Finishing up the aircraft.cfg edits, find the [SMOKESYSTEM] section and replace it with:
smoke.0=-20.00,-7.50,-16.5, fx_hjg_dc9_smoke.fx
smoke.1=-20.00,-7.50, 16.5, fx_hjg_dc9_smoke.fx
I use a "medium" smoke effect that's controlled by the panel folder (we'll get to that in a few) from HJG,
since Smoke is one of those personal decisions, use what you like.
Finishing up, find the [Views] section. I tweaked this a little so you're in the cabin of the plane, sweating over your whiz wheel, charts, and dividers. This view also makes it easier to taxi from the VC view. Make the following changes:
eyepoint=-1.1286, -1.85, 7.00
smoke.0=-20.00,-7.50,-16.5, fx_hjg_dc9_smoke.fx
smoke.1=-20.00,-7.50, 16.5, fx_hjg_dc9_smoke.fx
I use a "medium" smoke effect that's controlled by the panel folder (we'll get to that in a few) from HJG,
since Smoke is one of those personal decisions, use what you like.

Finishing up, find the [Views] section. I tweaked this a little so you're in the cabin of the plane, sweating over your whiz wheel, charts, and dividers. This view also makes it easier to taxi from the VC view. Make the following changes:
eyepoint=-1.1286, -1.85, 7.00