Gmax Tutorials

Thank you - perhaps you could confirm whether the link at the bottom of this page -

refers to the first three videos in the John Howard White tutorials that you have uploaded here (I already have copies of these 4 videos) ?

At the top of that same page there's a broken link for MD3 and Lithunwrap modules. Google gave me several lookups for the latter, but it wasn't clear whether these were compatible / interoperable with GMax - especially when I found this page where a question was asked but never answered ...
Thank you - perhaps you could confirm whether the link at the bottom of this page -

refers to the first three videos in the John Howard White tutorials that you have uploaded here (I already have copies of these 4 videos) ?

At the top of that same page there's a broken link for MD3 and Lithunwrap modules. Google gave me several lookups for the latter, but it wasn't clear whether these were compatible / interoperable with GMax - especially when I found this page where a question was asked but never answered ...

Yes, that refers to the first 3 of 4 tutorials by JHW.

You want version 1.3 and that will work just fine with all versions of gmax. You need the Quake III plugins.

Quake III simply allows you to export selected (Quake 3 MD3 files) from gmax the objects that have been mapped.
Lithunwrap reads those MD3 files and will create a map template for you to save in your gmax texture folder for the project.

EDIT: Okay, to make it easy, I have uploaded both LithUnwrap and MD3 Plugins for you.
Install the Lithunwrap folder anywhere and create a shortcut to the Unwrap.exe application.
The 2 - MD3 Plugins need to be added to your Gmax/Plugins folder.
I'm afraid we're still missing the VC tutorial referenced at the beginning of the VC sections. At SoH, the link just gives a typical page 404 response, while at Garry's site the response is -

File Not Found Error - 404 - report.
Referring URL:
Visitors IP:
Requested URL: /Milton_Shupe/tutorials/
Server Name:

If this is a genuine File Not Found error then please
contact garry[at] with a copy of the above
text and I will endevour to correct the problem.

Developer of the web site

Garry J. Smith -, and
I've lost my G-Max toolbars...

'Launched G-Max today and all my toolbars at the top and right side are gone. I poked about in "Customize Interface" but nothing helped. Any ideas?


  • G-Max Missing tools.jpg
    G-Max Missing tools.jpg
    69.8 KB · Views: 14
'Launched G-Max today and all my toolbars at the top and right side are gone. I poked about in "Customize Interface" but nothing helped. Any ideas?

No problem; just Reload as per the attached, or right click on the gray area at top and select the Main Tool Bar and Command Panel.


  • HOMEUNIT-2016-sep-5-012.jpg
    50.3 KB · Views: 7
No problem; just Reload as per the attached, or right click on the gray area at top and select the Main Tool Bar and Command Panel.
Something's not right. If I click on Item#1 of the flyout Menu, Items 1 & 2 get selected. If I click on #3, Items 2 & 3 are selected. No matter which are selected, the Tool Bars are still missing.
Something's not right. If I click on Item#1 of the flyout Menu, Items 1 & 2 get selected. If I click on #3, Items 2 & 3 are selected. No matter which are selected, the Tool Bars are still missing.

Did you try:

1) Click the Customize Menu
2) Click Revert to Startup Layout
Just tried both and neither worked. I'm beginning to suspect that I need to install a fresh copy of G-Max. Can it still be downloaded here at SimOH?


If you are running gmax 1.2, then download the attached UI folder.
Unzip it.

Open you Gmax folder.
Rename you UI folder to save it.

Now copy the UI folder I attached, you downloaded and unzipped, and paste it in your Gmax folder.

See if that works.

If it does not work, just replace my folder with your renamed one; rename it back to UI.


    967 KB · Views: 0
Model Turns Gray When I Apply Texture...?

I'm building a WWI French Caudron G.III. As I go, I apply colors from the G-Max palette which are close to the original, so that at the end, all I need do is apply rondels to the wings and a number and personal emblem to the fuselage. (this plane will only be seen at a distance.) However, when I got to the texturing part this evening, I got this weird problem: when I apply the texture, the geometry turns gray and there's no texture. (Ck. red arrow) I then drew a thin box, roughly the same size as the wing...and the texture applies just fine. What's going on with the model?


    38 KB · Views: 14
I'm building a WWI French Caudron G.III. As I go, I apply colors from the G-Max palette which are close to the original, so that at the end, all I need do is apply rondels to the wings and a number and personal emblem to the fuselage. (this plane will only be seen at a distance.) However, when I got to the texturing part this evening, I got this weird problem: when I apply the texture, the geometry turns gray and there's no texture. (Ck. red arrow) I then drew a thin box, roughly the same size as the wing...and the texture applies just fine. What's going on with the model?

See the first picture in this post referring to the blue button:
See the first picture in this post referring to the blue button:
It seems the current weirdness has an added dimension that I did not explain fully. Or fully enough. On the Caudron model, all cloth-covered surfaces were assigned a canvas/tan color in the G-Max palette: both wings, the cloth bits of the fuselage nacelle and the tail surfaces. When I applied the French rondels to the upper wing, not only did the texture not appear (yes, I know about the blue button. It didn't help) but it turned the upper wing gray. The same darkish gray as the work window background. Further attempts to change this color to anything else have failed. When I applied texture to the fuselage nacelle, it simply turned the nacelle light blue. Later attempts to texture it changed it to white, but I cannot change it to anything else with the G-Max color palette. When I textured the rudder, it turned white. It resisted all attempts to change its color until a few seconds ago when I gave one last shot and restored it to the original Color Palette canvas/tan color. But none of the others. What is so strange is that I can draw a shape behind the model and the texture applies flawlessly. What could be happening with the model?

...On the Caudron model, all cloth-covered surfaces were assigned a canvas/tan color in the G-Max palette: both wings, the cloth bits of the fuselage nacelle and the tail surfaces. When I applied the French rondels to the upper wing, not only did the texture not appear ...

You cannot apply the insignia to the model as you are attempting without mapping the relevant model parts. Mixing Gmax palette colours with graphics on the same object can't be done. At least, not in any way I've yet to read about. If you really don't want to map the model, make a poly to overlay the wing where the insignia is to go and map and apply the insignia texture to that.

Much better to map the model!
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Material color with a overlayed polygon is vary old school. As hairyspin said your better off to map all of the model.
And the reason why it worked with the simple shape you used as a test is mapping coordinates are automatically applied to such a shape when you apply a material. Not so with complex meshes.

You'll need to add a UVW Map modifier. I do this with the top view active for a wing (for example), then click the View Align button. To keep the bitmap proportions of the original image, also click the Bitmap Fit button and select that bitmap.

Then I add a UVW Unwrap modifier and use the Uniform Scale and Move buttons (with all vertices selected) to resize and move the bitmap into position. To keep the roundels round avoid deforming your mapping usually caused by editing only some of the vertices at one time.

Hope this helps,