of their "upgrade" to the site some while ago. I have also found it impossible to find things there that were almost certainly in their library but apparently no longer found by their search feature. Maybe it's just me but I suspect it's them.

Believe me, it ain't just you. :dizzy::ernaehrung004:
Is it Windows 11 or me?
So I run ACS-GPS & it installs into a Temp dir. I run setup & gets stuck, asking which version I want to install, with all options greyed out.
I'm trying to sort out manually, with the following folders that I think are the correct ones.:
Common - No idea what to do with the contents.
FS2002 - contents to FS2004

Hopefully I'm on the right track?
Probably Win11? :dizzy:
I don't remember having your install issues in Win10, just having to set the right permissions.
Maybe(??) try setting up a dummy FS2002 folder in your Program Files (X86)>Microsoft Games pathway?
I have a ACS-GPS main folder set up in my C: FS9 location. I don't remember but I think I just copied the ACS-GPS main folder over from my (Program Files (X86)) FS2002 install and dropped it in FS9. If you installed FSIUP, this should be the same. :unsure: Meaning, I don't think this is a registry issue.
Keep trying. I'm trying to think of another FS9 GPS that does what ACS does (I've tried most of them) and the list is really short.
If you want to try it, I'll zip up the main ACS folder (including flight plan programs) I use and post it here. Also the gauges if you need them. :ernaehrung004:
That would just be a straight-up manual install. We'll kick this thing in the ###, yet. :loyal:
With Windows 11, I don't have an install in Program Files (X86) because of heightened file protection, so a manual workaround is in order..
That's probably the best idea to zip the main ACS folder for us. The older auto-installs are pretty much useless with Windows 11.
Hang on, I'm finishing the read-me for a full manual install and I'll drop the whole she-bang here. :wiggle:

Just read the text file first, most of this stuff goes directly into your main FS9 folder or the Gauges folder. The main ACS folder gets dropped into your main FS9 folder as is.

Hang on, I'll be right back. :ernaehrung004:

EDIT- Grab the download, read the "STOP and read" text file before you install. Good luck.


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Never mind the "thanks", did it work? :ernaehrung004:

Looks like it worked just fine for me in Win7. Did as you instructed in your README, and opened ACS-GPS. It came up with a ACS-GPS screen!
now to ARRCAB! :)

EDIT: ARRCAB 2.6 is for FSX... can I use ARRCAB 2.5 for FS9 instead? :unsure:
I have ARRCAB26 installed for FS9. :unsure:
ARRCAB25 used to work for FS2002 but there was some kind of connection issue with FSUIPC.

Anyway, install ARRCAB26. For this thread you only need the refueling option (don't use the drogue connection, use the flying boom).
I'll also be able to tempt you over to the dark side of landing on aircraft carriers, later. :eek:
I have ARRCAB26 installed for FS9. :unsure:
ARRCAB25 used to work for FS2002 but there was some kind of connection issue with FSUIPC.

Anyway, install ARRCAB26. For this thread you only need the refueling option (don't use the drogue connection, use the flying boom).
I'll also be able to tempt you over to the dark side of landing on aircraft carriers, later. :eek:

AARCAB26 it is, then. You haven't steered me in arrears so far, so I shall get it, then! :D :encouragement:

Question... How does it work for Refueling? Will I need to get a KC-135 or KC-10 for that, or can you tank off anything? Just curious...
Remember at the start of the thread when I mentioned "jumping the shark"?
We'll get to it, Viper, we'll get to it.. :a1310:

I just wanted to let you know what programs we'll be using so you can get them now.

