HMS Bounty Project

I assure you all that the fascinating stuff is still coming ... I am getting glimpses of it daily; thank you Nigel. :))) :jump:

I'd post a screenshot but I believe that is Nigel's place to do when he is ready, not mine. :wiggle:
Well, NOW you got me curious on your definition on "filler" projects ......

Because, between the Bounty and (let's not forget) the Pinto, it certainly can't have anything to do with quick-and-dirty addons .... :triumphant:

Cheers, Rob

Filler projects are projects I get to play with while awaiting completions of phases I have little control over. :)

Yes, the Pinto and the Top Fuel Dragster were two of them, the HMS Bounty, and the "Rotohub" AC685 Commander for FS9, and the Grumman Mallard now.

Sorry for the OT response.
I assure you all that the fascinating stuff is still coming ... I am getting glimpses of it daily; thank you Nigel. :))) :jump:

I'd post a screenshot but I believe that is Nigel's place to do when he is ready, not mine. :wiggle:

I always prefer to see your screenshots, Skipper :encouragement:

Let me just have a scratch around to see what we've got...
Bounty textures log; Day 3...

Exactly how the Avia 57 'floater' got into the story is an old seadog's tale in itself.
Let's just say that these projects often take us to unexpected destinations in our quest for the exotic.


So far, we've managed to plot out the main planking areas to scale using the original ship's drawings.
Fitting them as a guidline over Milton's mapping bmps was a breeze - no surprise; they were spot on!​


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With a little more fine adjustment, Bounty's figurehead 'Bethia' will once again proudly ride the bow.
We're basically working our away around the texture sheets - it'll be a challenge in itself to match the beautiful woodwork and decking Milton has already done.



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Okay, then I will post one. :)

This was Nigel's first foundation work on the hull, just 1 day at getting base lines setup and toning out .... amazing how the size, weight and volume start showing even at this stage.

This screenshot was taken before the progress on the ones Nigel posted above.
With the prospect of a creative weekend, things should start progressing rapidly.



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Where's the ouzo!

Seriously though Nigel, what ocean texture set is that, or is it that other SIM in the upstairs forum?


Ah, no go on the X front for me, won't run nice on my system. It loads, then after a few minutes all background textures
flash on/off , and once it starts the strobe display it degenerates to about 1 frame in 5 seconds.

Strangely the fsx demo runs without a hitch.

It's why I'm sticking with fs9 for now. Maybe if I get a new rig one day I might try again.


Steady as she goes...


A few more glimpses of how she's now shaping up with a little preliminary light and shade
always helps when we start tackling the nitty gritties...​


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A fresh new 'Day 5' ahead...


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We still have some chores yet to do tweaking roll response to crosswinds and yaw response to rudder. We are making good progress.

Here I had a direct crosswind of 55 knots, just checking how much we could withstand before a snaproll.

The goal is to set the sail configurations based on wind direction and speeds and that will be done once we have the ship stabilized in all situations.

Using the Beaufort scale, we set configurations, although more simplistically, to this:

Wind Speeds and Required Sails

Wind Speeds and Required Sails

Beaufort scale        Speed  knots         mph, km/h        sail lore

0  calm            <1                <1            no steering way

1 light air            1-3                1-3, 1-5        just steering way

2 light breeze        4-6                4-7, 6-11        full sail, 1-2 knots

3 gentle breeze        7-10                8-12, 12-19    full sail, 3-4 knots

4 moderate breeze    11-16            13-17, 20-28    full sail, 5-6 knots

5 fresh breeze        17-21            18-24, 29-38    + royals

6 strong breeze        22-27            25-30, 39-49    + full topgallants

7 high wind                28-33            31-38, 50-61    + reefed topgallants

8 gale                     34-40            39-46, 62-74    + topsails

9 strong gale        41-47            47-54, 75-88    + reefed topsails, courses

10 storm            48-55            55-63, 89-102    + double reefed topsails and reefed courses

11 violent storm        55-63            64-73, 103-117         storm sails only

12 hurricane        => 64            => 74, => 118    no sails
This is the first time that I've seen this project and have just had a read through the thread, simply stunning work Milton!! Well done to all involved :applause:
This is the first time that I've seen this project and have just had a read through the thread, simply stunning work Milton!! Well done to all involved :applause:

Thank you Pat. Having started this as a "filler" project in Nov 2012, its nice to get her to this level. Between the magic of Rob Barendregt and Nigel Richards, and SrGalahad, this project has turned to something very special, interesting, fun and challenging. Nigel continues to splash paint as we speak, and I do look forward to the oncoming sound work, and SrGalahad and PRB are working on some interesting race challenges.

I enjoy running the rivers and fjords wherever there are mountains, and in this shot, the Amazon river. :)
Good stuff Milton. :0)

Of course had this been a CFS3 model you could have spear throwing natives and return musket fire! ;-)
Discovery Channel in Canada has launched a new web series entitled Tall Ship Odyssey.
While it's another of those 'reality' series so focused on the "human drama" it seems to have some good scenes ( and may show more) of the process of sailing a tall ship - in this case the Barque "Picton Castle". So far it looks like the only content is the trailer/teaser.

Interesting locations - Bali, Moorea, Pitcairn Island (maybe the crew will mutiny?)

Note: like some of these things the site may be blocked outside a selected area
wonder if i could texture 'bake' the girl..... to bring in some more 'depth'... Nigels done a sterling job as always!

....Just watch the bottoms of your cups guys.... never know who's throwing shillings round in the pubs these days! (the origin as i recall of 'taking the countrys shilling' (to serve) )
Thanks for the offer Matt, but at this stage, I do not want to alter the work that Nigel is doing.

Can't say I've had a shilling thrown to my cup Mate. Hopefully it would be of silver stock if so. :)