HMS Bounty Project

Those textures look absolutely stunning you blokes! I'll be docking the LUN here in a day or so, at Portsmouth, after rounding up the lot of scallywags that heisted the ouzo stash from the Orlenok. I'll be looking for your ship there. Very nice work!

I have invested the past month working on animated flags (3 speeds waving slow to fast), animating sail yard arm animations, showing/hiding sails, anchor chains, stowed sails, and a Sail Management Gauge.
That is done now except for some needed tweaks.

We are very fortunate to have drawn the interest of Rob Barendregt to bring his expertise to bear on the ship's response to wind direction, wind speed, and sail configurations. He is just getting started but the initial test is immensely interesting.

As seen in the attachments, ship speeds are controlled based on wind speeds, wind direction, and sail configuration, leaning away from the winds, turns, etc. brings a lot of realism to the experience. This is getting awesome folks. :)

My thanks to Rob for his interest and time investment in this project.
Oh my, Milton. This is beginning to look absolutely
Thanks to you and your team. The angles while tacking etc,
look great. Looking forward to see what the texturing of the
sails look like.

I don't think I have looked forward to any creation as much as this.

Very best regards

Hi all,

I am afraid I have not been keeping up with Milton and Nigel with my texturing on the Bounty. Too busy at work to do the things I really want to ... However I promise to do better in the next couple of days!

Not a problem Sasha, you have been a tremendous help to me teaching me about sailing big ships, sail rigging and sail management. Without that help, this would be just another AI craft. :) Thanks

And, of course, I am working on other things as well so I am very busy spreading my time around multiple projects.
Don't burn yourself out Milton. All great thing come to he who waits.
This is an astounding project.SIR.


Rob Barendregt joined the project to bring much more realism to the sailing experience. His results to-date have been excitingly realistic. :)

The Bounty is now completely driven by wind speed, wind direction, sails yard arms position, and sails deployed. No engine is used.

Sails have 10 positions from square, 5 to the port side, 5 to the starboard side, 11 degrees movement between positions. Sails and rigging are animated.
Positions are described as Close Hauled, Broad Reach, Beam Reach, and Running. The Ship heading and speeds, Sail positions, wind speeds, directions, atmospheric conditions are displayed on the Sail Management gauge.

Speed over the water depends on those factors. Crosswinds provide lateral movement/course diversions (yaw) and roll/leaning.
You may not sail into the wind. Winds into the sail faces slow and stop the ship. You cannot tack through a headwind on heavy, tall ships/square riggers.
Proper sail management in a headwind or "locked irons" situation will allow limited, slow backward movement (0.1 - 2 knots), and you can use rudder steering to get out of the situation.
That may require 2-5 minutes based on winds and your sail management expertise.]

The Bounty sports 4 animated, waving flags based on wind speeds and wind direction.

Currently, there are two models, one model to sail and a lower-poly model for AI.

Sasha is doing the textures; Nigel is doing sounds (beware of sailor speak), Rob is managing the ship's responses to winds, Milton is trying to manage the "flight" model.

More fun to come :)
That post answers a question I was about to ask.
Using wind alone. Wow, this is becoming one hell
of a project.

Thanks for your comments.

We are still making some progress, albeit slowly.

The sail management gauge textures have improved a lot; thank you Nigel for getting this started.

I also set up a "Crows Nest" view in FS9 to better judge water terrain especially when navigating rivers.

We are mainly needing textures now before we can do any beta testing.
Hi Milton,
I really do not know where you find the time, but much thanks for keeping us in the loop.

We do have a texture plan and hopefully it will get started sometime in the next 2 weeks.

Meanwhile I have been sailing around Port Hardy, Ketchikan (PAKT), Stewart, Bella Coola, Hope, AK, Anchorage, Friday Harbor, and various rivers in BC.

In spite of what you have seen, the proper ensign of England will be flown in either white, red, or blue, depending. :)

Don't mind the temporary textures here; just playing.

Sorry to keep posting teasers but I assure you the Bounty is in progress, as is the Harpoon, the Mallard, the Lodestars, the AC685 Rockwell Aero Commander, and the Pinto, all active.