Grumman Avenger by ORBX

something weird: Only one of my repaints shows up in the sim, although I have three in the Community folder, ànd the Orbx model itself is also not there (in the sim I mean).
I am stumped. If I remove the one that shows, one other will show up, but only one. Anobody have any idea what culd be causing this?
BTW, I uploaded #110 on fs.2, try for yourself if it happens with you as well...
something weird: Only one of my repaints shows up in the sim, although I have three in the Community folder, ànd the Orbx model itself is also not there (in the sim I mean).
I am stumped. If I remove the one that shows, one other will show up, but only one. Anobody have any idea what culd be causing this?
BTW, I uploaded #110 on fs.2, try for yourself if it happens with you as well...
I'm at work, but I'll definitely try tonight when I'm home!

I tried to see if I could do any other paintscheme for the Avenger (3-tone, Atlantic, early war) but alas the tailplanes are inverted, not mirrored:

Screenshot (15626) by JanKees Blom, on Flickr

so the white one is blue at the bottom.
So sorry guys, not going to happen, unless orbx come with an update. stupid