Gmax Tutorials

When you save the template from LithUnwrap, do you have this box checked?

The version that I had in that post at FFDS was to v1.3beta which does not have those options...

I still had the v1.3beta installed myself, and didn't even know there was a more recent, release version available... I went a'googling for it.

I've updated the link to point to the release version of LithUnwrap. :gossip:
I downloaded the new version of lith unwrap,now i got all the options and a cool filled template.

Thanks to all of you
Hi all,
I'm trying my hand at FSx modeling. I'm stuck on trying to set up Milton's calibration box. I've read the tutorial he posted in this thread. The new one on flightsimonline....the original from here is no longer (or not yet re-available) due to the server crash. I've made my 3 views saved in jpg 24 bit format, but when I choose the UVW mapping it just puts in a blank white sheet. I'm sure I'm just missing a step, just not sure which one.

Hi all,
I'm trying my hand at FSx modeling. I'm stuck on trying to set up Milton's calibration box. I've read the tutorial he posted in this thread. The new one on flightsimonline....the original from here is no longer (or not yet re-available) due to the server crash. I've made my 3 views saved in jpg 24 bit format, but when I choose the UVW mapping it just puts in a blank white sheet. I'm sure I'm just missing a step, just not sure which one.



Look for a blue button in the Editor with a tooltip that says "Show image in Viewport" or something to that affect.

I hope this helps.
Thanks for the reply. With that info and using your C162 file as a guide I finally got the top view to show up in the perspective port. It didn't show up from the top viewport, so I still have some work to figure out. For now I had only applied the one map to the bottom of my calbox. I noticed in your C162 drawing that only the calbottom has the UVW Map. If I click on the other sides, it just shows editable mesh. I'll add the other views and reattach everything to make the box whole again. Maybe that has something to do with it. While doing this I checked my bitmap size and the dimension ratio's don't match the airplanes dimension ratio's, so my map is squished. I'll either have to find another to work with or come up with another solution for that as well.


The best advice I can give you is to get the 3-views correct first and then crop them tight to the outer edges of the wings, fuselage, and top/bottom.

Ensure the aspect ratios are correct before proceeding.

Create your calibration box precisely to the aircraft dimensions. (The box should now agree with your cropped 3-views from a dimensions ratio standpoint.)

Detach all the calibration sides, map them and fit the UVW map to the sides/top/bottom.

Now apply your 3-views to each side.

You should now be ready to start modeling.
Milton....thanks again. I've made some headway. I've got the mapping partially figured out. My calibration box has the normals flipped and all sides detached. I've got UVW mappings on bottom and three sides. My problem now is what happens when I reattach the sides together. I started with my bottom and attached the right and back sides of the box. I still don't get a picture from any of the normal orthoganal views (top, front, back, or either side). Also after attaching my bottom map goes to a small thumbnail size unless I click on the UVW mapping and then it comes back to full size, but the other views go blank. Any ideas?


Here are 3 attached screenshots of what I've gotten so far. Well, maybe not, my upload failed even thou I have the legal size and dimensions allowed for a png extension.
Do not re-attach the sides. No need ... select each, go to properties and uncheck Show Frozen in Gray, the Freeze each side.
Thanks Milton,
That got me working. Box is complete, time to do some modeling.

Thanks for these, Jeddragon! Just two problems with the IL-2 modelling material: legit copies of 3ds Max 3, 4 or 5 are about as common as rocking horse droppings and the Max model has to be sent to 1C for compiling to a model in about six weeks? Around here we're used to changing something, compiling to the sim and trying it out straight away - seems a lengthy development cycle.

3ds Max, for those who want to use it for FSX development, has been a continuing headache: FSX supports Max 7, 8, 9 and 10 (2008) which are no longer available and only recently have Lockheed Martin released compatible exporters which support newer versions of Max up to 2012. Interesting to see details on the 1C model and damage procedures though, plus there's some excellent links to aircraft data and photographs near the end of that tut. :wiggle:
yeah sorry I forgot to tell ya that forum for Il-2 has all the tools ya need to get files working also the files can be imported into Gmax I tested it out using there msh converter also olny prob might converting it back they might have something on that on that site

not sure if you have checked out the forum but here is the forum in full to find out a lot of things,4.0.html
Thanks Mathias!

Always good to have these tuts available again, there are fewer places to direct the learning modeller these days. :icon29:
Boolean Operations

Hi, Im wondering if anyone can correct a boolean procedure?

I am attempting to cut a windshield in accordance with the tutorial docs and when I cut the boolean and convert it to an editable Polygon nothing appears to happen. Perhaps someone could help me along?

Kind Regards,