I wish we could do some live refueling in FS9. AI won't work for a lot of reasons. Multiplayer won't work because I have ZERO time in multiplayer since 1991. :very_drunk: LAGO has some kind of a scenery/AI refuel routine for their old F-16 package, it doesn't work and the tankers just aren't right.
The basic idea for ARRCAB refueling is that you have to be in (very) level flight on a set course if you want to on-load some gas. ARRCAB's on-load times are really good for drogue-and-basket and for flying boom. Trust me, you'll like it. :encouragement:
Well, I was looking for this aircraft as a fill-in for the T-37 and it was here all along. :dizzy:

Rick Piper's Provost. :encouragement:
Never mind the "thanks", did it work? :ernaehrung004:

Sorry for the delay. It was 02h30, here in Cape Town, South Africa when I downloaded ACS-FS9. I've got some nuts, bolts & a bit of housekeeping to do on my Laptop before I check that, as well as Arrcab. :sheep:
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Two AM?
Wimp. :a1310: That's why they invented coffee. :loyal:
Here I am, wearing out a perfectly good keyboard while you need to take a nap. :rolleyes:

Which is fine ( I guess?). The whole idea for this thread is to push the capabilities of FS and your (the Royal "your" as it were) flying.
It should be obvious that I'm kidding at the start of this post. :ernaehrung004:
It will be cool to come back to this thread in a couple of years to see who tries to complete the program. :cool:

For the folks who enjoy flying with a virtual ATC (VATSIM, IVAO, etc.) , well, they really don't like what we'll be doing.
In the real world, this kind of flying is known as "due regard". Meaning, the chimp behind the yoke knows a lot more about flying than an ATC controller in a freshly starched shirt.

From Jim Clonts' book (paraphrased slightly):
"The (FAA) rules the skies over the (US), but has limited jurisdiction over the USAF.
Air Force aircraft have to follow FAA regulations, but pilots don't worry about it since the Air Force regulations are even stricter. Whereas the FAA can pull the license from a civilian pilot, only the Air Force can ground its own."

Flying "due regard" is like a perpetual "get out of jail for free" card, as long as you don't screw up.
And, we haven't even started flying at night yet. :wiggle:
Flying at 350 kts, 1,000 feet AGL in an IR route at night with nothing besides a questionable Radar Altimeter sounds crazy but it will also start to feel normal. The key is to build your experience before you tackle the hard stuff. In this case, NEVER fly a low level route at night until you've folded, spindled, and mutilated it during daytime.
The reason I've been harping on ACS-GPS is that its easy to tweak the waypoints. You can, and should, also add some short-hand notes based on your experience that will be displayed on the gauge. The short hand is entirely up to you. As an example, suppose we're in-bound to Pt. G. In the display, we'll see something like

"PT G UP 500 HD RT 125"



In my short hand, it means "pull up 500 feet (more) just prior to Pt. G, expect a hard turn to 125 after crossing Pt. G".
In the second example, we're one waypoint away from the IP (Initial Point) so its time to slow down to 325 kts to get ready and put on our war paint for the bomb run.
Its important that you bleed all over the flight plans I included in that ACS-GPS download. You may not have a lot of time to translate what I wrote. Come up with something YOU'LL be able to understand three months from now.

We'll be getting into the nuts and bolts of ACS-GPS soon and how it can screw you over if you let it. But, we still have some final flights in the "T-37" to knock out before we jump into the T-43 for some cross country work. Work on getting ACS-GPS installed for now and I'll show you how to add the "V2" gauge to pretty much anything. Stick with it, we're getting closer to your first flight in the B-52. :ernaehrung004:
In case anyone is having trouble with getting their ACS gauge to display, here's a quick edit to the default 737 in FS9. :encouragement:

Start by opening your B737_400 folder in FS9.
Right click the panel folder and drag a copy out to your desktop.
Right click the "panel" folder on your desktop and rename it. My standby is to rename it PanelO, pandefault, or whatever you'll recognize.
Drag this folder with the new name back into your B737 folder in FS. This is a back-up to make it easier to switch back to a default panel.

Go into the B737_400 folder in FS and open the panel.cfg (use notepad) in the panel folder. Find the stock GPS section, it should be listed as


Highlight everything in the window02 area and delete it.

