• Warbirds Library V4 (Resources for now) How to

    We just posted part one of the how to on uploading new files to the Library. Part 1 covers adding new files. Part 2 will cover making changes to your the uploads you own.

    Questions or comments please post them in the regular forums. Which forum is that... Well it is the one you spend the most time in.

    Thanks the Staff

    Library How to

Good News Aeroplane Heavens B-17F Out

The installer is designed to overwrite but it is always good practice to back up the old one first. All folders except sound are affected as there are improvements and additions right through.:engel016:
How about you email help@aeroplaneheaven.com ? We simply cant help you unless you email us. We dont know which is your order based on your SOH nickname.

To all:
We can resend emails. We can reset download limits. We even can drink beer in one hand whilst singing the new zealand anthem whilst the rugby is on... That last one not so helpful to you though. To us... very helpful.
All we need you to do is to contact the support email address ( or better yet use the contact button available on every page at aeroplaneheaven ) and we can hopefully help. Please ensure you let help emails past your anti-spam.

It's as simple as puppies frolicking in a field of daisies.

I've sent the email there too and also on the contact section as well as sending one to bazzar@aeroplaneheaven.com. I'll resend them again. Thanks for the heavy sarcasm and professionalism...
Probably a good time to make a few things clear. We field a lot of enquiries everyday, covering a wide range of topics and issues. This is normal for all developers and we like to respond as fast as we can. However, for the sake of our help desk's sanity, I'll take this opportunity. Also, let me make it clear that my address is NOT the help desk address. I can't get back to you as fast as the help line can.

This upgrade is an option for those that have the product to improve their experience with it.
For new purchasers they get this new version anyway.
It is not compulsory, you do not have to download it if you don't want to.
The paintkit has been upgraded but does contain ambient occlusion layer effects which are a trap for young players with little graphics experience.If you leave them alone they will behave themselves in your final output.
We don't issue faulty individual downloads. If there is a "fault" nobody else is having, it must be coming from somewhere else. We will still help as best we can to solve it for you but if you have a modified system or FSX installation, the job is much harder.
The upgrade will overwrite so if you have altered anything in the CFG for example, back it up first.
As with all products,we have no effective control over release dates at the vendor sites. We are entirely in their hands as to when a product or upgrade is made available and can do nothing about this. We do release on our site as fast as we can of course.

The fastest way to have problems resolved is to contact our help desk. SOH is not a support forum.

At Aeroplane Heaven we pride ourselves on our customer service and value for dollar. That is never going to change.:engel016:
but if you have a modified system or FSX installation

That's funny. There is no such thing as an unmodified FSX installation. All that is in question is how badly they have modified the system to cause the particular symptoms they have that no one else is seeing.

I'm away from home until October! Convalescing from an op, but sooooooo looking forward to this one when I get back home. Well done AH!!!
I'm not from Oz, but found it humorous. So where in the update is the free beer?

I'm from South Georgia and I got it. I guess some people just don't appreciate a dry :biggrin-new: sense of humor. It sure helps to keep the blood pressure down.:engel016:

I've sent the email there too and also on the contact section as well as sending one to bazzar@aeroplaneheaven.com. I'll resend them again. Thanks for the heavy sarcasm and professionalism...

ummm...I don't see anything sarcastic - just a few quips about beer and puppies...and a reference to yet another half arsed sports game that non 'mericans think is cool..:a1310: but 'tisn't...
Thank you for the advice on operating the engine cowl flaps. Holding down the left mouse button on the switch, then using the scroll wheel, opens and closes them in increments.

I don't want to drop bombs thank you. As a young boy growing up just south of London, I lived in fear of German bombs dropping on a daily basis. Many a night spent trembling in my bed, and I have to tell you, it aint funny!

Puppies frolicking together in a field of daises is impossible. One, have you ever seen an actual field of daises? Its way to high for puppies to see one another to frolick. Two, you'd have to drink a lot of beer just to be able to sit through and watch a game of Rugby....

Just so folks are clear, I did not take his post as offensive or rude. I thought it was rather witty.
HD Textures

A much better composition IMO. Great offering guys. The new HP textures and overall appearance is much appreciated. I wonder if someone will create a new set of prop discs? These? well, I am not warming up to them.

I am hoping that one of you repainters will locate a B-17F named "Brewery Wagon" or "Beer Barrel" or "Miller Time" or something like that and paint it --- because I want the free beer !!!!! :very_drunk:
Oh, well, "Brewery Wagon" was a B-24D (41-24294) shot down on the 8/1/43 Ploesti raid.

Yes, agree that beer would be good....

I think "Brewery Wagon" was actually a B-24D shot down in Operation Tidal Wave - Ploiesti (Ploesti, older spelling) - 376th BG. Remember seeing pictures of it from some book in WW2 collection when I was a kid. New set of "clothes" really enhances the AH B-17F. Agree about the prop disks, though. Something seems to be missing there for me.


EDIT see someone beat me to it!!!:kilroy: