Graphics settings help

Hey GaryR: I have close to the same rig, but have not overclocked my E8400 yet.

How much difference does the extra 0.6 GHz make? Worth it?

Also, if you have TrackIR I wonder how bad the blue-triangles are when rapidly panning your head. Mine are noticeable and I am hoping to tweak some things to make these go away.

I have a TIR 3 w/Vector but can't seem to get used to it so for now I just use snap views. I don't remember any kind of blue-triangles, what are they?
I don't remember any kind of blue-triangles, what are they?

Hi GaryR: If you turn your head fast with TrackIR, there can be some flashes of blue triangles along the trailing edge of the screen. Apparently the panning is to fast for the textures to load fully (or something to that effect).

Was curious if overclocking my E8400 would make it better. No worries.
Hi GaryR: If you turn your head fast with TrackIR, there can be some flashes of blue triangles along the trailing edge of the screen. Apparently the panning is to fast for the textures to load fully (or something to that effect).

Was curious if overclocking my E8400 would make it better. No worries.

that is a core two duo (e8400) right? what kinda frame rates you getting and what are your slider settings?
Hi GaryR: If you turn your head fast with TrackIR, there can be some flashes of blue triangles along the trailing edge of the screen. Apparently the panning is to fast for the textures to load fully (or something to that effect).

Was curious if overclocking my E8400 would make it better. No worries.

I would say normally yes, running the CPU 20+% faster will increase frame rates as long as your video card isn't already maxed out. Overclock that a bit too if possible, but do one at a time and look for overheating or anomalies...

New ATI 9.1 drivers out today -
that is a core two duo (e8400) right? what kinda frame rates you getting and what are your slider settings?

Hi Bungo_Pete: Yes, a core2duo.

I am running 1920x1200x32 screen resolution on a 27" monitor with an 8800 GT vidcard, AA set to none, sliders at 5/4/4/5/1.

Frame rates are around 40 to 50 typically flying around, but can drop into the twenties or so when there is a lot going on. No stutters...very smooth.
Hi Bungo_Pete: Yes, a core2duo.

I am running 1920x1200x32 screen resolution on a 27" monitor with an 8800 GT vidcard, AA set to none, sliders at 5/4/4/5/1.

Frame rates are around 40 to 50 typically flying around, but can drop into the twenties or so when there is a lot going on. No stutters...very smooth.

Thanks scout,I'm out the door to pick one up,no matter what i do i could not get this thing past the 20's except on clear days and even then it would drop down into the teens when hard turns were employed and stuttering too you get stuttering?