Replace it with the following

gauge00=ACS.GPS98-V2, 0,0,126,134

and Save. Start FS and select the default 737. Once you're in the 2D panel, hit the GPS icon on the brow of the panel and your ACS gauge should show up.
If your panel.cfg edit was "fixed" by Windows :rolleyes: you can beat this by right-clicking the panel.cfg file, drag it out to your desktop and use the "Copy here" option. Make the edit, above, to the panel.cfg on your desktop and save. Now, drag the new panel.cfg back to the panel folder and over-write when you get the prompt. Thanks, Windows, for making this so easy. :sniper:

Getting back to the 737, I sized the ACS gauge to cover the HSI in the 2D panel. You can move the GPS by (carefully) clicking,, holding, and dragging the gauge to where ever you want. Make SURE you "grab" the gauge in a dead spot. What ever you do, DO NOT click on the ACS-GPS V.2 text at the top of the gauge. This was a hot spot from back in the Win95/98 days and clicking it now will lock up FS.
You can also view the ACS gauge in the VC by hitting <SHIFT> 3.

If you used my manual install zip file, you'll see some odd waypoints displayed in the data field. There should be over 70 of them to cycle through. I use ACS when I install new scenery to see how everything loaded. :wiggle: As a check, cycle through some waypoints by placing your mouse over the text above the lat/lon co-ordinates on either the left or right side. As you bring up new waypoints, check the BEARING and DISTANCE displays. They should change and this should mean that everything is working (so far).
If you haven't already done it, now would be a good time to install your T-43.
I need to spend a few posts on how to use your ACS-GPS gauge, but this IS a flight sim forum so go ahead and load the plane. :ernaehrung004:

I've made some edits to the aircraft.cfg file to correct the footprint for higher resolutions plus some panel edits and the normal stuff I wrench on.
Locate your T-43 folder in the Aircraft main folder. It's named T-43A USAF Gr.

Open the aircraft.cfg file and (using notepad) make the following changes. Copy and paste everything between the ==== lines.

Change the top/header to the following:
title=Boeing 737-200 USAF Grey
ui_variation=T-43A 323 FTW USAF KMHR P1

performance=Model by Erick Cantu with FDE by Mike Baumann airline texture by Henry William (Odd H. Spjøtvold) (2003)\n\nEngine's type: P & W JT8D-9A \nWing span: 93 ft\nTotal height 37 ft. \nStatic T\/O Thrust (per engine) 14500 lb. \nMax. range 2645 nm \nMax. T\/O weight 115500 lb. \nCruising altitude 31 - 37000 ft. \nMax. fuel weight 34720 lb. \nCruising speed 420 m.p.h. VMO/MMO 350/.84 \nMax. payload structural 34630 lb.\nCargo capacity 875 cu. ft. \nOverall length 100 ft. 2 in. \nNumber of seats 130\n


Once you start FS, you can find the plane under Boeing then T-43. In the "ui_variation " line, 323 FTW is the patch on your flight suit, KMHR is Mather and P1 is the parking spot you'll want to start from and where you'll taxi back to (default Mather scenery in FS). MIL_CARGO will be handy later on when you visit some bases. Your callsign will be GATOR 149.

Next, find the [contact points] section. I added a little "sink" to the tires so it looks good sitting on the ramp and some minor changes to stuff like steering angle, etc.
Replace the [contact points] section with the following:

point.0=1, 38.000, 0.000, -6.950, 1574.800, 0.000000, 1.370, 53.640, 0.208, 2.500, 0.639, 5.000, 5.000, 0.000, 0.000, 250.000
point.1=1,-1.800, -10.200, -8.800, 1574.800, 1.000000, 1.370, 0.000, 1.000, 2.500, 1.200, 5.000, 5.000, 2.000, 0.000, 250.000
point.2=1,-1.800, 10.200, -8.800, 1574.800, 2.000000, 1.370, 0.000, 1.000, 2.500, 1.200, 5.000, 5.000, 3.000, 0.000, 250.000



We're almost done, see my next post.