Hercules fans....you ain't gonna believe this...

There is also a nice 302 AW one on there...I downloaded and loved it...but I believe it needs to be a bit darker...wonderful job, however.
Seems the aircraft title names are hard coded into the panel wasm file. You can open it with notepad or similar and have a look, but don't try and change anything or you'll probably stop it from working. If you name your repaint with one of these titles it'll work, even as a separate add-on type.
Its a shame :(. How is possible that they are blocking possibility to add more, own repaints?
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They wouldn't need to update it, as they're already in the list. There's around 280 listed! The file is in the aircrafts panel folder, Captain_Sim.m133.sys.wasm
Thanks :)
I don't have the Herc (yet) but do have the 767, looks like the same technique can be used there too. Good find!
I was annoyed enough at Captain Sim's blocking aftermarket liveries (and after reading the board here, figured out the workaround...BTW...buying their livery pack gives you three more "slots" to use on liveries you really want-- I did that). But for me, the final straw happened overnight, when Captain Sim apparently went in and sanitized their community boards by removing any questions/comments they a.) didn't want to answer, or b.) didn't want on their board. They recently placed a post about what C-130 variant they should build next, and my reply was: "None yet. Fix the one you have released...the fuel system is broken for one..." And yep, they didn't like that and took it down. I understand removing abusive people, but people who have a legitimate point or suggestion for improvement to make about the product should not be silenced. Clearly they remain "not ready for prime time".
Guys, download this WASM livery fix before Captain Sim have it removed:
If they DO remove it, I have a copy which I'll email to you if you DM me.

I had a momentary lapse in judgement and actually believed Captain Sim was trying to make things right by releasing a complete product, but that was squashed rather quickly. This whole blockage of repaints, removal of the paintkit and silencing any comments they don't like shows exactly who they are and what they care about now.

This same C-130 model has been for sale on a 3D modelling site for around $1,000 for a couple years now. They probably had that author build a cockpit for it. https://www.turbosquid.com/3d-models/lockheed-c-130-h-hercules-1777615

I have the fix for the blacked out texture and will never purchase a livery pack from them or support this company any further.
I suspect, especially after reading the last paragraph in the description for the fix, that this download will not last long. (CS probably has a valid case for slander.) I'm betting that CS will be putting out a cease and desist order for anyone suspected of distributing the modified model file.

Now with this fix, let's hope for some quality repaints coming up.

CS will probably squash any that are uploaded.
I suspect, especially after reading the last paragraph in the description for the fix, that this download will not last long. (CS probably has a valid case for slander.) I'm betting that CS will be putting out a cease and desist order for anyone suspected of distributing the modified model file.

CS will probably squash any that are uploaded.
It's not the model file, but you're right. They're a bunch of crooks really. The name they got on flightsim.to is merited: Captain Scam.

Priller (back to uploading the file repository)
I think their faux poll on "what external model should we do next - all of them will have the same classic C-130 cockpit" is an indication of their intent in the new sim. Such a disappointment really. Does anyone on here actually know these guys personally? Do we have any read out on their "state of mind "?
I think their state of mind is a.) very influenced by their Iron Curtain upbringing (zero business/customer service acumen...and a strong belief in censoring anyone who doesn't play directly into their objectives), and b.) they could care less about system detail and accuracy, with their focus shifting to throwing livery packs and products out the door as quickly as possible (example: in "Livery Pack 1", their 1970s camo Herk doesn't even have "USAF" and "Stars and bars" on the upper and lower wings...it is clear they were in a rush) to generate maximum cash from the gaming (vs. sim) community. Just my impression.
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"what external model should we do next - all of them will have the same classic C-130 cockpit"
So... A C-130J with steam gauges is a real possibility? Yeah... That will go over real well... But what this tells me is that they bought the external model, then they bought the internal model, then the slapped them together and put them up for sale. Now they want to know which external model should be paired the same internal model.
I guess as long as the new variant external model isn't a -J (since the -J is a glass cockpit with HUD), it would be close(r) to reality...
I'd be willing to bet they still try to pump out a J just to try to get ahead of Milviz/BB and have bragging rights - only to be lambasted for putting out a steam cockpit. But there will still be a few they buy it, simply because they don't know CS' background.