If You Had To Choose Three ???

Donation drives

SOH Bandwidth Drive 2025

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Too generous Matt

hmm.... wonder if the HAF would accept a £35k for one of them... yeah £35k in my bank for property usage only.... but my parents & Grandparents did not state for what kind of property :icon_lol: if for housing.... no worries i can always whack a double bed in a C-47 and a lounge :icon_lol:

Make them an offer they can't refuse;

Give the buggers 300, with delvery at their expense!...
and a conditional agreement in writing, that they'll find the pair of engines for you (price inclusive).

Then, tell them you're 'Air Ministry"...that their legal use of these aircraft has long expired (ex RAF Daks, all of them), and that you immediately demand a full inquiry with written report into who was responsible for using some of the airframes for fire fighting practice without written permission!

The writing bit works every time...the silly clots love that kind of stuff.

Yes! Of course you can stick it on a plinth on my farm...the more, the merrier.
You'd have a wonderful view, too. I Know just the spot...

View attachment 53449

And at dawn, while enjoying you first cuppa, savour at eye level, all the traffic you've busily been 'arranging' over the past year:-
alternatively i get an ultralight and that way we can use it to get to and from Tanagra for HAF Open Day 'Apxaggelos' :icon_lol:

another FS Aircraft that'd be fun to have would be the Hotspur....
Very interesting thread, this, especially to see how much interest there is in the Bucc. As Andy rightly pointed out, we've been doing one (should I say Skippy and Fraser have) for the last millennium over at Flying Stations that one day will see the light of day for FSX. Not sure if a port over to 9 is possible but seeing as there is so much interest I would not say it is impossible. But I make no offerings on timelines for that.

And while these next items do not address anyone else's wishlists here, my next projects will be: a new Hawker Sea Hawk for FS9 and FSX, Bristol Beaufort, Canberra fighter canopy versions and the American tandem seat Canberras. Not necessarily in that order but I think the Sea Hawk is on deck next after I conclude the Canberra bomber canopy series before I'm 80.

Wow, brilliant news Steve, all of it; fingers very crossed that the Bucc can be ported over for us luddites. And you know if you mention Seahawk I'm going to say it ........ any chance of a P1052 in the mix? :jump:
Another vote for the 'Bucc' here.. (well I am ex 208 Sqn and Q-ABC-A (qualified to maintain Buccaneer Airframes) holder!!!)
and I would add

2) Dornier 18
3) Focke-Wulf 200C (the warbird one)


fingers very crossed that the Bucc can be ported over for us luddites

Arthritis - Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaArthritis (from Greek arthro-, joint + -itis, inflammation; plural: arthritides) is a form
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Andy, you are way off-topic.

You're aches and pains, distressing as they may be, have absolutely nothing to do with Fs2004 or aviation in general.


my next projects will be: a new Hawker Sea Hawk for FS9 and FSX, Bristol Beaufort, Canberra fighter canopy versions and the American tandem seat Canberras. Not necessarily in that order but I think the Sea Hawk is on deck next after I conclude the Canberra bomber canopy series before I'm 80.
:icon_lol: :applause:

Sing: We have no bananas...we have no bananas today...la, la, la - la, la, la...
Day 2; Calling all modellers... What NEVER to model...EVER!!!

I thought today, I'd try and be a bit more useful to our wonderful modellers than I was yesterday.

It's all very well, saying what we'd like to have, but I do consider we're making things more confusing for these great men of Art.

My view is that we should also 'carefully' guide them away from obvious (to us, anyway) pitfalls and non-starters.

So, instead of 3, I'm going to present just 1 aircraft I would NEVER, EVER wish to see in Fs2004!

Morane-Saulnier MS.317
It's in full colour to assist identification. Warning: Remember the name and Do NOT model this 'thingamybob'!

View attachment 53450

I thought today, I'd try and be a bit more useful to our wonderful modellers than I was yesterday.

It's all very well, saying what we'd like to have, but I do consider we're making things more confusing for these great men of Art.

My view is that we should also 'carefully' guide them away from obvious (to us, anyway) pitfalls and non-starters.

So, instead of 3, I'm going to present just 1 aircraft I would NEVER, EVER wish to see in Fs2004!

Morane-Saulnier MS.317

Ah-ha.. ye olde 'reverse logic' good thinking there

Sorry Nigel; you're about 2 years too late ....

try again..someone beat you to it; ..

it hasn't been modelled already !!! clicky here ------> http://www.classicwings.net/freeplanes/morane/morane.html

and likewise the same person is also not at all making an Ercoupe 415 ---> http://www.classicwings.net/projects/projects.html


Sorry Nigel; you're about 2 years too late .... try again..someone beat you to it; .. it hasn't been modelled already !!! clicky here ------> http://www.classicwings.net/freeplanes/morane/morane.html



Pete, well spotted mate! :salute:
That was 2 years ago. How could everyone sit by and all let those poor guys waste so much valuable time?

Good thing we posted...wouldn't like to see the same mistake made twice!
My 3 would be:

1. Adam A-500 (Since I built them)
2. Adam A-700 (Since I built them)
3. PZL Wilga-2000
Just a shame we couldn't add a few Buccs to that mix .......

i meant genuine Rhinos, the kind that in spring knocks blossoms off his trees... Nigels wife is probably already deciding which frying pan to use to clobber me with :icon_lol:

which reminds me... i have to try and convince the HAF to send the Viper Demo to RIAT next year :icon_lol:

At least soon we'll have an all new Bucc kitfor the AS one, then we can do some skins for that... oh and Andy, can you attempt to whizz me over your Tactical Strike & Recon 2 work so i can collate them all into 1 (Hopefully) installer..... :icon_lol:
Did you meean me Mr Wynn? Meet the mother-in-law 'Chinook'

View attachment 53460 (Lady on the right) This is Mrs Richards speaking;

I have a range of suitable utensils at my disposal awaiting you here. See how spotless I've got the frying pan!
I also share a keen interest in all things flyable - Nigel promised me that if you come to visit us, you'd paint my frying pan in my favourite paint scheme...a what if?

(Lady? on the left)

Hi Matt baby! I'm Nigel's dear Mother-in-Law. He thinks the world of me. He even calls me Chinook!
My hobbies? Mostly hoverin' about doing circuits and bumps. I also have a keen interest in underwing pylons.

Oh, nearly forgot; do you like my arrestor hook young Matt?

weapons.....lots of 'em!View attachment 53461View attachment 53462View attachment 53463View attachment 53464
Here's my list.

Beriev A-40 Albatross (codenamed Mermaid)
Focke Achgelis Fa 223 Drache
Focke Wulf Fw 200 Condor (Military Version)

If anybody mentioned these planes, I am just supporting your ideas.
Beriev A-40 Albatross (codenamed Mermaid)

The A-40 has been on my list since i can remember, i had started it but then a system crash happened and i lost her :(


I dunno.... if i ever get time and if my company i established gets someone in to assist me in making her.... :salute:
Lol yes I will do what I can to persuade the power that be that FS9 deserves a Bucc too. Mind you, it's been hard enough to see the FSX release happen so don't hold your breath on it! Real life always has that annoying way of intereferring in FS life... ...P1052...now you're pushing it, Andy! Matt, I've always thought the Albatross a real class-looking bird- something about a jet powered sea plane that is so exotic. Hope you can pull that one off one day...