Hawker Sea Fury

The trick to getting aircraft to stay and look static is to have their flights be at somewhere around 0200. Or so I've been told, I haven't done it myself yet.

Hi Chaps

An update - both good news and bad news!

The bad news first - I have spoken with Dave and there wont be a quick update of the Sea Fury released.

The good news - since I retired, Dave has been working away quietly with another guy on a new Sea Fury for both FS9 and FSX. I dont have more details, and as I am no longer part of the team, please dont ask me any questions about it. But, knowing Dave, I expect that the new Sea Fury will be excellent!


Can anyone tell me, remember I'm dumb on this stuff, where it is that you change the flying time to 0200 for those AI aircraft? Not good to have those pesky airliners on approach when I'm doing low level demo flights with an F-86. Now I just turn traffic off. Would be nice to see them parked, airport closed.
Hi Paul,

Thanks for the update. I still fly the original Sea Fury a lot. Its a cracker. :ernae:

Best wishes
Steve P